Bibliography J - R
Exhibit 203 from
©2019 Tony Hyman, all rights reserved
[233] 10-04-20
Bibliography J - R
Exhibit 203 from
©2019 Tony Hyman, all rights reserved
[233] 10-04-20
This list of documents is provided to help researchers. It is not to be copied, duplicated, scanned, photographed or reproduced in any way in whole or part without my written permission.
© Tony Hyman, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
I seek to buy printed copies of pre-1950 Gov’t regs, reports or documents related to cigars or tobacco.
[x]: xerox copy [hb]: hardbound book
[bp]: paperback book [gp]: government pamphlet
[mag]: entire magazine [n]: newspaper & clipping
Green: Books of note for quality and depth of information
In July of 2018, while adding to the library, I realized I was doing the same thing I complained
about others doing... making print too small.
I immediately raised the type 3 points.
I hope you find the new type easier.
Jacobstein, Meyer. THE TOBACCO INDUSTRY IN THE UNITED STATES. New York: The Columbia University Press, 1907. Originally published as Vol. 26, No. 3, in the Studies in History, Economics and Public Law. Hardcover reprint by AMS Press, New York, 1968.
Jasek, Edward. "The Cigar: Survivor of Better Days," [about F.D. Grave & Son Cigar Co.], THE NEW HAVEN REGISTER (April 2, 1967) pages 12-13. [x]
Jeffers, H(arry) Paul and Kevin Gordon. THE GOOD CIGAR: A Celebration of the Art of Cigar Smoking. New York: Lyons & Burford, Publishers, 1996. 7.25" x 8.25" hardcover w/dj. A few illus. 208 pp. back half of which are water wrinkled. Inconsequential work except for list of brands and frontmarks then available.
Jefferson, Harley W. THE INSIDE STORY: A PRIVATE TOUR OF WAITT & BOND. Newark: Waitt & Bond, n.d. [ca1949]. autographed.
Jehle, William J. ONE MAN’S TRASH: A HISTORY OF THE CIGAR BOX GUITAR. 339 pages. 5”x8” softcover. By the author, n.p., ©1910.
(I wish I were there to talk him out of the misleading opening three words in the title of this otherwise fine book.)
Jenkinds, John Wilber. JAMES B. DUKE: MASTER BUILDER. New York: Books for Business, 2007. Reprint from 1927 edition. Paper covered 5" x 8" 302 pages. New.
Jenkinson, A.M., compiler. WHIFFLETS. Pittsburgh: R & W Jenkinson Co. [stogie makers], 1897. Hardcover company publication.
Jenks, Ethan A. DAILY JOURNAL. Providence, Rhode Island: handwritten records of Federal Tax collector detailing factories, warehouses and stores visited June 4th, 1886 through March 25, 1887. Includes notes on violations, recommendations, citations, follow-ups involving tobacco, cigars, oleomargarine, beer and liquor. "...says he does carry tobacco to parties when they give their order for it but he never carries it out and sells it..." "...he will call in a day or two and pay the tax and penalty..." "...he is now in jail awaiting trial..." "...he must stamp all his cigars before quitting business..." "...does not deal in butterine...", etc. Describes getting court orders and warrants in fight with local police chief who refused to turn over confiscated untaxed liquor.
Jimenez, Antonio Nunez. THE JOURNEY OF THE HAVANA CIGAR. Havana: Cubatabaco, 1988.
[Jno. H. Swisher & Son, Inc.]. KING EDWARD PRESENTS CIGARAMA. Jacksonville, FL: Jno. H. Swisher & Son, Inc., 1957. [comic book]
Jones, Dove and Robert Maleeny. THE CIGAR BOOK: FUN FACTS, FANCIFUL QUOTES & OTHER REALLY COOL STUFF. Atlanta: Accommodating Vices, 1996. 4" X 6" sparse illustrations. Like new condition.
Kammen, Carol. "A Look at Ithaca's Cigar Strike," ITHACA JOURNAL date unknown (c1980-85).
Kaufman, Stuart B. THE SAMUEL GOMPERS PAPERS, VOL 1: THE MAKING OF A UNION LEADER, 1850-86. Urbana: U. of Illinois Press, 1986. 529 pp. illus. [hb]
Kelley, Sloane, “The United Cigar Stores of America” in CIGAR MAGAZINE vol. 2: No. 4 (Winter 2005), pages 68-78. Like new magazine. Informative article marked up. Also have photocopy.
Kelly, Jack, “Bright Idea Sparked Growth of Coin-Op Manufacturer,” ANTIQUE WEEK (February 11, 1991), page 10. Xerox copy signed by the author.
Kiernan, V.G. TOBACCO: A HISTORY. London: Hutchinson Radius, 1991. Hard cover, 249 pages, w/dj. Very fine condition, with pencil notes in margin.
Killebrew, J.B. "Report on the Culture and Curing of Tobacco in the United States," in REPORT ON THE PRODUCTIONS OF AGRICULTURE AS RETURNED AT THE 10TH CENSUS (JUNE 1, 1880). Washington DC: GPO, 1883. pp 881-950. Hardcover; fair to good condition.
Killebrew, J.B. and Herbert Myrick. TOBACCO LEAF; ITS CULTURE AND CURE, MARKETING AND MANUFACTURE. New York: Orange Judd Company, 1920. [hb]
Killough, Lucy Winsor. THE TOBACCO PRODUCTS INDUSTRY IN NEW YORK AND ITS ENVIRONS. Economic Series Monograph #5: Economic and Industrial Survey. New York: Committee on Regional Plan of New York and its Environs, 1924. [2 xrxs]
Kinkade, Art. "Cigars, Guavas and Revolution," ? (January 1970), pp 20-23.
Kashiwabara, Yosh. MATCHBOOK ART. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1990. Softcover, 9.5" x 10", profusely illustrated 118 pages in like new condition.
Kislingbury, Roger E. SALOONS - BARS - CIGAR STORES: HISTORICAL INTERIOR PHOTOGRAPHS. Pasadena, CA: Waldo and VanWinkle, 1999. Attractive hard cover 12 1/8" x 9 1/4" prolifically illustrated 336 pages. Like new.
Klein, Frederic Shriver. LANCASTER COUNTY SINCE 1841 (Revised Edition). Lancaster, PA: The Lancaster County National Bank, 1955. Illustrations by Florence Taylor. Hardcover, 239 pages. A few b/w ill. Fine condition .
Klein, Dr. H.M.J. “Two Hundred Years of Advertising in Lancaster County,” Lancaster, PA: Lancaster Advertisers Club, 1929. An address given at the 200th Anniversary Meeting of the Club. Paper covered 5.5” x 7.5” stapled 15 pages, one tipped in illustration. Mint condition.
Kline, John B. TOBACCO FARMING & CIGAR MAKING TOOLS: A TOOL COLLECTORS' GUIDE. [Reamstown, PA]: by author, 1975. 52p good effort. [pb]
Klopfer, Hans-Dietrich. 120 JAHRE ZIGARETTENMASCHINENBAU IN DEN USA, ENGLAND, FRANKREICH UND DEUTSCHLAND or 120 Years of cigarette machines in the USA, England, France and Germany. (Cover Title) Inside title also in German & English: TOBACCO THROUGH THE AGES: THE INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION OF HAND-MADE CIGARETTES AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF CIGARETTE MACHINERY IN THE USA, ENGLAND, FRANCE AND GERMANY FROM 1867 TO THE PRESENT DAY: Bilingual text, approximately 48 pages each. 6” x 9”± paper covered, mint condition, well illustrated. Stuttgart, 1988.
Kneeland, Samuel, “Manila Philippines and its Surroundings,” reprint # 8259 from an unidentified 1890 HARPER’S MAGAZINE. Laurel, MD: Wordmax Books. 8.5” x 11” softcover 9 pages, illustrated.
Knowles, Rupert. and Sid Emerson. THE PRICE GUIDE BOOK OF CIGAR LABEL ART 2007 EDITION. Escondido, CA; by the authors. 128 soft cover, spiral bound, 128 pages. Good solid info. Mint condition.
Koener, Theodore, “Engraved Plate Printing and Offset Lithography Explained” in THE ETUDE (August, 1937) reproduced in THE ADVERTISING TRADE CARD QUARTERLY, Vol. IX: Number 1 (Spring, 2002), pages 6-7. Mint condition ATCQ.
Kolodny, Joseph. 4000 YEARS OF SERVICE: THE STORY OF THE WHOLESALE TOBACCO INDUSTRY AND ITS PIONEERS. New York: Farrar, Strauss & Young, 1953. Autographed hard cover.
Kranefeld, James Edward, “What This Train Needs is az Good 5¢ Cigar!” in NATIONAL RAILWAY BULLETIN, Vol. LII: Number 5, 1987, pp 35-38. One page text and 3pp common cigar labels. Article of little consequence, added for the record..
Kress, W.J.B. "Accounts of a Cigar Manufacturer," JOURNAL OF ACCOUN-TANCY v59:#4 (April 1935), pages 266-282. Xerox copy.
Kuhn, I.B., et al. TO THE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF LOCAL UNIONS. A bulletin on counterfeit Union Stamps. McSherrystown, PA: Cigar Makers' Union Local 316, 1910.
Kuntz, K.M. SMOKE. New York: Todri Productions, 1997. Hard cover, 10.25” x 10.25” illustrated. A “don’t bother to buy or read” attempt to cash-in on the cigar fad of the 90s. Silly hard-to-read double spaced (even quadruple-spaced in sidebars) text and endless photos of who-cares-celebrities written by someone who calls a COHIBA a stogie. Arrest him.
Lambrick, John, “The History of the Smoker’s Light...From Tinder-Box to Butane Jet” in A HISTORY OF SMOKING edited by Gordon West, 1953.
Lander, Meta. :”The Tobacco Problem: Esthetic View,” THE INDEPENDENT, VOL. XXXIII: No. 1691 (April 28, 1881), page 5. [x] Four column, full page article.
Landis, Noah L. FORM 73 (rev 1880): BOOK TO BE KEPT BY CIGAR MANUFACTURERS. Day book for Factory 1603 9th Tax District of Pennsylvania, January 1883 through December 1884. Worn condition original 17” x 14”. Active factory making 200 to 500 cigars a day. Starts with notation that tobacco was self-raised.
_______. FORM 73 (rev 1880): BOOK TO BE KEPT BY CIGAR MANUFACTURERS. Day book for Factory 1603 9th Tax District of Pennsylvania, January 1885 through January 1887. Fine condition original 16” x 14”. Active factory making 25,000 cigars a month.
_______. FORM 73 (rev 1880): BOOK TO BE KEPT BY CIGAR MANUFACTURERS. Day book for Factory 1603 9th Tax District of Pennsylvania, March 1887 Until factory closed January 1890. Fine condition original 16” x 14”. Active factory making 7,000 to 15,000 cigars a month.
Lang, Jane. “History of Tobacco Regulation” prepared as part of MARIHUANA, A SIGNAL OF MISUNDERSTANDING. Washington, DC: National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse, [n.d.]. Downloaded from the web. ca. 35pp.
Lang, W.K. "A Match-less Hobby," COLLECT AMERICA (July 1982), p 18. [x]
Lapique, Zoila, “Las Etiquetas de Los Habanos, Tradicion Litografica,” TABACO (February, 1997), pp 34-43.
Lasky, Michael S. "A New Leaf," PLAYBOY v20:#11 (Nov. 1973), pp165-67,ff. [m]
Last, Jay T. THE COLOR EXPLOSION: NINETEENTH-CENTURY AMERICAN LITHOGRAPHY. Santa Ana, CA: Hillcrest Press, 2005. A few underlinings, otherwise mint. 315 oversize pages, hardcover w/dj.
_______. “Trade Card Lithographers: Buek and Lindner of New York” in THE ADVERTISING TRADE CARD QUARTERLY. Vol. VI: Number 4 (Winter, 1999), pages 26-27. Mint condition original magazine.
_______. “Trade Card Lithographers: The Bufford Firms of Boston & New York” in THE ADVERTISING TRADE CARD QUARTERLY. Vol. III: Number 3 (Fall, 1996), pages 24-25. Mint condition original magazine.
_______. “Trade Card Lithographers: Henderson-Achert-Krebs of Cincinnati” in THE ADVERTISING TRADE CARD QUARTERLY. Vol. III: Number 4 (Winter, 1996), pages 26-27. Mint condition original magazine.
_______. “Trade Card Lithographers: Major & Knapp” in THE ADVERTISING TRADE CARD QUARTERLY. Vol. III: Number 2 (Summer, 1996), pages 10-11. Mint condition original magazine.
_______. “Trade Card Lithographers: Shober & Carqueville” in THE ADVER-TISING TRADE CARD QUARTERLY. Vol. III: Number 1 (Fall, 1996), pages 26-27. Mint condition original magazine.
Latimer, H.C. "History of the Lithographic Industry," in "Seventy-five years of Lithography," in LITHOGRAPHERS JOURNAL, PART II (September, 1957).
Laufer, Berthold. INTRODUCTION OF TOBACCO INTO EUROPE. Anthropology Leaflet 19. Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History, 1924. 65 pp, paper covers, spine neatly taped.
Lee, Mary [pseud: Tony Hyman]. "Smoking Man's Collectible," AMERICAN COLLECTOR v10:#7 (July 1979), pp20-21, 31. Complete magazine.
LeRoy, Bernard and Maurice Szafran. THE ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF CIGARS. London: Harold Starke, 1993. Hardcover w/dj. It’s not what it claims. Dismisses the entire American cigar industry in two brief paragraphs. Writes as if it all takes place in Cuba. It DOES NOT.
Lewine, Harris. GOODBYE TO ALL THAT. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1970. Not in the NCM library. Reference used by Dick Elliott in guest article.
Lewis, Edward R. Jr. REFLECTIONS OF CANTON. Canton, IL: ?,?. [px]
Lewis, John. PRINTED EPHEMERA: THE CHANGING USES OF TYPE AND LETTERFORMS IN ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PRINTING. Woodbridge, Suffolk, England: Antique Collectors’ Club, 1990. Reprint of 1962 book. Oversize hard cover w/dj. Super book.
Lewis, Joseph. "The First Union Label," in 100 YEARS WITH THE CIGAR MAKERS. Washington DC: CMIU of A, 1964. [mag/cp]
Liggett, Louis H. HOW TO MAKE THE CIGAR STAND SUPPORT THE DRUG STORE. New York: National Cigar Stands Company, 1903. 6.3” x 9.5” hardcover 60 pages, illustrated. Badly stained cover, otherwise excellent.
Linnee, Susan. “The Cuban Cigar: An Enduring Relic,” unidentified Western New York newspaper, 1978.
Linsmier, Edward. “ After 150 Years of Rolling Them, Tampa is Close to No Cigars, THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 21, 2014. A version of this article appears on page A1 of the July 22, 2014 NYC printed edition.
Lipman, Jean. AMERICAN FOLK ART IN WOOD , METAL AND STONE., N.P.: PANTHEON, 1948 . Xerox copy of Foreword and pages 25 -31, 105 - 108, and miscellaneous others.
Livingston, William. “The Homes and Haunts of Israel Putnam,” NEW ENGLAND MAGAZINE VOL. 17 New Series (February, 1898), pages 193-212. Cut from original magazine. Fine condition. In New England 3ring binder.
Lockyer, Timothy. “Rollers ‘n Strippers, Twofers ‘n Crooks,” PENNSYLVANIA HERITAGE, vol. 7, #4, pp. 15-19. Xerox© copy
Long, Durward. "Labor Relations in the Tampa Cigar Industry, 1885-1911," LABOR HISTORY v12:#4 (Fall 1971), pp? [x]
_______. “The Open-Closed Shop Battle in Tampa’s Cigar Industry, 1919-1921,” THE FLORIDA HISTORICAL QUARTERLY, Vol. 47, #2 (October, 1968), pp. 101-121. Xerox© copy
Lorillard & Co. [Fairfax Downey]. LORILLARD AND TOBACCO: 200 TH ANNIVERSARY OF P. LORILLARD COMPANY; 1760-1960. [Greensboro: P. Lorillard], 1960. [Have both both paper and hardcover]
_______. LITTLE CIGARS & CHEROOTS: THE WAY TO INCREASE BUSINESS. 16p promotional brochure for dealers, in color, c 1920. 3.5"x6" [paper cover] Nice!
_______. A MODERN AND MODEL INDUSTRIAL PLANT. Richmond, VA: P. Lorillard, c1912. Paper covered brochure to induce women to come to work in the new Whitlock factory. Stapled 9 5/8" x 6 1/2" illustrated with full page photos of factory benefits (not work area). 16 pages + covers. Very good condition, two corners creased on covers and cover "fold" is fragile. Very rare.
Loughlin, Joe. "Let's Count Heads," letter to editor in AMERICA v107 (June 23, 1962), p411. Response to [anon.] "Angry Cigar Workers." [x]
Luening, William. "Cigar City Rises from the Ashes," HISTORIC PRESERVATION, Vol. 34, #4 (July - Aug. 1982), pages 46-51. [Xerox©]
Lutterman, James B. THE TOBACCO MANUFACTURERS’ MANUAL. London: 1887. Large book of chemical formulae for adulteration of tobacco. Xerox of pp 68-84 dealing with cigars and cigar boxes. Fascinating. [Xerox©]
Lynch, Patrick, "Pittsburgh, the I.W.W., and the Stogie Workers," chapter in AT THE POINT OF PRODUC-TION: THE LOCAL HISTORY OF THE I.W.W. Contributions in Labor History #10. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1981. Xerox© copy of chapter.
Macarthur, W. "The Industrial Crime-Child Labor," a half-page 'symposium' in CIGAR MAKERS' OFFICIAL JOURNAL Vol. XXVII: No. 7 (May 15, 1903), p9. Original full mag.
Maguire, Phyllis. “Supreme the World Over,” NEW JERSEY MONTHLY (July, 1997).
Makris, Sheila (processor). MANUSCRIPTS NO. B53. New Haven, CT: New Haven Colony Historical Society, 1984. 34p typed mss listing Library assets of Lewis Osterweis & Sons cigar makers (1860-1954). Opens with 2pp history of the company.
Malinowski, Jay. “Cigars Find a Home,” Tampa Magazine Section of TAMPA TRIBUNE, pages 11-22. Date:?
Manchester, Herbert. DIAMOND MATCH COMPANY, THE. New York: Diamond Match Co., 1935. 6.25” x 9” illustrated in b/w, Cardboard covers slight bumping, interior as if never read.
Mankiewicz, Frank. "There's Nothing Like a Good Cigar, and to Connoisseurs, That's a Cuban," CHICAGO TRIBUNE (February 23, 1978), p?. [x]
[Mann, Horace] “A Letter from Hon. Horace Mann, Addressed to Children, on the Use of Tobacco,” THE CHILDREN’S FRIEND, Vol. II; #8 (Eighth Month), 1867. Paper covered children’s magazine 6” x 9” ± in very fine condition.
Manning, Caroline and Harriet A. Byrne. THE EFFECTS ON WOMEN OF CHANGING CONDITIONS IN THE CIGAR AND CIGARETTE INDUSTRIES. Bulletin of the US Department of Labor Women's Bureau No. 100. Washington DC: GPO, 1932. Fine condition 6” x 9” paper covered, perfect bound. One of the more important cigar-related publications. Can be found on the web:
Margulis, Ronald, “Cigar Advertising Through the Ages,” in CIGAR MAGA-ZINE v3:#2 (Spring 2006), pp 65-74. Like new magazine.
_______. “A Knight in the Cigar Museum” in CIGAR MAGAZINE v4:#4 (Winter 2007) pp 59-70. Story of Tony Hyman and the National Cigar Museum on the web. Like new magazine. Multiple copies.
_______. “Topper: 115 Years of Everyman Smokes” in CIGAR MAGAZINE (Spring 2011), pp. 51-54. Have complete mag and tear-out in New England file.
Markham, Edwin, “The Smoke of Sacrifice” in COSMOPOL-ITAN (February, 1907), pages 391-397. Pages removed from the magazine. Article “laying bare the wrongs of child labor in its many cruel forms.”
{Marquet, Cynthia] Librarian. “Brownstown Cigar Factory Records Acquired,” COCALICO VALLEY FOOTPRINTS, published by the Historical Society of the Cocalico Valley (March 1996). 8 page like new 8.5” x 11”.
Martin Cigar Co. A STORY TOLD IN PICTURES. Davenport, Iowa: Martin Cigar Co.,, [n.d. c1920]. 9.5” x 18” paper covered, folded in thirds, appears to be an ad agency’s customer sample book of 16 ads designed to run weekly in newspapers. In excellent condition. Describes & pictures a grocery wholesaler.
Martinez, Al. "While It's a Dying Art Form, It's a Satisfying Way of Life," THE HERALD WEEKEND MAGAZINE (June 21, 1981), pp 6-7. Original illus tabloid newspaper pages about Los Angeles factory.
Mascieri, Russ, “Cameo Cards: Introduction” in THE ADVERTISING TRADE CARD QUARTERLY, Vol. III: Number 2 (Summer, 1996), pages 18-26. Mint condition original magazine.
_______. “The Centennial Trade Card: A Watershed of American Advertising” in THE ADVERTISING TRADE CARD QUARTERLY, Vol. III: Number 4 (Winter, 1996), pages 20-25. Mint condition original Magazine.
Mason, J. Alden (former Asst. Curator of Mexican and South American Archaeology). USE OF TOBACCO IN MEDICO AND SOURH AMERICA. Anthropology Leaflet 16. Chicago; Field Museum of Natural History, 1924. Paper covered, 44 pages, illustrated. Edges of cover chipped. Contents fine.
Maxwell, Hon. Thomas. "History of the Village [Elmira, NY]," bound with BRIGHAM'S ELMIRA DIRECTORY, FOR 1863 AND 1864. Elmira, NY: A.Delancey Brigham, 1863. I gave away original as gift. Removed Nick's illus.
Mayer, Levy. "The Problem of the Trusts: Corporation Lawyer Suggests Federal Control as the Best Way to End Business Evils -- Thinks Reduction of Tariff Would Restore Competition," "Tenth of a Series of Articles by Eminent Men of Affairs," THE NEW YORK TIMES (Wednesday, Nov. 15, 1911). editorial predicts American Tobacco and Standard Oil will survive dissolution. Xerox©.
Mayo, Earl. “The Tobacco War,” FRANK LESLIE’S POPULAR MONTHLY, [unknown date, 1903, pages 517-526. Removed from magazine. Excellent. Illus, including Cigar Dealers Anti-Trust logo.
Maysills, Jean, “A Remembrance of General Cigar Company in Lancaster County” in JOURNAL OF THE LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Vol. 96: No. 2 (Spring, 1995), pages 39-47. Mint condition journal.
McCarter, Robert. "Heyday of the Cigar Box," MANKIND v1:#3 (October 1967), pp56-61. [mag]
McConnachie, Brian. BLOWING SMOKE, THE WILD AND WHIMSICAL WORLD OF CIGARS. Chicago, Triumph Books, 1937. Silly and pointless hard cover trying to be funny. Isn’t. w/dj 8.25” x 8.25” Don’t bother.
McDonald, Adrian Francis. THE HISTORY OF TOBACCO PRODUCTION IN CONNECTICUT. Publication LII of the Tercentenary Commission of the State of Connecticut, Committee on Historical Publications. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1936. 6” x 9” staple bound soft cover 32 pages mint condition. Stored in 3 ring NE/CT binder along with heavily marked Xerox©.
McGarry, William A. "C.J. and L.H. Eisenlohr," SYSTEM (December 1921), pages 701, 718-724. Underlined Xerox© copy in 3 ring binder.
McGinty, Stephen. CHURCHILL’S CIGAR. London: Pan Macmillan, 2007. 214 page hardcover with dust jacket in new condition. “A lifelong Love Affair Through War and Peace.”
McGuire, Ross, and Nancy Grey Osterud. WORKING LIVES: BROOME COUNTY, NEW YORK 1800-1930. Binghamton, NY: Roberson Center for the Arts and Sciences, 1980. 9”x9” 101p illus paperback about occupations in Broome county. Cigar industry on pp 51-63. Back cover creasing, else as new.
Mackenzie, Compton. SUBLIME TOBACCO. New York: Macmillan Company, 1958. Hardcover 5 7/8" x 8 3/4" with dust jacket 362 pages. A couple illustrations. Rapaport bookmark. A few marginal markings. Spine of dust jacket faded, small tears and chips top and bottom. Otherwise excellent.
McNeill, George E. AN ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF A LEGISLATIVE ENACTMENT TO ABOLISH THE TENEMENT-HOUSE CIGAR FACTORIES IN NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN. New York: no pub., 1882. 26pp. [Also under "anonymous" as it is unsigned], although it has been attributed to George E. McNeill in bibliography of MN Historical Society. Xerox copy.
Mendez, Armando. CIUDAD DE CIGARS: WEST TAMPA. Florida Historical Society, 1994. 5.5”x8” trade paperback, some illus, 198pp. Fine.
Mesmer, Philippe. THE ART OF CIGAR BANDS: Roger van Reeth Collection. London: Parkstone Press Ltd., 2000. 224 pages, profusely iillus. mint condition oversize 10” x 13” hard cover with one blem on dj.
_______. CIGARSCAPES FOR THE REFINED PLEASURE OF CIGAR-LOVERS. New York: Parkstone Press Ltd, 2001. Hardcover w/dj 6” x 8.75” profusely illustrated 104 pages. Another tiresome paean to the cigar by someone with no knowledge of history. Result? A waste of time and money. Like new.
Meserole, W[william] H[enry Harrison]. A STUDY OF TOBACCO WHOLESALERS' OPERATIONS. Office of Domestic Commerce Industrial Series No. 62. Washington DC: US Dept. of Commerce, 1946. 9”x6” paper covered 82pp booklet detailing all aspects of the wholesale business. Excellent condition except for corner cover creases and light soil on front and back cover.
Meyer, F.H. HAVANA CIGARS: HOW THEY ARE MADE AND SOLD. Translated from the 5th edition. New York: O. Judd Co., 1885. [x]
Miller, C.J., Humitube Manufacturing Co. LETTER explaining shortage of cellophane in light of rationing imposed by WWII. Peoria, IL: Humitube Manufacturing Co., no date [Dec. 1944 or Jan. 1945]. "...we are far behind in production." Original.
Miller DuBrul & Peters Manufacturing Co. CIGAR MANU-FACTURING WITHOUT ENORMOUS INVESTMENTS. Cincinnati: Miller Dubrul & Peters, 1925. Fourteen page illustrated paper covered “catalog” with different slant. Like new (except a couple fingerprints) 8 1/2” x 11”.
Miller, Helen Hill. TOBACCO AND THE BRILLIANT. Washington DC: The Smithsonian Institution, n.d. [ca 1976].
Miller, William R. FROM SEEDS TO CIGARS. Self-published: n.p., 2014. 32 attractive & informative pages crammed with original photography and solid text. Best & least expensive of the genre. Stiff covers 9.5” x 8.5” Autographed. ($12.95)
Highly recommended.
Mills, Connie. "A Rather Political Collection," ALUMNI: WESTERN KY UNIVERSITY ALUMNI MAGAZINE (Winter, 1991), pp8-9. Xerox copy of article on Julius Rather's political collection of tobacco related items.
Milmore, Benno K. and Arthur G. Conover. TOBACCO CONSUMPTION IN THE UNITED STATES, 1880 TO 1955. Published as an addendum to Haenszel et al., TOBACCO SMOKING PATTERNS IN THE UNITED STATES. Washington DC: GPO, 1956.
Miner, Nancy Hamm. "Tracing the Madeira Connection: Jacksonville has a long, rich Portuguese heritage," JACKSONVILLE JOURNAL-COURIER (Sunday, April 12, 1998), pp17, 24. Original clipping. Longer article contains brief account of cigar making among Portuguese.
Ming, Alexander, “Origin of Cigars” on page 220 of THE WEEKLY VISITOR AND LADIES’ MUSEUM, New York, Vol. III: No. 14 (August 4, 1821).
Minneman, P.G. “The Tobacco of Cuba,” REVISTA TOBACO. Volume XII; Number 137 (October, 1944). Pages 54-59. Lengthy, thorough, article.
Moore, G.E. "Report on the Chemistry of American Tobaccos," pp 858-874, in REPORT ON THE PRODUCTIONS OF AGRICULTURE AS RETURNED AT THE 10th CENSUS. Washington, DC: GPO, 1883.
Moore, Joseph Ralph. FORM 73 (rev 1944): BOOK TO BE KEPT BY CIGAR MANUFACTURERS. Day book for Factory 3 Tax District of West Virginia, January 1945 through January 1947. Data in fine condition, some wet and mouse damage to pages. 14” x 17”. Active small factory making 100 to 600 cigars a day.
Morgan, Mike. "But Machines Replace Men in Tampa's Pioneer Industry," TAMPA HERALD (February 8, 1969), p? Xerox copy.
Mormino, Gary R., “Tampa and the New Urban South” The Weight Strike of 1899,” THE FLORIDA HISTORICAL QUARTERLY, Vol. 60, #3, (1981), pp. 337- 356. xerox
Mormino, Gary R., and Anthony Pizzo. TAMPA: THE TREASURE CITY. Tulsa: Continental Heritage Press, Inc., 1983. 272 page profusely illustrated with photos, 9” x 12” with d/j. Interesting city history with a few pages about the cigar industry. Corners banged, o/w as new.
Mormino, Gary and George Pozzetta. THE IMMIGRANT WORLD OF YBOR CITY; ITALIANS AND THEIR LATIN NEIGHBORS IN TAMPA, 1885-1985. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1987. 368 pages illustrated. Hardcover in fine condition.
_______. “The Reader Lights the Candle,” LABOR’S HERITAGE, Vol. 5, #1 (Spring, 1993), pp. 4-25. xerox
Morris, Lloyd. INCREDIBLE NEW YORK. New York: Random House, 1951. Contains 2 pp about cigar stores fronting for whorehouses. [x]
Morrison, Cecelia, “The Tobacco and Cigar Industries in Montgomery County” in THE BULLETIN OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Vol. XXVIII: No. 4 (Spring, 1993), pages 310-317. Published by the Society, Norristown, PA. Paper covered Journal in mint condition.
Morrison, John L. “The Passing of the Wooden Indian,” in SCRIBNER’S Vol. LXXXIV: No. 4 (October, 1928) , pages 393-405. Fine condition magazine includes nine photos of Indians, including Captain Jack. Also have Xerox copy.
Moxey, R.L. “Making Cigars,” in COMPRESSED AIR MAGAZINE (September 1964) pages 6-11. How the Parodi factory in Moosic, PA, uses compressed air in most operations throughout the factory. Have original pages, not complete mag.
Muniz, Jose Rivero. LOS CUBANOS EN TAMPA. Translated by Eustasio Fernandez and Henry Beltran as THE YBOR CITY STORY 1885-1954. Tampa: n.p., n.d. [1970's].
_______. TABACO: SU HISTORIA EN CUBA. Two Volumes. La Havana: Instituto de Historia, 1964.
_______. YBOR CITY STORY, THE, 1885-1954. Translation of LOS CUBANOS EN TAMPA by Eustasio Fernandez and Henry Beltran. Tampa: by the translators, [n.d.].
Munsell, Joel. "A Tobacco Establishment of 1790," in THE ANNALS OF ALBANY VOL. 1. Albany, NY: J. Munsell, 1850. xerox of that section. Interesting.
Murray Cards International, Ltd. CIGARETTE CARD VALUES: GUIDE TO CIGARETTE & OTHER TRADE CARDS. 43rd Edition. London: Murray Cards International, 2009. 5 7/8” x 8 1/4” paper covered, 320 pages, illustrated.
Museum der Austria Tabakwerke AG: CIGARREN IM BRENN-PPUNKT. Vienna: Museum der Austria Tabakwerke AG: [n.d.] (1980's?). Paper covered 8"x8" 36pp illus history/catalog. Very fine condition.
Nash, Margo. “Recalling the Heyday of Trenton’s Cigar Industry,” THE NEW YORK TIMES (Sunday September 14, 2003), p. 13 (Arts & Entertainment section, New Jersey edition).
Nathan, Steve. “Tales from the Humidor II: Confessions of a Cigar Salesman” in CIGAR MAGAZINE (Spring 2010) pages 103-107. 1 copy torn from mag, one in original magazine in mint condition.
Nearing, Scott. "On the Trail of the Pittsburgh Stogie," THE INDEPENDENT v65 (July 2, 1908), pp22-24. [x]
Nee, Min Ron. AN ILLUSTRATED ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF POST-REVOLUTION HAVANA CIGARS. Sankt Augustin, Germany: AWM_Verlag, 2nd corrected edition, 2005. Like new. If you have any interest in Cuban cigars and brands, this magnificent book is a must have. An error here and there, a wrong date here and there, does not detract from the work and it’s importance. Highly recommended.
Nelson, Lynn. “The Adventures of an Apprentice Tobacconist,”
Kansas Collection Articles.
Nelson, Valerie J. “Edward Kolpin, Sr., 97; tobacconist sold his wares to old Hollywood,” LOS ANGELES TIMES obituary, April 11, 2007, page B10. Clipping from paper, courtesy of Jim Minges.
Newman, Brad. ONEIDA CIGAR MANUFACTURER’S [sic] (1870’s - 1940’s). Self published photocopy, 15 pages long, Oneida, NY, 1990s.
Newman, Julius C. SMOKE DREAMS. Tampa: Florida Grower Press, Inc., 1957. Hardcover.
Newman, Stanford with James Miller. CIGAR FAMILY: A 100 YEAR JOURNEY IN THE CIGAR INDUSTRY. [n.p.]: Forbes Custom Publishers, 1999. Attractive self Published hardcover w/dj 232 pages illus. Purchased second-hand. Personalized inscription from Miller “to Geraldine”. Like new.
Nichols, James R., MD, “Chemistry of a Cigar” in BOSTON JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, Vol. III: No. 1 (July 1, 1868), pages 1-2. Original issue complete, in fine condition except for 25¢-size stain on front page. Disbound from Vol.
Nieva, Gregorio, et al. YEARBOOK OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 1920. Manila: Camara de Comercio de las Islas Filipinas, 1920.
Nutmeg (pseud.). "Hartford Business Not So Very Brisk," TOBACCO Vol. C: No. 21 (May 23, 1935), p21. Have complete issue in good condition.
O'Connor, Tom. "Cigar Industry Bounces Back Following Cuban Leaf Embargo," THE TAMPA TRIBUNE (Tuesday February 11, 1964), p2H. [ ]
O’Gorman, James F. CONNECTICUT VALLEY VERNACULAR: THE VANISHING LANDSCAPE AND ARCHITECTURE OF THE NEW ENGLAND TOBACCO FIELDS. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania Press, 2002. 108p hardcover w/dj. Fine. Some notes.
Old Smoker, An. TOBACCO TALK: Giving the Science of Tobacco: its Botany, Chemistry, Uses, Pleasures, Hygiene, Etiquette, History and Ethnology. Philadelphia: The Nicot Publishing Company, 1894. Hardbound 96 pages. 4.75" x 7". Illustrated cover. Binding tight, paper split. Bumped corners.
Olmsted, Victor Hugo and Henry Gannett [compilers]. CUBA: POPULATION, HISTORY AND RESOURCES 1907. Washington, DC: United States Bureau of the Census, 1909.
Opie, Robert. PACKAGING SOURCE BOOK: A VISUAL GUIDE TO A CENTURY OF PACKAGING DESIGN. Secaucus, NJ: Chartwell Books, 1989. Hardcover 10 1/4" x 10 1/2" profusely illustrated 192 pages with dust jacket all like new.
Opper, F. (cartoonist-illustrator), “The New York Tenement-House “Fire Escapes,”” full-color illustration in PUCK, Vol. XVII; No. 432 (June 17, 1885), full back page in a mint condition magazine.
Ortiz, Fernando. CUBAN COUNTERPOINT: TOBACCO AND SUGAR. Translated from the Spanish by Harriet de Onis. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1947. [hb][PB]
Paine, R.C. “The Antiquity of the Modern Cigar” in Gordon West (editor) A HISTORY OF SMOKING, London, 1953, pages 62 to 69.
Paley, William S. AS IT HAPPENED: A MEMOIR. New York: Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1979. [px]
Parnell, Francis. NATD SALES TRAINING SCHOOL. New York: National Association of Tobacco Distributors, 1955. Typed c100 page mimeographed text book for training school for salesman put on in New York and New Jersey. Soft leatherette-like three hole binder. In like new condition. Some excellent tips.
Patrey, Harry B. in collaboration with Joseph Kolodny. SUCCESSFUL METHODS OF WHOLESALE TOBACCO DISTRIBUTION. New York: Foresight Publications, 1957. 672 pages, illus. 8.5” x 11” Hardcover first edition in very fine, almost like new condition.
Patterson, Tom. "Cigar-Rolling Was Thriving Industry in Riverside 'til Machines Took Over," RIVERSIDE PRESS-ENTERPRISE (Sunday, March 28 1982), p.B2. [xerox copy]
Pearson, C.H. "How Cigar-Box Wood is Secured," AMERICAN FORESTRY (December 1915), pages 1098 - 1101. [xerox copy of interesting article]
Penn, W.A. THE SOVERANE HERBE: A HISTORY OF TOBACCO. Illus by W. Hartley. New York: E.P.Dutton & Co., 1901, and simultaneously in London by Grant Richards. 5”x8” leather. A nice clean copy with some cracking between spine and cover.
Perdomo, Jose and Jorge Posse. MECHANIZACION DE LA INDUSTRIA TABAQUERA. Havana: La Comision Nacional de Propaganda y Defensa del Tabaco Habano, 1945.
Perkins, G.W. "A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all; the President's Farewell," CIGAR MAKERS' OFFICIAL JOURNAL. Chicago vol. L: No. 12 (December, 1926) p 2. Perkins turns it over to Ornburn, and urges members to give him a chance. xerox copy.
_______. TO THE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF LOCAL UNIONS. A circular concerning the National Stogie Makers League. Chicago: CMIU, 1907. [cp]
Perkins, Robert H. "George W. Perkins" in 100 YEARS WITH THE CIGAR MAKERS. Washington DC: CMIU of A, 1964. [cp]
Petrone, Gerard. CIGAR BOX LABELS: PORTRAITS OF LIFE, MIRRORS OF HISTORY. Atglen, PA: Schiffer, 1998. Hardcover 8.75” x 11.25” profusely illustrated. Mint. Very fine book with good pictures and scholarship.
Highly recommended.
_______. THE GREAT SEDUCTION: TOBACCO ADVERTISING. Atglen, PA: Schiffer, 1996. Mint. Hardcover 8.75” x 11.25” profusely illustrated. Very fine book with excellent pictures and scholarship. A MUST READ. One of cigar & cigarette history’s more important works. Highly recommended.
Pettengell, George. "Colonial Tobacco and Hogsheads," NEWSLETTER Vol. XIX: No. 2 (Fall, 1997), pp4-5. Published in Durham, NC, by Tobacco History Corporation, Inc. Duke Homestead State Historic Site. Original 8"x11" 8pp newsletter. How made and used.
Pipkin, Ann. "Cigar Maker, Inventor of the Famous 'stogie'," NEWS BULLETIN of the International Seal, Label and Cigar Band Society. Bulletin Vol. XIII: No. 4 (Number 72, July 15, 1946), p. 8. Assortment of original pages from old editions, each with cigar related info.
Pizzo, Tony. "Edwardo Manrara: the Cigar Manufacturing Prince of the Nation," in BACK TO YBOR CITY DAY, 1974. Tampa: Optimist Club of Ybor City, 1974. Paper covered. Fine condition.
_______. "The Italian Heritage in Tampa," in BACK TO YBOR CITY DAY, 1976. Tampa: Optimist Club of Ybor City, 1976. [pb]
_______. TAMPA TOWN. Tampa: Trend House, 1968. 89pp. [pb]
_______. "Tobacco, The Leaf of Liberty," in BACK TO YBOR CITY DAY, 1975. Tampa: Optimist Club of Ybor City, 1975. [pb]
Polack, E. YOUR MARSH WHEELING STOGIE, HISTORICAL BACK-GROUND. 2 page typed letter. Wheeling, WV: M.Marsh & Son, Inc., 1955. [letter]
Poland, M.E. THE CHURCH AND TOBACCO. Pittsburg: The No-Tobacco Army, 1923. 184 pp hardcover. Projects biblical text into the tobacco controversy. Almost like new.
Porter, Robert P. “Tobacco,” [Chapter XXI in] INDUSTRIAL CUBA: Being a Study of Present Commercial and Industrial Conditions, with Suggestions as to the Opportunities Presented in the Island for American Capital, Enterprise, and Labour. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1899. pp 302-316, illus. Xerox copies from book in Buffalo Public Library. 917.9/81
Porto Rican-American Tobacco Co. SKETCHES: PORTO RICO 1904. San Juan, PR: Porto Rican-American Tobacco Co., 1904. illus. 40pp [cp]
[Powell & Goldstein Cigar Company]. SALES LEDGER, 1895-1908. Oneida, NY: Powell & Goldstein Cigar Company, 1899-1915. Sales, salaries, etc. Good stuff.
Poyo, Gerald E. “Cuban Patriots in Key West, 1878-1886: Guardians At the Separatist Ideal,” THE FLORIDA HISTORICAL QUARTERLY, Vol. 61, #1 (1982), pp. 20-36. xerox
_______. "The Impact of Cuban and Spanish Workers on Labor Organizing in Florida, 1870-1900," JOURNAL OF AMERICAN ETHNIC HISTORY, Vol. V: No. 2 (Spring, 1986), pp46-63. Xerox of excellent article and its bib.
_______. “Key West and the Cuban Ten Years War., THE FLORIDA HISTORICAL QUARTERLY, Vol. 57, #3 (January 1979), pp. 289-307. xerox
Prendergast, William J., "Where Did The Wooden Indians Go?," NEW HAVEN REGISTER FEATURES (January 10, 1965), p3. Xerox copy. Not accurate report of the start of cigar making in Connecticut.
Quesada, Gonzalo de. CUBA [HANDBOOK OF]. Washington: GPO, 1905. Xerox partial copy.
Quien Sabe. "Tampa Developed into City of World Wide Fame by Cigar Industry," TOBACCO (November 29, 1923), pp? [ ]
_______. “Ybor City: Early Days of Ybor City and the Beginning of the Cigar Industry,” YBOR CITY AND GREATER EAST TAMPA. Tampa: East Tampa Chamber of Commerce, 1929. Official Yearly Publication. Paper covered, 6 pages in 62 page, 5.5” x 7.75” booklet. Light cover crease otherwise excellent.
Quinn, Thomas. “Cigar Making in Ottumwa, Iowa: an 83 Year History.” 5 page booklet? Ottumwa: Wapello County Historical Society, [n.d., post 1930, 1989?]. Xerox copy.
_______CIGAR MANUFACTURING IN OTTUMWA, IOWA: AN 83 YEAR HISTORY. Ottumwa, Iowa: Wapello County Historical Society, 2017. Soft cover 8.5 x 11 fully illustrated 134 pages, Excellent example of what an historical society can do.
Highly recommended. As new.
R.G. Sullivan, Inc. HOME OF R.G. SULLIVAN, INC. Manchester, NH: R.G. Sullivan, Inc., n.d. [ca1952]. 8pp paper covered 4.5”x5” in mint condition.
_______. 7-20-4 AND DEXTER CIGARS. Manchester, NH: R.G. Sullivan, Inc., 1954. 26 page mimeographed 6”x8.5” 80th anniversary catalog and history. Very fine.
Raitberger, Francois. "Cuba Cigars Unchanged by Castro," Reuter News Service THE WASHINGTON STAR (January 3, 1977), p?. [clipping]
Raitz, Karl B. and Cotton Mather. "Norwegians and Tobacco in Western Wisconsin," ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN GEOGRAPHERS ANNALS v61 (December 1971), pp 684-96. [x]
Ramsey, Elizabeth. HISTORY OF TOBACCO PRODUCTION IN THE CONNECTICUT VALLEY, THE. Smith College Studies in History, vol xv, #3-4 (April - July 1930). Northampton, MA: Department of History of Smith College, 1930. [pb]
Rapaport, Ben. THE CONTINUING ROMANCE WITH TOBACCO: EXPOSITIONS AND EXHIBITIONS 1985-1990. Self published (January 1991) . 9 pages 8.5” x 11”. Like new condition.
_______. “Victorian Curiosities, CIGAR MAGAZINE (Winter 2005) pages 81-88. Photocopy of article about meerschaum cigar and cheroot holders.
Rasmussen, Frederick. "What Went the Way of the Dodo Bird? Baltimore Cigars." THE [Baltimore] SUN (Tuesday, Dec. 10, 1974), pp? Original clipping.]
Raymer, Dorothy. "Key West - Last Outpost of the Art of Making Cigars by Hand," THE KEY WEST CITIZEN (Monday, November 24, 1952), p? [ ]
Reardon, John G. “”Cultivation of Florida Tobacco,” letter in REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS FOR THE YEAR 1849; PART II AGRICULTURE, pages 456-461 in comprehensive detail.
Reckert, Franz Karl. TABAKWARENKUNDE: DER TABAK SEIN ANBAU UND SEINE VERARBEITUNG. Berlin: Max Schwabe Verlag, 1942. Hardcover 6” x 8” 251 page profusely illustrated look at growing tobacco, making cigarettes and cigars, and machinery for same. In German. Like new condition.
Reese, Joe Hugh. “Florida Industries/The Manufacture of Clear Havana Cigars. SOUTH, vol 2, #3 (January, 1926). Illus. Xerox copy of article.
Reich, William. “Colorado Maid: The Ghost Industry of Colorado Cigar Making,” COLORADO HERITAGE (Spring 2005), pages 2-13. Published in Denver by the Colorado Historical Society. Mint.
Reiff, Harry E., “Colonel Cregar the Counterfeiter” in THE BULLETIN OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Vol. XXVIII: No. 4 (Spring, 1993), pages 282-288. Published by the Society, Norristown, PA. Paper covered Journal in mint condition.
Reist, Arthur L. TOBACCO LORE OF LANCASTER COUNTY, PENN-SYLVANIA. Ephrata, PA: Arthur L. Reist, 1974. 32p illus stapled paperback.
Reynolds American. MERGER PROPOSAL BETWEEN REYNOLDS AMERICAN and LORILLARD, INC.. Winston-Salem, NC: Reynolds American, 2014. 8.5” x 11” paper covered, 261pp+Addenda. Mint.
Reuter, Stewart. "Pick a reason to tear it down," Letters to the Editor, EXPRESS-NEWS, San Antonio, TX, 10 June, 1989. Advocates tearing down a statue honoring Samuel Gompers. Newspaper clipping, original. Also have Polaroids of statue.
Rinhart, Floyd, Marion Rinhart and a 3rd anonymous contributor. "Stereos: The Buy of the Century" CAMERA 35, Vol. XV: No. 10 (December 1971), pages 60 to 62. Have complete magazine, article marked. Teaches how to date early stereo views.
Ripley, George and Charles Dana, eds. “Bremen,” “Cuba,” “Hamburg,” “Havana,” “Seville” “Tobacco” and other entries, THE AMERICAN CYCLO-PAEDIA, Vol. I through Vol. XV. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1873.
Robbins, B.C. "Why You Pay Good Money for Moisture," THE DU PONT MAGAZINE (n.d. late 20's?), pp7-9. Xerox: Use of cellophane as cigar wrapper.
Robinson, Jeffrey. "London's Cigar Shops," GOURMET (Jan, 1986) pp 48-51+. [x]
Rodgers, Rebecca (compiler) “Buckle of the Stogie Belt,” ARCHIVING WHEELING , Ohio County Public Library Archives, April 4, 2015.
Roebuck, Don. “A CLASSIFICATION and ARRANGE-MENT of the CIGAR STORE and RELATED COUPONS,” 2nd Edition. Toronto: self published, 2016. Typed/photocopied 53 pages. Treatise on United/Schulte/Mutual coupons. Mint. Lists other companies issuing Mutual & United Profit Sharing Coupons.
_______. “Introduction to Canadian Coupon Families to About 1960 // Part 1: Spendable Coupons,” CANADIAN PAPER MONEY SOCIETY JOURNAL, 2016, pages 6 - 13. Illus. Lists.
_______. SOME NOTES ON THE ORDER AND VARIETIES OF CERTAIN CIGAR STORE COUPONS. 1st Edition. Toronto: self published, 2012. Typed/photocopied 35 pages. Treatise on United/Schulte/Mutual coupons. Mint with my notes throughout. Scanned illus added later. This is amazing pioneering work I’m pleased to be assisting.
_______. _______. 3rd Edition. Toronto: self published, 2016. Typed/photocopied 49 pages. Treatise on United/Schulte/Mutual coupons. Mint. Ever better, more detailed.
Rogders, Rebecca (see Rogers, Rebecca)
Rogers, R.Y. “Cuba Tobacco” in REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS, FOR THE YEAR 1849, PART II. Half page article on p 326. The title is misleading, being a treatise on running a home cigar factory in Mississippi, giving costs, quantities, profits, etc.
Rollins, E.A., Commissioner. U.S. Treasury Department, Office of Internal Revenue. Letter. Original hand letter to D. M. Macarthur, NYC, regarding the seizure of 9,000 of his cigars for use of counterfeit stamps. May 3, 1867.
Rosenstock, Todd. "The Road to Insignificance ...the Reading Cigarworkers' Union from 1925 to 1935." HISTORICAL REVIEW OF BERKS COUNTY (Fall, 1978), pp139-141. [x]
Rosensweet, Alvin. "Last Factory in City on Last Lap: Stogie Rolling Art Slipping into Past," PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE (January 1, 1963), p?. [x]
Rothman, Lew. CIGAR ALMANAC. Belleville, NJ: Education Systems & Publications, 1980. Mint condition first edition hardcover. 256pp illus.
_______. “Frank Llaneza: Ultimate Cigarmaker,” CIGAR MAGAZINE (Winter 2004) pages 40-65. Excellent article in fair condition original magazine. Also photocopy.
_______. “The King of All Boxmakers: Fredman Torres,” CIGAR MAGAZINE (Fall 2007) pp 59-63. Article torn from magazine.
_______. "What's Really Gonna Happen When the Embargo on Cuban Cigars Ends" in CIGAR MAGAZINE (Winter 2010) Pages 1q38-140. Have original magazine in near mint condition and a copy removed from the magazine,
Rousse, P.W. “A Sketch of the Philippines circa 1875,” reprint #8260 from and unidentified 1876 HARPER’S MAGAZINE. Laurel, MD: Wordmax Books. 8.5” x 11” softcover 7p illus.
Roveche, Berton. "Not a Bad Cigar," NEW YORKER (February 15, 1947) pp58ff. good article. [x]
Roystar?, Eural? [indecipherable]. FORM 73 (rev 1913): BOOK TO BE KEPT BY CIGAR MANUFACTURERS. Day book for Factory 331 1st Tax District, Mason, Michigan January 1914. Original 11” x 12.25”. Has been rolled. 1st page filled with egg business, not cigar data.
Rowe, Harold B. TOBACCO UNDER THE AAA. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 1935. 5 1/2”x8” hardcover of 317pp. Detailed analysis of the Agricultural Adjustment Act and its effect on tobacco. Illus with charts, graphs, and maps. Minor cover spot, owner’s inscription in endpaper. Scarce publication.
Rudy, Jarrett. THE FREEDOM TO SMOKE: TOBACCO CONSUMPTION AND IDENTITY. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2005. Softcover, 8.75” x 5.75”, 232 pages. Available in hardcover and on the web. Social history of smoking from Canadian perspective. Interesting, hard-to-find info. Marked.
Runner, G.A. TOBACCO BEETLE AND HOW TO PREVENT DAMAGE BY IT. Farmers’ Bulletin No. 846. United States Department of Agriculture: Washington, GPO. 1917 (slightly revised August, 1922). Paper covered 23 page stapled booklet 5 7/8” x 9 1/4” in near mint condition, but brittle newsprint.
Rusch, Barbara, “Factory View Trade Cards: Image of a New Social Order” in THE ADVERTISING TRADE CARD QUARTERLY Vol. III: Number 2 (Summer, 1996). pages 10-17. Mint condition original magazine.
Russell, A.J. "Who Was 'Old Smith.' Artist?" [unknown Minneapolis newspaper, no date (1920's).]. Xerox of 16" article on paintings of poker playing dogs.
Russell, Elisabeth. “The Vanished American,” EXPEDITION, (Summer, 1966) vol. 8, #4, pp. 16-25. Mint cond. magazine.
Ryan, James. "North Florida's Crop of Golden Tobacco Leaves that's Going Up in Smoke," ST PETERSBURG TIMES (Floridian section) (Sunday, October 27, 1968), pp14-18. [x]
This partial list of documents at is provided to help researchers. It is not to be copied, duplicated, scanned, photographed or reproduced in any way in whole or part without my written permission.
© Tony Hyman, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019