Bibliography C - I
Exhibit 202 from
©2019 Tony Hyman, all rights reserved
[282] 09-08-2020
Bibliography C - I
Exhibit 202 from
©2019 Tony Hyman, all rights reserved
[282] 09-08-2020
[x]: xerox copy [hb]: hard cover book
[bp]: paperback book [gp]: government pamphlet
[cp]: company sponsored [mag]: entire magazine
[m]: clipped item [n]: newspaper & clipping
This partial list of books I own as originals or as photo copies was created for me by me. It follows no specific bibliographic form. This Bibliography can save you years of research. Please use it fairly. It’s fair use to copy a few pages if you’re involved in a project.
This Bibliography DOES NOT INCLUDE most items listed in my topical bibs.
© Tony Hyman, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
Entries in red are not in my 2005 printed Bibliography.
Green are books noteworthy for information
In July of 2018, while adding to the library, I realized I was doing the same thing I cursed others for doing... making my print too small.
I immediately raised the type 3 points.
I hope you find my new typeface easier.
Cahill, Dale and Darcy, TOBACCO SHEDS: Vanishing Treasures in the Connecticut River Valley. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing, Ltd., 2013. Hard cover w/dj, 213 pages, profusely illus. Horizontal format. As new.
Campbell, A. Stuart. THE CIGAR INDUSTRY OF TAMPA FLORIDA. [Gainesville]: Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Florida, 1939. [x]
Carlson, Carl J. "Cigars - A Look Ahead," SMOKE-SHOP (November, 1975), pp 14-15.
Carlson, Norman. PRICE GUIDE [to] TOBACCO CON-TAINERS FROM CANADA, UNITED STATES AND THE WORLD. Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada: New Antique Ventures, Inc., 2002. Soft cover, 333 pages, spiral bound, 8.5” x 11”. May be ordered from the author for $20 plus $20 post in Canada and the US, “much more” shipping to other countries. <>
Cartophilic Society of Great Britain Limited, HANDBOOK OF WORLDWIDE TOBACCO AND TRADE SILK ISSUES, (Cartophilic Reference Book No. 138). Windsor, England: The Cartophilic Society of Great Britain, 2007. Hardcover, illustrated 342 pages. Like new condition.
Casado, Ricardo A. NUESTRO TABACO: EL HABANO SIN IQUAL. Havana: by the author with the assistance of the Asociacion de Almacenistas y Cosecheros de Tabaco de Cuba, 1939.
Casey, Susan. "Cigar Bands," AMERICANA, v9:#1 (April, 1981), pp 80-83. illus.
Cerruti, James. "The Cigar: Noblest Smoke," reprinted from ESQUIRE (July, 1955). 4 page pamphlet.
Cheadle, Dave, “Presidential Elections: Trade Cards Capture Tumultuous Times” in THE ADVERTISING TRADE CARD QUARTERLY, Vol. III: Number 3 (Fall, 1996), pages 20-23. Original magazine in mint condition.
Chevalion, Elizabeth. DRIVIN' WOMAN. New York: Macmillan Co., 1942.
Chiu, Ping. CHINESE LABOR IN CALIFORNIA, 1850-1880: AN ECONOMIC STUDY. Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1967. Hyman Library includes photocopies of pp118-128, section relevant to Chinese labor. Fine info. Also contains photocopies of salient pages from author’s original 1960 Doctoral Dissertation at the U. of Wisconsin from whence this document came.
Cifuentes y Ca.. PARTAGAS 1845-1945. Havana: Cifuentes y Ca., 1945. 100th anniversary oversized fancy paperback, c20 pages. Bi-lingual text and numerous pictures. Back cover sustained serious damage.
Cigar Association of America, MEDIA TRAINING HAND-BOOK. New York: Cigar Association of America, 1984. Approximately 50 single-sided mimeographed/Xeroxed pages. Stapled. Mint condition.
Cigar and Tobacco World, Editors, TOBACCO WORLD HANDBOOK. London: Heywood & Co., Ltd, 1914. 5” x 7.25” hardcover , 147pp. Stained and dirty cover. Inside excellent
_______, MEMS FOR TOBACCONISTS. London: Heywood & Co., Ltd, 1909. 5” x 7.5” hardcover , 149pp. Insightful and detailed look at running a British Tobacconist shop.
Cigar History Museum photo catalog: [[27852]] [[27853]] [[27854]] [[27855]] [[27856]] [[27857]] [[27858]] [[27859]] [[27860]] [[27877]] to [[27887]].
Cigar Institute of America, Inc. THE STORY OF CIGARS. New York: Cigar Institute of America, 1943. Small hardcover
_______. ALL ABOUT CIGARS. New York: Cigar Institute, 1968. 12pp, illus.
Cigar Makers' International Union of America. BY-LAWS OF THE SEGAR MAKERS' UNION NO. 18, OF BOSTON. Boston. Segar Makers' Prot. Union Association, 1869. 15 pages. Paper covered original in fine condition.
_______. CONSTITUTION OF THE CIGARMAKERS' INTERNATIONAL UNION OF AMERICA. Adopted at the Binghamton Convention, September, 1887. Buffalo, NY: CMIU, 1888. 4.5"x6" paper covered 32pp. Fragile condition because of pulp paper.
_______. CONSTITUTION OF THE CIGARMAKERS' INTERNATIONAL UNION OF AMERICA. Amended and Adopted at the Baltimore Convention, September, 1912. 4.5"x6" paper covered 61pp. Good condition.
_______. CONSTITUTION OF THE CIGAR-MAKERS' INTERNATIONAL UNION OF AMERICA. n.p.: CMIU OF A, 1913. Third edition, 1917. 4”x6” paper cover. 64pp. Excellent condition; minor water staining on cover.
_______. CONSTITUTION OF THE CIGARMAKERS' INTERNATIONAL UNION OF AMERICA. Amended and Adopted at the Baltimore Convention, September, 1912 And as since Amended by Referendum Third Edition June 15, 1917. 62 pp. Paper cover 4"x6" in vg condition.
_______. CONSTITUTION OF THE CIGAR MAKERS' INTERNATIONAL UNION OF AMERICA. Amended and Adopted at the New York, N.Y., Convention, September, 1952. Issued January 1, 1953. 3.5"x6" paper covered 54pp. Good condition.
_______. DIRECTORY OF UNION CIGAR MANUFACTURERS WITH BRANDS. Washington, DC: CMIU of A, n.d. [ca1958]. [ ]
_______. JOURNAL AND PROGRAM OF THE CIGAR MAKERS’ INTERNATIONAL UNION OF AMERICA TWENTIETH SESSION. Held at Milwaukee, September, 1893. Softcover, 6.75” x 10”, string tied glue-bound 108 pages. Small stain and repair on cover. Four leaves (8 numbers) torn out, all apparently photo portraits of seldom pictured union officials. Includes rare 35± page CMIU history up to 1892 with lots of strike details.
_______. 100 YEARS WITH THE CIGAR MAKERS: 1864-1964. Washington, DC: CMIU of A, 1964. Oversize illustrated “magazine” in excellent condition with slight cover soil. Also have incomplete Xerox.
_______. OUR LABEL. Paper covered stapled 20 page 2.75” x 4.75” booklet. St. Louis: CMIU Locals 44 & 281, 1917. Begins with attack on Hauptman Hand Made. Lists union and non union brands. Fair condition.
_______. "Proceedings of the Boston Convention," CIGAR MAKERS OFFICIAL JOURNAL. Vol. XLIX: No. 9 (September, 1925. 100+pp almost entire magazine. Lots of interesting info.
Cigar Manufacturers Association of America. STATISTICAL RECORD, 1954-1955. n.p. [New York]: CMAA, 1956. 132 pages, 8.5”x11” spiral bound paperback w/numerous graphs and charts. Wide range of topics, production, sales, consumption, etc. dating to 1880’s. Mostly 20th century. Marginal notes and underlinings. Minor water stain damage upper right corner throughout. Silkscreen cover shows chipping. Rare. Gift of the CMAA to a 16 year old collector.
[Cigar Manufacturers’ Protective Association]. A CORRECT LIST OF ALL THE RELIABLE WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CIGARS IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. York, PA: Cigar Manufacturers’ Protective Association, 1892. Bound Xerox copy by University Microfilms, 1970. 5”x8” paper cover. Fine condition.
Clarke, Adam. A DISSERTATION OF THE USE AND ABUSE OF TOBACCO, 3rd Edition. London: By the author, 1804. Photocopy.
Claudy, C.H. "A Machine that Smokes Cigars," SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN v95 (July 14, 1906), p 24. [ ]
Cocanougher, Kelly. "City's last cigarmakers keep rolling," LOUISVILLE TIMES (June 1, 1972. xerox of 11" story on Schroer factory. Brothers rolling for 52 years.
Collins, James H. "Literature and Cigar Making," BOOKMAN v24, (July 1905), pp 467-71. [ ]
-------. "Reader for Havana Cigarmakers," TOBACCO (May 10, 1906) pp 30-32.
Collins, Philip. CIGAR BIZARRE. Los Angeles: General Publishing Book, 1997. First edition paper covered 8” x 9” (±) piece of silliness, not fact. Like new.
Comision de Propaganda y Defensa del “Tabaco Habano.” RENEWAL OF THE CUBAN POSTAGE STAMPS: “HABANO” TOBACCO STAMPS. Havana: Secretaria de Comunicaciones, Republica de Cuba, 1939. 4 page brochure in English about tobacco and the three 1939 Cuban stamps depicting cigars. Cover has three cancelled stamps. Mint condition booklet.
_______. LOS TABACOS DE LA HABANA/HAVANA CIGARS/LES CIGARES DE LA HAVANE. Havana: Comision Nacional de Propaganda y Defensa del Tabaco Habano, n.d. [ca1920]. [pb]
Commonwealth of PA Bureau of Statistics. SEVENTH INDUSTRIAL DIRECTORY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of PA Bureau of Statistics, 1931. [ ]
Compania General de Tabacos de Filipinas. COMPANIA GENERAL DE TABACOS DE FILIPINAS. Manila: Compania General de Tabacos de Filipinas, [n.d.: ca1915]. Story of La Flor De La Isabela; includes company catalog. in Sp, Fr, Eng. Very nice, illus. [cp]
Conant, Helen, “Life in Cuba,” reprint #8264 from an unidentified 1871 HARPER’S MAGAZINE. Laurel, MD: Wordmax Books. 8.5” x 11” softcover 15p illus.
Congdon-Martin, Douglas, and Jerry Terranova. ANTIQUE CIGAR CUTTERS & LIGHTERS. Atglen, PA: Schiffer, 1996. Poorly photographed and laid out hard-cover 8.5” x 11” depicts a great collection. Accuracy of information is questionable. As a former book publisher myself I find the poor picture and information quality to be inexcusable and insulting to readers. Fine condition.
_______. GREAT CIGAR STUFF FOR COLLECTORS. Atglen, PA: Schiffer, 1997. Soft cover 160 page selection of the good and the bad. Not particularly useful except to get a rough idea of the type of item that’s available. Two copies.
Conran, Terence. THE CIGAR IN ART. Woodstock, NY: The Overlook Press, 1996. Hardcover w/dj 128 page 8.25” x 7.25” illustrated in like new condition. Alternating pages of artworks and quotes. Mildly interesting, but fluff.
[Consolidated Cigar Corporation]. EL PRODUCTO ANTHOLOGY. Consolidated Cigar Corporation, New York, c1965. 12pp 4"x4.5" [paper]
Cook, George, "Havana Cigars," ad in BOSTON DAILY ADVERTISER, Vol. XLIII (Saturday, June 30, 1838), p4. Offers "140,000 superior Havana Cigars in quarter boxes" at 48 Commercial Street. Original newspaper.
Cooper, Charles I. "Stogy Makers and the I.W.W. in Pittsburgh," THE SURVEY v31:#9 (November 29, 1913), p 214. [x]
Cooper, Patricia A. ONCE A CIGAR MAKER: MEN, WOMEN, AND WORK CULTURE IN AMERICAN CIGAR FACTORIES, 1900-1919. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1987. Important research done well. A basic book in the field. Dissertation style makes it slow going for many readers. Multiple copies. Like new.
_______. “What Ever Happened to Adolph Strasser?” LABOR HISTORY, Vol. 20, #3 (Summer, 1979), pp. 414-419. xerox copy
Corina, Maurice. TRUST IN TOBACCO. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1975. [hb]
_______. TRUST IN TOBACCO. London: Michael Joseph, 1974. [paperback "uncorrected proof copy"] in excellent condition, with\ minor corner bruise.
Corral, Wodiska y Ca. THE BERING STORY. 3.5"x6.5" paper covered 12pp color catalog. Bend in middle from laying atop a smaller catalog, but still nice. 1950's.
Corti, Count. A HISTORY OF SMOKING. New York: Harcourt, Brace, & Company, 1932. [hb]
Cortina, Humberto (jefe del Departamento de Comercio Exterior). TABACO HISTORIA Y PSICOLOGIA. Havana: Comision Nacional de Propaganda y Defensa del Tabaco Habano, 1939.
Coult, May, translator. DICTIONARY OF THE CUBAN TOBACCO INDUSTRY. USDA Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations. Washington: GPO, 1952. Complete Xerox copy.
Courtney, William J. SAN FRANCISCO’S ANTI-CHINESE ORDINANCES -- 1850 - 1900. A Dissertation. University of San Francisco, 1956. As reprinted by R. AND R. Research Associates, 4843 Mission St., San Francisco, 94112, “Publishers and Distributors of Ethnic Studies,” 1974. Hardcover. Ex Lib. Like new condition except for lib marks, etc.
Covington, James W. "Ybor City: A Cuban Enclave in Tampa," FLORIDA ANTHROPOLOGIST v19: #2 (June 1966), pages 85-900. Photocopy.
Cox, Reavis. COMPETITION IN THE AMERICAN TOBACCO INDUSTRY, 1911-1932. Studies in History, Economics and Public Law edited by the faculty of Political Science of Columbia University #381. New York: Columbia University Press, 1933. Reprinted by AMS Press, Inc., 1968. [hb]
Crawford, Merrill, “Tobacco Valley” in TOBACCO VALLEY TERCENTENARY, 12 illustrated pages in 16 page paper covered 9 3/4 “ x 12” souvenir, N.P., but The Connecticut Valley Shade Growers Association Inc. a possibility, 1934. Excellent throughout except 25¢ size scrape damage to cover.
Creamer, Daniel & Gladys V. Swackhamer. CIGAR MAKERS AFTER THE LAY- OFF: A Case Study of the Effects of Mechanization on Employment of Hand Cigar Makers. WPA report No. L-1. Philadelphia: Works Progress Administration, 1937. Paper covered 93 pp. study of R.G. Sullivan Company in Manchester, NH. Ex Lib but, unopened, fine condition. Also have xerox copy
Cressman, Buzz. "Old Cigar Shop to Vanish in Puff of Smoke, But Memories Linger," THE [Allentown] MORNING CALL (Monday May 7, 1979), p C7. [x]
Crowther, Samuel, "Men Who Are Winning the War," in LESLIE'S (November 17, 1917), p683, 694-695. Samuel Gompers leads the labor movement in war. Original magazine with rolled spine from being left open in a pile.
Cull, George and Alta (assisted by Nril & Mary Wood). CIGAR ADVERTISING PRICE GUIDE. Gas City, Indiana: L-W Promotions, n.d. (ca1972). Contains history of La Fendrich reprinted from Fendrich brochure. 5x8 paperback, 44pp. Illus. @ copies. Also: Xerox copy.
Cunningham, Alec George Gordon. THE HISTORY OF THE IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY 1901-1966. London: Imperial Tobacco Co, n.d. (1967?). 5x8, 48pp, no illus, paper cover. Indicated “For Internal Distribution Only.” Slight soiling, owner’s name plate.
Custance, Harry. "Retailers of the Old School," THE CIGAR AND TOBACCO WORLD (June 1, 1904), pp458-9. Pages torn from original magazine. Fine tale of 50 year old "Thoroughly white" businessman, swimming medalist, rower, champion billiard player, Mason, vice-chairman of the Benevolent Society and member of the Board of the Masonic Boys' School. And successful retailer whose 1904 balance sheet shows a net profit of 29 pounds, 2 shillings.
Dalton, Mike, “Progressive Proof Books,” in CIGAR LABEL ART DIGEST, ( Issue 8, 2009, pages 32-34). Encinitas, CA: InStone, Inc., 2009.
Daniel, Frederic. COLONIAL DAYS AND TOBACCO. [unknown magazine], 1882. pp 531-546. 8”x11” removed from magazine. In excellent condition. Illustration of workers sorting tobacco.
Davidoff, Zino. THE CONNOISSEUR'S BOOK OF THE CIGAR. English edition translated by Lawrence Grow. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1969. [hb]
Davis, Aaron, “Cigar Smoking Prints: Illustrations from the collection of Estabrook & Eaton,” ANTIQUES v.VIII: No. 6 (December, 1925), p. 345-347. VG magazine.
Davis, C.L., Sr. "The Old Dominion Tobacco Company, Inc. Norfolk: two page mimeographed history in letter form, 1944. [o]
Davis, Shelley L. IRS HISTORICAL FACT BOOK: A CHRONOLOGY 1646-1992.Washington, DC: US GPO for Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, 1993. Part of the IRS Historical Studies series. 274 pages paper covered 6” x 9” purchased new, thoroughly marked up.
Daw, Stuart. "Private Label vs. National Brands." Originally published in TEA AND COFFEE TRADE JOURNAL (August, 1983). Downloaded off web. Specific to coffee but the arguments are valid for cigars as well.
Day, Charles H. SCRAPBOOK. Assembled by Day. New Haven, Conn., 1901-1906. Eight pages of newspaper clippings about the opening of Day’s cigar store, and various books he wrote. Private label: THE OLD CIRCUS MAN. A few children’s drawings included. Not as useful as hoped when bought on ebay.
de Lorraine, Ruth. "The Tobacco Gamble," FINGER LAKES CHRONICLE v.IV: #3 (May 1967), pp 8-10. [x]
De Peretti, A., et al. CONNAISSANCE DU CIGARE. Paris: Flammes Et Fumees N 67, 1972. illus. [pb]
[Deisel-Wemmer Co.]. THE MODEL CIGAR FACTORY OF AMERICA. Lima, OH; The Deisel-Wemmer Co., 1906. 26pp pamphlet. [x]
del Todesco, Charles. THE HAVANA CIGAR. New York: Abbeyville Press, 1997
Delhi Public Library. THE TOBACCO LEAF YESTERDAY AND TODAY. Delhi, Ontario, Canada: Delhi public Library (Young Canada Works Project Grant), 1979. 64pp. illus. [bp]
Delahan, William. "Handmade Cigars...Connellsville Plant is one of the Few Remaining in the Country," THE PITTSBURGH PRESS (Sunday, April 16, 1967), pp 24-26. [x]
Deschodt, Eric, and Philippe Morane. THE CIGAR. Koln, Germany: Konemann Verlagsgesellschaft, 1998. Oversize 228p full color, much better than average modern book on cigars. As new
Dickson, Sarah Augusta. PANACEA OR PRECIOUS BANE: TOBACCO IN SIXTEENTH CENTURY LITERATURE. New York: The Neww York Public Library, 1954. Xerox copy in 3 ring binder. 226 pages, 19 of which are bibliography.
Dietz, Gerhard. TABAK FACHBUCH. Liepzig: Fach-buchverlag GMBH, 1953.
Dodge, Henry Irving. "The Tobacco Industry in New England," HARPER'S WEEKLY, v45:#2320 (June 8, 1901), pp580-81. Original, removed from magazine and folded. Very fine. Also xerox.
Dodge, J.R. "Statistics of Manufactures of Tobacco and of Its Commercial Distribution, Exportation, and Prices," in REPORT ON THE PRODUCTIONS OF AGRICULTURE AS RETURNED AT THE 10TH CENSUS (JUNE 1, 1880). Washington DC: GPO, 1883. pp 881-950. Hardcover original in good condition.
Downey, Fairfax. LORILLARD AND TOBACCO. New York: P. Lorillard Company, 1951. Cardboard cover 56 pages 7.5” x 10.5” profusely illustrated in color and b/w. Perfect condition inside, very light cover soil.
Draper, John. "Tobaccophagoi and Tobaccophagism," GALAXY v9 (1870), pp 751-7.
Dubro, Alec, “Rolling Thunder: How One Cigarmaker Shook Up the Nation,” in CIGAR MAGAZINE v2:#4 (Winter 2005) pp 62-66. Like new original magazine.
Duckert, Audrey. "Tobacco Words from Wisconsin," AMERICAN SPEECH v23 (October 1948), pp 307-10.
Durell, Edward. "Tobacco Harvesting Tools," THE CHRONICLE OF THE EARLY AMERICAN INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION (Sept. 1966), pp 36-37 [x]
Durrell, Peter. "What a Man Smokes in a Lifetime," BRANDSTAND (December 1997 - January 1998), p. 18. At 6 cigars a day, his lifes smoke will be...!!!
East, Dennis. "Union Labels and Boycotts: Cooperation of the Knights of Labor and the Cigar Makers International Union, 1885-86," LABOR HISTORY v16:#2 (Spring 1975), pp 266-71. [x]
Eberlein, Harold Donaldson, and Cortlandt Van Dyke Hubbard. “The Cigar Store Indian and His Competitors,” AMERICAN COLLECTOR Vol. VII; No. 1 (February, 1938) pp 10-11. Illustrated article in oversize original magazine in like new condition.
Editors, Cigar and Tobacco World magazine. MEMS. FOR TOBACCONISTS. London: CIGAR AND TOBACCO WORLD, 1909. 5” x 7 3/8” hardcover 149 page guide to running a tobacconist’s counter/shop
Edmark, Tomina. CIGAR CHIC: A WOMAN’S PERSPECTIVE. Arlington, TX: The Summit Publishing Group, 1995. 4.25” x 8.25” hardcover with dj. A few irrelevant b/w photos. A basic primer for women. Like new.
Edwin, Morton R. HALF A CENTURY WITH TOBACCO. New York: Charles Renard, 1928. Hard 5”x7.5” of this important classic. Owner’s signature. Advertising at back has been glued together and a sticker added, giving the background of Morton’s name (Mordecai Rosenblum].
-------. HALF A CENTURY WITH TOBACCO, 3rd ed. New York: James B. Hall, Jr., 1932. Paperback "Get Acquainted edition" given away free. Contains front and back advertising. Entire text contains numerous underlines. Sound tight copy with some spine tears. Contains Edwin coupon as a bookmark and folded photocopies of Edwin advertising picturing factory.
Ehehelt, C.M. "The Cigar Industry of York County, an Historical Study," OFFICIAL SOUVENIR YEAR BOOK, 1927. Red Lion, PA: York County Cigar Manufacturers Association, 1927. [pb/cp/mag]
_______. "Directory of Cigar Factories in York County, Belonging to First District of Pennsylvania," OFFICIAL SOUVENIR YEAR BOOK, 1927. Red Lion, PA: York County Cigar Manufacturers Association, 1927. [pb/cp/mag]
_______. "The Glorious Record of the York County Cigar Manufacturers Association," OFFICIAL SOUVENIR YEAR BOOK, 1927. Red Lion, PA: York County Cigar Manufacturers Association, 1927. [pb/cp/mag]
_______(Ed). PICTORIAL SOUVENIR: THE BOROUGH OF RED LION GOLDEN JUBILEE, 1880-1930. Red Lion, PA: Souvenir and Historical Committee, 1930. Oversize paper, heavily illus, 208 pages. Fine condition. History of cigar industry in general, and 13 pages of biographies of prominent cigar and box companies.
________. YORK COUNTY CIGAR MANUFACTURERS’ ASSOCIATION BULLETIN. Single legal size minutes of a meeting, including announcement of the 1927 Yearbook. November 9, 1927. Brittle repaired condition. Three other single page documents including FINANCIAL BUDGET 1925-26
“El Principe de Gales” advertisement. COUNTRY LIFE IN AMERICA. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page & Co., [vol. XXII: number 4], June 15, 1912.
Eliason, Norman E. "The Language of the 'Buckeye'," AMERICAN SPEECH v12 (December 1937), 270-74. [x]
Elliott, Richard. "The Greatest Novelty of The Age," BRANDSTAND, Vol. XXIV: No. 5, pages 9-13. Excellent look at the history of self lighting smokes, many illus. Have VERY RARE self-lighting cigar box.
_______. “The History of Cigarettes in America: The Early Years,” BRANDSTAND (Spring 2009), page 4. Near mint original. Also computer file.
_______. “The History of Cigarettes in America: The Emergence of the Standard Brands,” BRANDSTAND (Summer 2009), page 3. Near mint original. Also computer file.
_______. “The History of Cigarettes in America: The Era of the Ten-Centers,” BRANDSTAND (Autumn 2009), page 9. Mint original. Also computer file.
_______. "The Coming of the 'Cigarette Age'" in BRANDSTAND (Autumn, 2010), page 3 and following. The entire issue devoted to the impact WWI and cigarettes had on one another, Profusely illustrated. Mint condition.
_______. “The Princess Mary Tin,” BRANDSTAND (Summer 2008), page 16. Near mint original 5” x 8” magazine.
Ellis, Gail. “El Lector’s Idle Days and Hungry Nights,” CIGAR CITY MAGAZINE (July-August, 2006), pages 20-23. Mint condition magazine.
Elz, Klaus Dieter. THE MARKET STRUCTURE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA CIGAR INDUSTRY. Pennsylvania State University Doctoral dissertation for the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, 1963. Xerox.
Enlee, Glen and Bill (William J.) Ennis. A GUIDE TO CIGAR BOX OPENERS & PERSONAL CIGAR CUTTERS. Self published, 1989. I do not own this. Have only a few scattered photocopied pages.
Ennis, William J, “Cigar Cutters,” THE ANTIQUE TRADER WEEKLY (May 27, 1992), pages 62-64. Original pages removed from paper. Numerous illus
_______. "Cigar Perforators," THE ANTIQUE TRADER WEEKLY (October 18, 1995), pages 97-98. Original page removed from paper. Numerous illus. Underestimates (as did I) how early the hole-in-the-head makes an appearance.
Erickson, Catherine, "Developer is on a roll with former cigar factory," POST-GAZETTE (Sunday, July 13, 1997), pH-8. Half page feature on Collins Cigar Co building. Good picture.
_______. "Personal Cigar Cutters," TOBACCIANA COLLECTORS OF AMERICA, Vol I: No. 2 (June-July, 1987), pp1, 4.
Estella, Jose. “Germinal Filipino Two Step” [sheet music with extensive advertising on back, printed by Carmelo and Bauerman, Manila, 1904.]
Evans, W.D. EFFECTS OF MECHANIZATION IN CIGAR MANUFACTURE. Washington, DC: WPA National Research Project reprinted from Monthly Labor Review as separate pamphlet, 1938. Unopened, as new.
_______. "Effects of Mechanization in Cigar Manufacture," MONTHLY LABOR REVIEW v46 (May 1938), pp 1100-1120. [x]
Everson, C.C. FORM 73 (rev 74): BOOK TO BE KEPT BY CIGAR MANUFAC-TURERS. Day book for Factory 46 24th Tax District, Palmyra, New York, August 1875 through February 1877. Fine condition original 17” x 11”. Active factory making 5,000 to 25,000 cigars a month.
Faber, Coe & Gregg, Inc. WHAT WILL WE SMOKE IN THE WORLD OF TOMORROW? 6"x10.5" tri-fold handout at 1939 World's Fair put out by important wholesaler. Name drops lots of long forgotten celebrities. Women like cigars, it says, especially when accompanied by a man in a top hat drinking champagne. Like new.
Fairholt, F.W. TOBACCO: ITS HISTORY & ASSOCIATIONS. Piccadilly, London: Chatto and Windus, 1876. Hardcover 5.25” x 7.5” illustrated. Tight, clean copy with serious spine problems. Rear cover off. Ex museum libris bookplate.
Farber, Glyn V. edited by David Schenkman. HICKEY BROTHERS CIGAR STORE TOKENS. Lake Mary, FL: The Token and Medal Society, Inc., 1992. Reprinted from TAMS Journal 33:1(2); 80 soft cover pages. Near mint condition.
Interesting history of giant retailer.
Farley, Jennifer. “Duke Homestead Now Owns Largest Known Spittoon Collection in the World,” GOLD LEAF: NEWS OF DUKE HOMESTEAD Vol. XXX; Number 2 (Fall, 2008), page 4. Complete original issue in mint condition.
_______. "Socialism & Trade Unions in Durham, North Carolina: 1881-1886.” GOLD LEAF: News of The Duke Homestead Education and History Corporation, Vol. XXII: No. 2 (Fall-Winter 2000-2001), pp1, 4-6. How the Cigarmaker's Progres-sive Union failed to organize cigarette workers. Complete original, sun faded 1st p.
Fernandez, Doria Gonzalez. “La Manufactura Tabacalera Cubana Durante la Segunda Mitad del Siglo XIX,” REVISTA DE INDIAS, Volume LII: Number 194 (January-April, 1992).
Ferrara, Ubaldo. "Inside a Cuban Cigar Factory," INTERNATIONAL SEAL, LABEL AND CIGAR BAND SOCIETY NEWS BULLETIN v23:#89 (October-December, 1979. [mag]
_______. "My Memories of the Cuban Cigar Band Industry," INTERNATIONAL SEAL, LABEL AND CIGAR BAND SOCIETY NEWS BULLETIN Vol. XXIII: No. 88 (July / September 1973), p5. Tucson, AZ: the Society, Myron Freedman, ed. Original mimeographed publication.
Fife, George Buchanan, “The Great Business Combinations of To-Day: The So-Called Tobacco Trust.” THE CENTURY, VOL. LXI (March, 1903) pages 788-794. Downloaded Copy.
Figueredo, Marilyn Esperante. “Jose Ramon Sanfeliz: Cigar Maker and Photog-rapher,” CIGAR CITY MAGAZINE (July-August, 2006), pages 36-41. Mint condition magazine.
_______. “Molded in Tampa,” CIGAR CITY MAGAZINE (July-August, 2006), pages 46-51. Mint condition magazine.
Firmat, Gustavo Perez. THE HAVANA HABIT. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2010. An interesting well conceived hardcover 245 page look at the image of Havana in American music and pop culture. Autographed from the author.
Fisher, Robert Lewis. ODYSSEY OF TOBACCO, THE. Litchfield, CT: The Prospect Press, 1939. Autographed 1st Edition. This 94 page hard bound book is one of the seminal works in tobacco history and a must for all to read. This copy has been heavily read with corner damage and numerous pencil notations.
Fisher, Suzanne (Editor) for British American Tobacco. CELEBRATING OUR FIRST 100 YEARS 1902-2002: OUR COMPANY, OUR BRANDS AND OUR PEOPLE. London: British American Tobacco, 2002. 120 pages, soft cover, profusely illustrated. Like new condition.
Fitzgerald, Gerry. "The Romance of Tobacco: A History of The Wonder Weed, Part III," THE SMOKERS COMPANION, Vol. 1: #3 (May, 1927), pp49-51, 102.
Fleming, William. FORM 73 (rev 1878): BOOK TO BE KEPT BY CIGAR MANUFACTURERS. Day book for Factory 187 12th Tax District of New York, January 1879 through January 1881. Fine condition original 11” x 17”. Tiny one-man factory often selling from 100 to 1100 cigars a month.
Floyd, M.L. "Tobacco," in the 11TH CENSUS 1890, pp 499-512. Washington, DC: GPO, 1893.
Foley, Mary and Kevin. BLOWING SMOKE; BEING A COMPENDIUM OF AMUSING ANECDOTES, WITTY RIPOSTES, AND LENGTHY LITERARY PASSAGES ON THE GLORIES OF THE CIGAR. Rocklin, CA: Prima Publishing, 1997. Hardcover issued with no dj. 7 1/8” x 7 1/4” of 102 pages. Like new.
Forbes, Robert and Terence Mitchell. AMERICAN TOBACCO CARDS. Richmond, VA: Tuff-Stuff Publications, 1999. Soft cover, 464 pages, profusely illustrated in b/w. Cover curl, o/w mint condition.
Fornshell, Marvin. “The Cigar Factory,” THE HISTORICAL AND ILLUSTRA-TED OHIO PENITENTIARY. (no place or publisher), 1906. Partial xerox copy of that article and cover only.
Forry, Susan. HISTORY OF W.W. STEWART & SONS, CIGAR MANUFACTURING. Mohnton, PA: by the author, 1990. Single page typed and photocopies mss. A distant descendant gives family history.
Foulkes, Nick. CIGAR STYLE. New York: Assouline Publishing, 2008. Twelve pages of error-filled romanticized rambling followed by sixty full page pointless photos followed by the most silly “timeline” you’ll ever read. Consider this a warning.
Fox, Hugh P. (President NJ State Board of Children’s Guardians) “Child Labor in New Jersey,” ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE, Vol. 20 (November, 1902) pages 191-199. Xerox copy.
Fox, Maxwell. Researched by Carl Drepperd. THE LORILLARD STORY. New York: P. Lorillard & Co., 1947. Hardcover, 7.5" x 9 7/8" illustrated. Spine mostly missing. Covers show lots of wear.
Frankle Bros. Co. INVENTORY LEDGER February 1, 1920 through March 29, 1929. Detailed ten year inventory records from a major wholesaler, listing page after page by price and value of cigars (75± by brand, frontmark and box size), stogies (25+ by brand), tobacco (95± by brand and package), cigarettes (70± by brand), plug (25± by brand), snuff (20± by brand) and pipes, humidors, matches, gum, cards and cigarette paper. Important easy-to-interpret 8.5” x 14” book.
Frear, William, E.K. Hibshman and Otto Olson. THE CIGAR TOBACCO INDUSTRY IN PENNSYLVANIA. Vol.. V: No. 8 (November, 1922). General Bulletin No. 371. Harrisburg, PA: Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 1922. Original in fine condition. Also have part xerox.
Freedman, Myron H. (Mickey) TOBACCO GIANT --- THE OLD AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY. Tucson: by the author, 1976. [pb]
______. “Tobacco Giant - The Old American Tobacco Company (Part 3 of 10).” mimeographed reprint from the BULLETIN OF THE INTERNATIONAL SEAL, LABEL AND CIGAR BAND SOCIETY (from 1970? or 76?).
______. “Tobacco Giant - The Old American Tobacco Company (Part 4 of 10).” mimeographed BULLETIN OF THE INTERNATIONAL SEAL, LABEL AND CIGAR BAND SOCIETY Vol XIV: No. 49 (July/September, 1970). I also have this reprinted as “Tobacco Brands Manufactured by Companies Controlled by the American Tobacco Company Prior to 1911 Dissolution (Part 4 of 4),” in BULLETIN OF THE INTERNATIONAL SEAL, LABEL AND CIGAR BAND SOCIETY VOL XX: No. 77 (September/December 1976).
______. “Tobacco Giant - The Old American Tobacco Company (Part 5 of 10).” mimeographed BULLETIN OF THE INTERNATIONAL SEAL, LABEL AND CIGAR BAND SOCIETY Vol XIV: No. 50 (October/December, 1970).
______. “Tobacco Giant - The Old American Tobacco Company (Part 6 of 10).” mimeographed BULLETIN OF THE INTERNATIONAL SEAL, LABEL AND CIGAR BAND SOCIETY Vol XIV: No. 51 (January/February, 1971).
______. “Tobacco Giant - The Old American Tobacco Company (Part 7 of 10).” mimeographed BULLETIN OF THE INTERNATIONAL SEAL, LABEL AND CIGAR BAND SOCIETY Vol XIV: No. 52 (March/April, 1971).
______. “Tobacco Giant - The Old American Tobacco Company (Part 8 of 10).” mimeographed BULLETIN OF THE INTERNATIONAL SEAL, LABEL AND CIGAR BAND SOCIETY Vol XV: No. 53 (May/July, 1971).
______. “Tobacco Giant - The Old American Tobacco Company (Part 9 of 10).” mimeographed BULLETIN OF THE INTERNATIONAL SEAL, LABEL AND CIGAR BAND SOCIETY Vol XV: No. 54 (August/October, 1971).
______. “Tobacco Giant - The Old American Tobacco Company (Part 10 of 10).” mimeographed BULLETIN OF THE INTERNATIONAL SEAL, LABEL AND CIGAR BAND SOCIETY Vol XV: No. 55 (November/December, 1971).
French, George. "Report of Organizer, Oakland, Cal, May 4th, 1905," CIGAR MAKERS' OFFICIAL JOURNAL. Chicago. Vol XXIX: No. 8 (May 15, 1905), pp 2-3. Original in good, folded, slightly fragile condition. Discusses unionism on west coast, Chinese. Stored in Calif folder.
Fritschler, A. Lee and James M. Hoefler. SMOKING & POLITICS: POLICY MAKING AND THE FEDERAL BUREAUCRACY. 5th Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1996. Trade paperback 6” x 9”
used textbook, plenty of underlining, no evidence by a good student.
Gabler, Arthur, as recorded by Dorothy Seeley (town historian). INTERVIEW, August 6th and 16th, 1978. Gabler is son of Peter Gabler, maker of Gabler's Judge cigars. (have label). Reminisces of local CT factories, 1860-1880's. Typed and photocopied.
Gage, Charles E. AMERICAN TOBACCO TYPES, USES, AND MARKETS, Revised. Circular No. 249, US Dept. of Agriculture. Washington DC: GPO, Issued January 1933, Revised June, 1942. 129 pp, illustrated. Fine condition, slight front cover damage. Back cover taped. Map of tobacco growing regions in fine condition but loose from rest of booklet and framed for exhibit. Also have partial xerox.
_______. (Ibid.) Ex Libris Hawaii Agricultural. Experiment. Station. Ink signature & stampings on cover o/w fine condition copy.
_______. THE TOBACCO INDUSTRY IN PUERTO RICO. Circular No. 519. US Department of Agriculture. Washington DC: GPO, March 1939. Xerox.
Gage, Tad. THE COMPLETE IDIOT’S GUIDE TO CIGARS. New York: Alpha Books (a division of Macmillan Reference, a Simon and Schuster Macmillan Company), 1997. Soft cover, 7.5” x 9” 330 pages crammed with information on a wide variety of information. A must read for beginners and most experienced smokers alike. Like new condition.
Galling, Walter. "The Man Who Saved Havanas," FORTUNE (February 1977), pp 174-178. [clipping about Davidoff]
Gallo, Gaspar Jorge Garcia. BIOGRAFIA DEL TABACO HABANO. Havana: Comision Nacional del Tabaco Habano, 1961.
Ganley, Colin C. “Before the Revolution” in EUROPEAN CIGAR CULT JOURNAL (Summer/September 2009) pages 68 to 73 in English and German. Article about pre-revolutionary cigars mostly puff, includes only a little of the info regarding how to date cigars.
Gannett, Alice. Bohemian Women in New York," LIFE AND LABOR v3 (February 1913), pp 49-52.
Gardner, Jero. THE ART OF THE SMOKE. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing Co., 1998. Hardcover, mint condition. In the history of price guides there has never been a book less accurate than this one. Published in 1998, the prices MAY be accurate when 2098 rolls around, but I wouldn’t bet on it. This book makes me insult to’s a genuine travesty...a comedy of errors.
Garraty, John A. (ed.). LABOR AND CAPITAL IN THE GILDED AGE. Testimony of the Times: Selections from Congressional Hearings: Testimony taken by the Senate Committee upon the Relations between Labor and Capital - 1883. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1968[?]. Xerox copy. Part of the book, covering testimony of Samuel Gompers and George Storm regarding tenement house cigar labor. Great!
Garrido de La Grana, Adargelio. HABANOS SA: TRADEMARKS AND GIS WORKING TOGETHER. Habanos SA; Agadir, Marruecos, 2007. Seven page history and background of Habanos SA.
Gately, Iaia. TOBACCO: A CULTURAL HISTORY OF HOW AN EXOTIC PLANT SEDUCED CIVILIZATION. London, England: Simon & Schuster UK Ltd., 1st American edition, 2001.
General Cigar Co. GENERAL CIGAR CO., INC. - A HISTORY OF SUCCESS. New York: General Cigar, 1964. 5pp single spaced typewritten copy of speech. Have xerox of original typescript. See Strauss, Julius.
_______. GRACIE ALLEN’S ANNIVERSARY GIFT TO GY LOMBARDO. New York: General Cigar Co., 1933. 20 page paper covered 5.25” x 8” stapled booklet with photos, drawings and dialog between George Burns and Gracie Allen advertising Robt. Burns cigars and their radio show. Near mint. [17857-68]
_______. THE STORY OF VINTAGE TOBACCOS. New York: General Cigar Co., 1934. [cp]
_______. WHITE OWL 5c: THE CIGAR OF THE CENTURY. New York: General Cigar, 1933. 24pp pamphlet issued for the World's Fair. Also have box, envelope, stationery, postcard from exhibit.
Gill, William. HAVANA CIGARS. Havana and Akron: The Werner Company, 1910. A fine heavily illus book Hard cover.
Gill, William. HAVANA CIGARS: A COMPREHENSIVE AND DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF THIS WORLD-FAMOUS INDUSTRY FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE PRESENT DAY, With Notes on the Origin and History of Havana Tobacco; Its Growth, Manufacture, Statistics, Exportation, etc., etc. Havana: n.p. [The Havana Cigar and Cigarette Manufacturers’ Union], 1910. Badly damaged copy, covers and title page not attached, spine missing. Ends at page 112. Interior in fine condition. [photos: 18902-18967] Very important book. Huge amounts of info.
Gitelman, H.M. "Adolph Strasser and the Origins of Pure and Simple Unionism," LABOR HISTORY v6:#1 (Winter 1965), pp?? [x]
Glocker, Theodore. "The Structure of the Cigar Makers' Union," in Jacob Hollander and George Barnett (eds.), STUDIES IN AMERICAN TRADE UNIONS. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1912. [x]
Golis, Paul. "Cigar Making in Berks County, to 1860," HISTORICAL REVIEW OF BERKS COUNTY (April 1941), pp66-73. [x]
Gompers, Samuel. SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE AND LABOR: AN AUTOBIOG-RAPHY (in two volumes). New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., 1925. [hb] ex libris with pencil notations.
_______. SEVENTY YEARS OF LIFE AND LABOR: AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Revised and Edited by Philip Taft and John Sessions. NY: E.P.Dutton & Co., Inc., 1957. [hb]
Gonzales Jr., Arturo F. "No Butts About It - Cigars are Coming Back," TRUE (December 1972), pp36-38ff. 98. Original pages removed from magazine. Good diagram of cigar types.
Gonzalez, Manuel. “Jubilee Year of El Principe de Gales” in COUNTRY LIFE IN AMERICA (October, 1906), p. 603. Oversize page removed from magazine.
Good, Daniel B. "The Localization of Tobacco Production in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania," PENNSYLVANIA HISTORY, Vol IL: No. 3 (July, 1982), pp190-200. Xerox . Good brief early history.
Goodman, Jordan. TOBACCO IN HISTORY: THE CULTURES OF DEPENDENCE. New York: Routledge, 1993. Paper covered 6" x 9" 280pp obtained new. Fascinating stats and details, crammed with footnotes.
Gordon, Michael. "The Labor Boycott in New York City, 1880-1886," LABOR HISTORY v16:#2 (Spring 1975), pp??. [x]
Gosling, Francis. “Do You Remember? Manchester’s Cigar Factories,” MANCHES-TER PRESS, Feb. 15, 1968. Xerox of 13 inch article.
Gottsegen, Jack J. TOBACCO: A STUDY OF ITS CONSUMPTION IN THE UNITED STATES. New York: Pitman Publishing Corp., 1940. [ ]
Graves, Charles. CIGARS & THE MAN. [London]: [Martins Cigar Shippers], [sometime in the 1930’s]. Hardcover.
Greely & Guild, "Havana Cigars," advertisement in BOSTON DAILY ADVERTISER, Vol. XLIII (Saturday, June 30, 1838), p.1. Offers 150,000 Dos Amigos and J. Flint brands cigars, "with a variety of other brands" for sale at #1 Central wharf. Original newspaper in fine condition
Greeley, Horace, et al. "Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco," in THE GREAT INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES. Hartford: J.B. Burr & Hyde, 1871. [x]
Greentree, David. A FAR FLUNG GAMBLE / HAVANA 1762. 7.25” x 10” paper covered, 80pp well illustrated. Osprey Publishing: Oxford, 2010. Marked up.
Grimwood, Carrol J. THE CIGAR MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY IN LONDON, ONTARIO: The Causes for the Decline of the Cigar Manufacturing Industry in London. London, ON: Department of Business Administration, University of Western Ontario, 1934. Xerox copy of 90 page typed Master’s Thesis. [Business Reference Library Catalog No.: : BUS H 31.L8/G86]
Grob, Gerald N. “The Knights of Labor and the Trade Unions, 1878-1886. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC HISTORY, Vol. 18, #2 (June, 1958), pp. 1776-192
Grommes, John. SEGAR SECRETS: Some Pointers on the Inner Workings of the Cigar Industry. Chicago: Grommes & Kennedy, 1904. 4”x7” paper covered booklet of 24pp + tipped in map of Cuban tobacco regions. Advertising Ben Bey, Grommes’ revision copy with hand written changes throughout, including new title, address, factory, etc.
[H. Fendrich, Inc.]. ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF CIGAR MAKING. Evansville: H. Fendrich, Inc., 1950. [cp]
Haenszel, William and Michael Shimkin, and Herman Miller. TOBACCO SMO-KING PATTERNS IN THE UNITED STATES. Public Health Monograph No. 45. US Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare. Washington DC: GPO, 1956. [x]
Hall, Emmett Campbell. “Why the Government Smokes Cigars,” HARPER’S WEEKLY Vol. ? No. ? unknown date, 1909, page 12. removed from magazine. Illustrated.
Hamburger, Pinhas. TOBACCO TAXATION IN THE UNITED STATES. PhD Dissertation, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1932. [ ]
Hammond, Robert. “Historical Aspects of Tobacco Culture in California,” THE CALIFORNIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY QUARTERLY. v.XL, #2 (June, 1961), pp 97-107. Review of plantings and experiments in California from mission days to present. Bibliography. Excellent condition complete magazine.
Hannum, J.E. A COURSE IN CIGAR MAKING MANAGEMENT. Baltimore: Red Cross Institute for the Blind, 1921. Originally prepared for Evergreen Cigar Factory #563, an experimental factory established to train veterans blinded in WWI. 66pp xerox of typed mss. Despite factual errors regarding tobacco history, this is an important unknown work detailing bonding, permits, purchasing supplies, and other minutia of factory operation. No memory of where I got this rare document.
Harner, Charles E. A PICTORIAL HISTORY OF YBOR CITY. Tampa: Trend Publications, Inc., 1975. [pb]
Harvey, Clifford A. “Before Rosebud was a Sled: Documentation and Reprinting of Early 19th Century Commercial Wood Engravings from the Gram Lee Collection,” PRINTING HISTORY, Vol. X: No. 2 (1988), Pages 4-18. Original magazine in like new condition except some yellow marker.
Hastings, H.L. A FOOLISH FATHER AND FOOLISH SON. Tract No. 119 J. Boston: Anti-Tobacco Tract Depository, [n.d.] (19th century 1870-1900). Single page two sided 5"x8" illus of boy.
_______. "ISN'T IT WORSE FOR A MAN, FATHER?" Tract No. 110 S. Boston: Anti-Tobacco Tract Depository, (n.d.) (19th century 1870-1900). Single page two sided 5"x8" illus of 6 boy smokers.
Hatton, Joseph, “A Tobacco Factory,” THE ENGLISH ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE. London: MacMillan And Co., 1892. Pages 299-306. Article removed from Magazine. Fine condition.
[Havatampa Cigar Corp.]. HAV-A-TAMPA CIGAR COMPANY // FACTORY NO. 174 // TAMPA, FLORIDA. Tampa: Hav-A-Tampa, ca.1929. 8.75” x 11.25” paper covered, profusely illustrated booklet depicting the factory, the processes, the product line, and their parade floats. Condition very good except for cover stains. Multiple copies.
________. A BRIEF HISTORY OF HAVATAMPA. Tampa: Havatampa, [1960's]. 4pp letter. [o]
_______. A HISTORY OF THE NAME HAV-A-TAMPA. 1980. See: Brown, Earl J., Jr.
Hazard, Samuel. CUBA WITH PEN AND PENCIL. Hartford, Ct: Hartford Publishing Company, 1871.
Heidenrich, George. VALUABLE INFORMATION AND TRADE SECRETS FOR THE CIGAR MAKER. Hand written manuscript. Eight various sized pages. Unpublished. Lockport, NY, c1905, Consists of formula for flavoring, spotting and coloring cigars and flavoring cigar boxes.
[Heimann, Robert K.] SOLD AMERICAN - THE FIRST FIFTY YEARS. New York: The American Tobacco Company, 1954. Hardcover in fine condition.
_______. TOBACCO AND AMERICANS. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1960. Hardcover, with dj. Marked and underlined. Worthwhile beginning history, with little coverage of the cigar industry.
Heinicke's, Milton H. HISTORY OF EPHRATA: BOOKLET NINE. Cocalico Valley, PA: The Historical Society of the Cocalico Valley, 1974. Like new.
Hendrickson, Clarence I. AN ECONOMIC STUDY OF THE AGRICULTURE OF THE CONNECTICUT VALLEY: (3) TOBACCO FARM ORGANIZATION. Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 165. Storrs, CT: Connecticut Agricultural College, 1930. [gp]
_______. A HISTORY OF TOBACCO PRODUCTION IN NEW ENGLAND. Connecticut Agricultural College Bulletin No. 174. Storrs, CT: Connecticut Agricultural College, October 1931. [gp]
Henry Clay and Bock & Co., Ltd. THE STORY OF LA CORONA. New York: Henry Clay and Bock & Co., 1933.
Herbig, Adam F. FORM 73 (rev 1910): BOOK TO BE KEPT BY CIGAR MANUFACTURERS. Day book for Factory 11 14th Tax District, Troy, New York, September 1912 through September 1913. Covers very brittle, contents fine. 12” x 12”. Small factory making 500 to 900 per day, 14,000 to 20,000 a month.
_______. FORM 73 (rev 1910): BOOK TO BE KEPT BY CIGAR MANUFACTUR-ERS. Day book for Factory 11 14th Tax District, Troy, New York, October 1913 through October 1914. Covers very brittle, contents fine. 12” x 12”. Small factory making 400-600 per day, 10,000 to 12,000 a month.
_______. FORM 74 (rev 1910): BOOK TO BE KEPT BY MANUFACTURERS OF TOBACCO. Day book for Factory 22 14th Tax District, Troy, New York, November 1911 through October 1912. Covers very brittle, contents fine. 12” x 12”. Cigar factory making a couple hundred pounds of scrap smoking tobacco a month.
Herford, Oliver, Ethel Watts Mumford and Addison Mizner. THE CYNIC'S CALENDAR OF REVISED WISDOM FOR 1904. San Francisco: Paul Elder and Company, 1902. 1903 edition. Hardcover 4" x 5.5" of approx 60 pages with advertising copy for CORTEZ cigars, from whom it could be ordered for 25¢. Limited edxition., Cover in fair condition binding very weak, back pages about to come off. Decorated pages, a few illustrations.
Herling, John. "Young Samuel Gompers," in 100 YEARS WITH THE CIGAR MAKERS. Washington DC: CMIU of A, 1964. Paperback.
Hill, Joseph A. WOMEN IN GAINFUL OCCUPATIONS, 1870 TO 1920. Census Monographs 9. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, ?? [ ]
Hilton, Matthew. SMOKING IN BRITISH POPULAR CULTURE 1800-2000. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2000. Trade paperback, 284 pages, a few illustrations, extensive academic bibliography. Purchased new.
Holien, Ried," Up in Smoke: In the days of Dakota Territory more than the trains were puffing," SOUTH DAKOTA MAGAZINE Vol. XIII: No. 6 (March / April 1998), pages 40-47. Illustrated. Original magazine like new.
Holland, Margaret. "The Shorter Smoke: Those Collectible adjuncts of Cigars and Cigarettes," THE ANTIQUES JOURNAL (October 1977) pp 26-28, 48. [m]
Holmes, George K. SOME FEATURES OF TOBACCO HISTORY. Reprinted from The Annual Report Of The American Historical Association for 1919, Volume 1, pp 385-407. Washington DC: GPO, 1923. [gp]
_______. "Three Centuries of Tobacco," YEARBOOK OF THE US DEPT OF AGRICULTURE, 1919. Washington DC: GPO, 1920. [ ]
Hopkins, Albert. "A Machine That is More Than Human: An Amazing Electro-mechanical Device Which Distinguishes Between Thirty Different Shades," SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, December 1925.
Hoskins, Colin M. "The Renaissance of the Manila Cigar," ANNIVERSARY NUMBER 1919, pp 76-77. Xerox copy. Unknown magazine.
Hruby, Joseph. "The World's Largest Cigar Band Collection," THE AMERICAN COLLECTOR (August, 1993), p. 28-29. Xerox copy.
Hubbard, Russell G. “Smoke Rings from the Past: A History of the Powell & Goldstein Cigar Company," MADISON COUNTY HERITAGE Number 11 (January, 1982), pp 1-10.
Two copies. TS gave me 2nd one in 2020.
Hughes, T.L. INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN LEAF AND MANUFACTURED TOBACCO. Department of Commerce; Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Trade Promotion Series #7. Washington D.C.: GPO, 1925. 298pp. [gp]
Hutchinson, Ruth, and Arthur Hutchinson and Mabel Newcomer. “A Study in Business Mortality: Length of Life in Business Enterprises in Poughkeepsie, NY 1843-1936.” AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW Vol. XXVIII #3 (September, 1938), pp 497-514. Read but not copied.
Hyman, Tony. “America and the Golden Age of Cigars,” THE COMPLEAT [sic] SMOKER, v1: #4 [Summer 1991], pages 11-13 + 19-21. Mint condition magazines with color photos. Three copies.
_______. “The Band: The history and the Romance of Cigar’s Paper Ring,” CIGAR AFICIONADO [WINTER 1994], pages 112-123. Nice magazine spread. Personal copy slightly damaged.
_______. “Banking on Elections.” CIGAR MAGAZINE Vol. 5: No. 2 (Summer, 2008), pages 63-71. Mint condition complete magazines.
_______. “...But Wait - There’s More! Giveaways, Incentives & Freebies: A Brief Look at Premiums for Smokers,” CIGAR MAGAZINE Vol. 6: No. 3 (Fall, 2009), pages 54-64. Mint condition original magazines.
_______, “Cigar Boxes” chapter in Davidson, Joe, and Sue Davidson. SMOKER’S ART. New York: The Wellfleet Press, 1997. Hardcover. Mint condition. 2 copies.
_______. “Cigar-bage or Cigar-tifact?” ongoing Q & A column in CIGAR MAGA-ZINE each issue starting Summer 2009.
_______. “Cigars, Politics & American Elections,” in SOUTH FLORIDA OPULENCE Vol. II; No. 3 (Summer 2012), pages 68- 70. Excepted by the editor from my website with my permission. Have original mag in mint condition.
_______. "Collector Conventions: A Participant's View," MAINE ANTIQUE DIGEST (September, 1996), pages 44D-46D. Illustrated original pages removed from paper. Good article on why conventions are important.
_______. "The Connorton's Myth," BRANDSTAND, August-September 1978, p3. 5x8 newsletter.
_______. "The Connorton's Myth," [Rev.] BRANDSTAND, April-May, 1997, p17. 5x8 20 page newsletter.
_______. “Elections and Cigars,” THE ANTIQUE TRADER, Vol. XLIV: No. 44 (November 1, 2000), cover and pp4, 70-73. Original paper in fine condition. Covers all Presidential elections 1868-1940 with a box.
_______. "Festive Packaging: Christmas and Cigars," THE ANTIQUES JOURNAL v34: #12 (December 1979), pp20-21. [mag]
_______. “Foreword” in Horowitz, Joe. FIGURAL TOBACCO JARS. Baltimore: FTJ Publications, 1994.
_______. "Four-Square Masterpieces,” CIGAR AFICIONADO (Summer, 1994), pp 62-71. Profusely illustrated. Multiple mint condition copies on hand.
_______. HANDBOOK OF AMERICAN CIGAR BOXES. Elmira, NY: The Arnot Art Museum, 1979. Oversize 166 page profusely illustrated hardcover with dustjacket. Edition limited to 2950 numbered and autographed copies. The basic reference book for collectors until
_______. “Henry’s Hard-A-Port.” CIGAR MAGAZINE Vol. 5: No. 3 (Fall, 2008), pp 71-74. Mint condition complete magazines.
_______. "History of Cigar Boxes, The, Part I," COLLECTORS' SHOWCASE V6:#6 (July/August 1987), pp 37-44. Multiple copies of this magazine.
_______. "History of Cigar Boxes, The, Part II," COLLECTORS' SHOWCASE V7:#1 (September/ October 1987), pp 75-81. Multiple copies on hand.
_______. “The Indian & The Cigar Box,” PAST TIMES v 4: #3 [Fall 1994], p8. Have mint multiple copies of 8 page club newsletter in full color. One glorious page depicting Hyman Indian boxes. No text.
_______. "An Introductory Guide to Advertising Cigar Boxes," THE ANTIQUE TRADER WEEKLY (November 9, 1977), pp60-63. [mag]
_______. “La Honradez Havana cigaritos (cigarettes, 1865,” BRANDSTAND (April-May, 1997), p.3.
_______. "Last Word: Elections & Cigars," SMOKESHOP (July/August 1996), p. 76. Original page. Filed w/AT column.
_______. “Last Word: A Glimpse of Nostalgia,” SMOKESHOP, v23: #3 (May/June 1996), p.64. Article on Hard-A-Port cards. Mint condition mag.
_______. “The Military & Cigars,” MILITARY TRADER (June, 1996), pp 44-46.
_______. “Military Featured on Cigar Boxes,” THE ANTIQUE TRADER WEEKLY (July 3, 1996), pp 93-95. Same article as in Military Trader. Dift layout.
_______. “Nothing Unconventional About Conventions: A report from Chicago,” THE ANTIQUE TRADER WEEKLY (June 12, 1996), pp 82-85.
_______. "On Multiple Use of Label Graphics," TINTYPE v8:#12 (April 1979). [mag]
_______. "Political Puffery," AMERICAN HERITAGE v30:#5 (August-September, 1979), page 110. [original mag] One-half page feature by the editor based on my letter and using my photo of political pair of boxes from 1888 election.
_______. "Pulchritudinous Packaging," CIGAR, Vol. 1:No. 1 (Fall 1981) pages 3-5. Original 12 page magazine in mint condition. Have all four issues of this rare mag produced by Al Goldstein in one original mailing envelope.
_______. “Tobacciana,” monthly Q&A and opinion and news column in THE ANTIQUE TRADER WEEKLY, (1992-2001). Complete file of all 100+ columns on hand. Removed from magazine.
_______. “Tobacciana,” in COUNTRY AMERICANA PRICE GUIDE. Kyle Husfloen, ed. Iola, Wisconsin: Krause Publications, 1996. pages 315-328, 8.5" x 11" in mint condition.
_______. “Tobacciana,” in COUNTRY AMERICANA PRICE GUIDE 2nd EDITION. Kyle Husfloen, ed. Iola, Wisconsin: Krause Publications, 2000. pages 376-391. trade paperback, mint condition.
_______. “Tobacco and Politics:The Cigar Tradition,” KEY-NOTER, v2011:#2 (Summer 2011), pp 6-14, 16-27. Two complete magazines in mint condition.
_______. "Upright Cigar Boxes," THE ANTIQUE TRADER WEEKLY (August 9, 1978), pp 70-74. [mag]
_______. "Uprights II: More Special Cigar Boxes," THE ANTIQUE TRADER WEEKLY (June 4, 1980), pp 72-74. [mag]
_______. THE WORLD OF SMOKING AND TOBACCO AT AUCTION. Claremont, CA: Treasure Hunt Publications, 1989. 176pp soft cover, profusely illus in color and b/w. Pipe notes by Gary Donachy. Various copies and conditions.
Tony Hyman and Peter Lingg. “Dutch Cigar Tins,” PAST TIMES. vol.11; #6 (No month given, 2002), 8 pages.
Ibach, Earl W. TULPEHOCKEN CIGARAMA. Womelsdorf, PA; by the author, 2006. 320pp hardcover, color illus. First rate detailed history of the cigarmakers of Womelsdorf, PA. Mint condition. Available for $75 postpaid from the author:
539 West St., Womelsdorf, PA 19567.
_______. "Womelsdorf Segar-Cigar Makers," pp 314-333 in THE HUB OF THE TULPEHOCKEN. Womelsdorf, PA: by the author, 1976. Like new, some markings and underlining.
[Ibold Cigar Company]. HISTORY OF THE IBOLD CIGAR COMPANY. [n.d.: circa 1954] 2 page mimeo.
Infante, G. Cabrera. HOLY SMOKE. New York: Harper & Row, 1985. [hb]
Ingalls, Robert and Louis Perez, Jr. TAMPA CIGAR WORKERS: A Pictorial History. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2003. Hardcover, 233 pp illustrated. Like new.
Innes, Brian (Compiler). THE BOOK OF THE HAVANA CIGAR. London: Orbis Publishing, 1983. Yet another paean in glorious color, this one 9” x 12” by 128 pages. Includes goodly number of rare 19th century graphics. Better than average.
Irizar, Dr. Mario Diaz. COMENTARIOS A LOS LEYES DE MARCAS Y PATENTES.. Official edition. Havana: Government of Cuba, 1917. Hardcover 248 pp commentary on the laws affecting brand names and trade marks written in Spanish. Excellent condition with a few spectacular (and valuable) illustrations. Very rare.
This is a partial list of documents I own as originals or as photo copies (most entries indicate which). It is not a complete list. This list was created for me by me. It is arranged for my ease of use and follows no specific bibliographic form. This document and the information herein is provided for your information, saving you years of research. It is not to be copied, duplicated, scanned, photographed or reproduced in any way in whole or part without my written permission.
© Tony Hyman, 2003, 2006, 2007