Bibliography A - B
Hyman’s Cigar History Museum Exclusive
©2016 Tony Hyman, all rights reserved
last entry 07-07-18
Bibliography A - B
Hyman’s Cigar History Museum Exclusive
©2016 Tony Hyman, all rights reserved
last entry 07-07-18
[x]: xerox copy [hb]: hard bound book
[bp]: paperback book [gp]: government pamphlet
[mag]: entire magazine
This is a partial list of documents I own as originals or as photo copies (most entries indicate copies with an X). It is not a complete list. This list was created for me by me. It is arranged for my ease of use and follows no specific bibliographic form. This document is provided for your information. It is not to be copied, duplicated, scanned, photographed or reproduced without crediting Tony Hyman or the Cigar History Museum.
This Bibliography DOES NOT INCLUDE most items listed in my topical bibs (Growing, Collecting, Cuba, etc.), except in a few cases where the book or article is considered of general importance. Books and articles which are primarily general histories, label histories, or histories of the printing industry are found in the “Other” bibliography.
© Tony Hyman, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2016
Green: Books of note for quality and depth of information
In July of 2018, while adding to the library, I realized I was doing the same thing I yelled at others for doing... making my print too small.
I immediately raised the type 3 points.
I hope you find the new type easier.
A., B.B. “Influence of Smoking in Promoting Defecation,” THE BOSTON MEDICAL AND SURGICAL JOURNAL. Vol. XXI: Number 3 (August 21, 1844), p.56. Perfect condition 20 pages 5.75” x 9” magazine.
A Merry (pseud). “Smoky Jim.” MERRY’S MUSEUM AND WOODWORTH’S CABINET. Vol. XLVII: Number 6 (June 1864), page 161. New York: J.N. Stearns, Publisher, Poem in 6” x 9.5” magazine in near new condition.
Abad, Don Jose Ramon. LA EXPOSICION AGRICOLA E INDUSTRIAL DE TOBACO REALIZADA EN PONCE, PUERTO RICO. Ponce: Establecimiento Tipografico el Vapor, 1885. 130pp paperback 5x8. Excellent contents about the history of tobacco in PR + great detail about factories, workers, production, etc.
Abbott, Edith. WOMEN IN INDUSTRY: A STUDY IN AMERICAN ECONOMIC HISTORY. New York: Appleton and Co., 1913. Important work to read. [x]
Abraham, Artur. "Comment," NEWS BULLETIN of the International Seal, Label and Cigar Band Society. Bulletin Number 42 (July 15, 1941), p?. Regensburg claim to using first U.S. band. Assortment of original pages from old editions, each containing cigar related info.
Abreu, Orlando Arteaga. EL ORIGEN DE LAS HABILITACIONES Y ANILLOS DE TABACO. Arteaga’s personal typed original manuscript of a speech given to attendees at la Conferencia Internacional V Centenario del Descubrimiento del Tabaco, 1492-1992 in Havana, October, 1992.
Abruzzese, Alberto, et alia. TOSCANI: A BURNING PASSION. Florence: Museo di Storia della Fotografia Fratelli Alinari, 2001. Oversize hardcover approx 200pp profusely illus history of tobacco use and manufacture in Italy. In English and Italian. Like new.
Ades, Marie-Claire. OBJECTS DE CIGARE. Actes Sud: Duncan, 1997. Catalog of cigare related items in the former tobacco museum in Paris (Musee-Galerie de la Seita). Autographed copy. Mint condition.
Aguirre, Jose G. THE TRUTH ABOUT THE HAVANA CIGAR MANUFAC-TURING INDUSTRY. Havana: The Union of the Cigar and Cigarette Manufac-turers of the Island of Cuba, 1905.
Alford, B.W.E. W.D. & H.O. WILLS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE U.K. TOBACCO INDUSTRY, 1786-1965. London: Methuen & Co., Ltd., 1973 [hb]
Allen, George V. TOBACCO AND THE PUBLIC INTEREST. Address before the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture, Sept, 1963. Washington, DC: The Tobacco Institute, Inc., 1963. [ ]
[American Stogie Company}. RECORD OF SALES BOOK OF AMERICAN STOGIE COMPANY’S DESIGNATED BRANDS OF STOGIES, CIGARS AND CHEROOTS. New York: American Stogie Company, c1905. Paper covered, 32 page, 7” x 4” stapled booklet in excellent condition, minor stains on covers. Includes insert list of brand names. [18808] - [18813]
[American Tobacco Company]. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO STORY. New York: [American Tobacco Company], 1960. [ ]
_______. THE STORY OF LA CORONA. New York: Henry Clay and Bock & Co., Ltd., 1933. 32pp illus. [cp]
An Old Smoker. TOBACCO TALK. Philadelphia: The Nicot Publishing Co., 1894. Lovely illustrated hard cover, 4.5” x 7” 96 pages, no internal illus. Ad for George Zorn in back. No harm partial split between front cover and text, one stained page, a few lightly penciled marks, shelf wear on spine; otherwise very fine condition. BONUS: newspaper clipping pasted back of cover quoting La Historia del Mondo Novo by Girolamo Benzoni published in 1565.
Analytical Sanitary Commission. “Cigars and Their Adulterations: Records of the Results of Microscopical and Chemical Analyses of the Solids and Fluids Consumed by All Classes of the Public.” THE LANCET, Vol. 2:No. 19 (November 5, 1853), pp. 443-446. Original mag in near mint condition.
_______. “Opium in Manilla Cheroots: Records of the Results of Microscopical and Chemical Analyses of the Solids and Fluids Consumed by All Classes of the Public.” THE LANCET, Vol. 2:No. 24 (December 10, 1853), pp. 555-556. Original mag in near mint condition.
_______. “Snuff and its adulteration [Part II]: Records of the Results of Microscop-ical and Chemical Analyses of the Solids and Fluids Consumed by All Classes of the Public.” THE LANCET, Vol. 2:No. 23 (December 3, 1853), pp. 532-536. Original mag in near mint condition.
Annis, Morton L., Sr. President of Gradiaz, Annis, a Division of General Cigar Co., FACT & FANCY ABOUT CIGARS AND TOBACCO. “A Centennial Edition published on the One Hundredth Anniversary of the founding of Gradiaz, Annis ---1867-1967. Fact. 1, Tampa. “1st printing May, 1967” 54 page stapled 6” x 9” soft-cover classic recently 2013 obtained in nice tight condition (corner wear) from Ben’s personal collection. Brand-ads inside and on back cover for Gold Label and Shakespeare [[cigars...t]]
Anonymous. "Air Conditioning in Cigar Factories," ELECTRICAL WORLD, v105:#8 (March 16, 1935), p 604+607. [ ]
_______. "All Up in Smoke," HARPER'S WEEKLY, v51 (Sept 21, 1907), p 2648.
_______ "An Improved Cigar Measure," SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, v66 (April 2, 1892), p 211. [x]
_______. "Angry Cigar Workers," AMERICA, v106 (March 31, 1962) p 846. Editorial [x]; see rejoinder by Joe Loughlin.
_______. [anti cigar smoking cartoons, two], HARPER'S WEEKLY (April 4, 1857), p224. Original removed page in oversize.
_______. ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF A LEGISLATIVE ENACTMENT TO ABOLISH THE TENEMENT-HOUSE CIGAR FACTORIES IN NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN. New York: (, 1882. xerox copy of 26 page pamphlet in the collection of Wisconsin Hist Society Cat: HFBC54//.AR Attributed in their catalog to George E. McNeill.
_______. “Artificial Indians,” in THE NEW-YORK MIRROR: A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF LITERATURE AND THE FINE ARTS. New York. Vol. XVIII: No., 4 (Saturday, July 18, 1840), page 31. Original newspaper in fine condition.
_______. “Assessment, Inspection and Tax of Cigars” in THE INTERNAL REVENUE RECORD AND CUSTOMS JOURNAL: A Register of Official Information on Internal and Customs Revenue. Vol. IV: No. 20 (Number 98: November 17, 1866), Pages 155-56. New York. 8 pages , 9.5” x 11.25” newsprint. Disbound. Fine condition. Contains significant other info.
_______. “Assessment of Tax on Cigars” in THE INTERNAL REVENUE RECORD AND CUSTOMS JOURNAL: A Register of Official Information on Internal and Customs Revenue. Vol. IV: No. 4 (Number 82: July 28, 1866), New York. 8 pages , 9.5” x 11.25” newsprint. Disbound. Fine condition. Front page article. Other info.
_______. “Assessors and Collectors of Internal Revenue in the United States” in THE INTERNAL REVENUE RECORD AND CUSTOMS JOURNAL: A Register of Official Information on Internal and Customs Revenue. Vol. IV: No. 10 (Number 88: September 8, 1866), New York. Pages 77-78. 8 pages , 9.5” x 11.25” newsprint. Disbound. Fine condition. Important Partial list of all tax districts including city where assessors and collectors are located. List is completed in next issue, on microfiche in NCM.
_______. "Autobiography of the Pittsburg Toby" in UNION AMERICAN CIGAR CO., MANUFACTURERS OF CIGARS AND PITTSBURG TOBIES. 32pp paper covered 5x8 catalog and promo. incl 9 photos thru factory, including cigar box room. 17pp photos of brands in boxes, many unusual. Pittsburg, c1902. [cp]
_______. "Banding Cigars by Machine," SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, v104 (April 29, 1911), p 433. [x]
_______. “Big Show Opens With a Boom,” TOBACCO, Madison Square Garden, New York, Daily Edition - Exposition Special (September 3, 1907). p. 1, 12, 15. Near mint condition original. 7”x10” magazine.
_______. "The Brown Leaf: Manufacturers, Rollers, and Dealers of Boonville, Cooper County, Missouri." 10pp print out from the net describing some of the early cigar makers of the area.
_______. "Brownstown Cigar Factory Records Acquired," CALICO VALLEY FOOTPRINTS (March, 1996), p. 3. Published Ephrata, PA, Library. Report of Lemon R. Brown and Charles D. Brown, Brownstown cigar makers. 20 employees, widely scattered customers, for 40 years.
_______ Rebecca Rogers (compiler) “Buckle of the Stogie Belt,” ARCHIVING WHEELING , Ohio County Public Library Archives, April 4, 2015.
_______. "Chinese of Our City, The,” FRANK LESLIE’S ILLUSTRATED NEWSPAPER, v?? (Dec 20, 1856), p.44. Removed from magazine. Brief piece with illus of Chinese street cigar seller.
_______. THE CIGAR, VOL II. London: T. Richardson, 1825. 3 xeroxed pages regarding what is sold in London shops at that time. Despite its title, there is little cigar information in either this or the 1811 Vol. I.
_______. "Cigar Banding by Machine," SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, v107 (July 20, 1912), pp 61-2. [x]
_______. "Cigar Brands Filed With the National Tobacco Council," TOBACCO Vol. C: No. 21 (May 23, 1935), pp11-15,20. Great list of registered brands during the Depression. INCOMPLETE LIST covering A to Fo only. Have complete issue in good condition.
_______. “A Cigar Exhibit: A Domestic Cigar Manufacture at the Centennial -- The Display of Messrs. Kerbs & Spiess, of New York.” in FRANK LESLIE’S WEKLY (June 24, 1876). Partial web copy. Original illus in NCM but accompanying text only in web copy)
_______. "Cigar Industry Data," BINGHAMTON (NY) PRESS, February 10, 1952. Xerox copy of 10" column on local history.
_______. "Cigar Machine," SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, vXXII:#6 (February 5, 1870), p87 [front page]. Mint condition sheet removed from magazine. Illus. [see also “Cigar-Making Machine,” 1859]
_______. "Cigar Makers," in a report on job opportunities in Minnesota. NINTH BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, 1903-1904. Minneapolis, 1904. Also additional statistics from Report of 03-04 and 1901-02 on workers, child labor, growth of industry, etc.
_______. "Cigar Makers' International Union of America," in THIRD BIENNUAL REPORT OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, 1891-1892. Minneapolis, 1893. 15pp. [x]
_______. “The Cigarmakers’ Strike,” in NEW YORK HERALD, October 17, 1877, page 4. Brittle. Have original tube rolled for safety.
_______. “The Cigarmakers’ Strike,” in NEW YORK HERALD, October 18, 1877, page 5. Brittle. Have original tube rolled for safety.
_______. “Cigar-Making: An Industry Threatened by the Budget,” THE GRAPHIC (London), May 15, 1909. Page 632. Single tabloid-size page brief article with nine photographs of the process in an unidentified British factory. Excellent condition, removed from magazine.
_______. “Cigar-making in Seville,” THE PENNY MAGAZINE, Vol. VIII: No. 472 (August 10, 1839), page 312. Newspaper description in 21 lines. Original fine.
_______. "Cigar-Making Machine," SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, v1:#8 (August 20, 1859), p114. [mag] [see "Improved Machine for Making Cigars"]
_______. "Cigar-Making Machine," BANNER OF LIBERTY, v12:#43 (October 24, 1860), p.341. Excerpt taken from Scientific American of previous year, with additional comments. Have original newspaper.
_______. “Cigar Manufactories in Manilla,” In THE PENNY MAGAZINE of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge #864 (September 20, 1845), p.368. Unbound, coverless magazine, 8pp long. Excellent reading copy. Article credited to Wilke’s Narrative of the United States’ Exploring Expeditions. Rare report.
_______. “Cigar Manufactory in Manilla,” In THE PENNY MAGAZINE of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge #143 (June 28, 1834), p.246. Unbound, 8pp long, pages have come apart at fold. Excellent reading copy. Article credited to the Asiatic Journal. Rare report.
_______. “Cigar Manufacturers: How They are Affected by the Present Internal Revenue Law” in THE INTERNAL REVENUE RECORD AND CUSTOMS JOURNAL: A Register of Official Information on Internal and Customs Revenue. Vol. IV: No. 18 (Number 96: November 3, 1866), New York. Page 139 8 pages , 9.5” x 11.25” newsprint. Disbound. Fine condition. Other info.
_______. “Cigarmakers Put Strike End Up to OPA,” THE TAMPA DAILY TIMES, July 14, 1945, original front page includes two photos.
_______. "The Cigarmakers' International Union of America," in FOURTH BIENNUAL REPORT OF THE BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, 1893-1894. Minneapolis, 1895. 11pp. [x]
_______. "Cigar Ribbons," SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, v76 (April 17, 1897), p 244. [ ]
_______. “Cigar Settlement Hits Snag,” THE TAMPA DAILY TIMES, July 19. 1945, original front page.
_______. "Cigar-Smuggling in New York Bay," FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRA-TED NEWSPAPER (October 16, 1875), p. 85-86+. Original newspaper page.
_______. "Cigars," ALL THE YEAR ROUND, v13 (February 4, 1865), pp 35-38. [x]
_______. "Cigars," KENNY’S NEW ILLUSTRATED CINCINNATI. Illustrated hard cover book, date and publisher unknown. 4pp unattributed xerox illus with line drawings. Notable for drawings of both wholesale and retail departments of Peebles, a large dry goods department store.
_______. "Cigars: A Classic Ten-Center Becomes a Nickel Cigar, Which May Be The First Puff Of General Warfare," BUSINESS WEEK, v177 (January 25, 1933), pp? [x]
_______. "Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco" in Horace Greeley, et al. (eds), THE GREAT INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES. Hartford: J.B. Burr & Hyde, 1872. Leather bound hard cover, 8.75” x 6”, 1304 pages. Leather dry and splitting; spine a mess; contents and binding fine. Have xerox copy of this article as well.
_______. "City Still Famous for Its Steel But Stogie Fame is War Casualty," THE PITTSBURGH PRESS (Sunday, July 23, 1944), p?. [x]
_______. "Commercial Statistics: Cuba," [HUNT'S] MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE AND COMMERCIAL REVIEW, v6, 1842, pp 81-84.
_______. CONCERNING CIGARS: HOW TO SELECT THEM - WITH A WORD ABOUT CLAYS." London: Stanley Rivers and Co., [n.d.: ca1890]. 23pp [x]
_______. “Costly Cigars,” in THE CIGAR STORE MAGAZINE, Vol. V:No. 1 (July 1900). Have the original magazine.
_______. "Cuban Cigarmakers. Better Paid and Cared for Than Other Classes of Workingmen," THE TOBACCO WORLD ( November 18, 1898), p.5. Original page.
_______. “A Day at a Tobacco Manufactory,” THE PENNY MAGAZINE, Vol. X; No. 620 (November, 1841), pp.465-472. Original 7” x 10” removed from magazine. Illus. Fine condition. Excellent account of London dock, packing hogsheads.
_______. "Death of Sir George A. Wills, Bt., President of the Imperial Tobacco Co. TOBACCO WORLD, Vol XL: No. 8 (August, 1928), pp 581-585. Mostly his good works and mourners.
_______. "Delivery Wagon" (illus of). THE HUB, January 1892. [x] Reported and illustrated in CARRIAGE TERMINOLOGY: AN HISTORICAL DICTIONARY by Don Berkebile. Smithsonian Institution Press, 1978.
_______. “Descendants of United Cigar (Tinderbox),” in CIGAR MAGAZINE v2:#4 (Winter 2005), p79.
______. “Designing Cigar Labels: Novel and Attractive Designs Much Sought After by Cigar Manufacturers,” in THE SUN (New York City), September 23, 1883. Xexox copy.
_______. “Directory 6th Collection District, New York” in THE INTERNAL REVENUE RECORD AND CUSTOMS JOURNAL: A Register of Official Information on Internal and Customs Revenue. Vol. IV: No. 14 (Number 92: October 6, 1866), New York. 8 pages , 9.5” x 11.25” newsprint. Disbound. Fine condition. This issue contains extensive court interpretations of laws relating to confiscation of stills.
_______. “Directory 7th Collection District, New York” in THE INTERNAL REVENUE RECORD AND CUSTOMS JOURNAL: A Register of Official Information on Internal and Customs Revenue. Vol. IV: No. 13 (Number 91: September 29, 1866), New York. 8 pages , 9.5” x 11.25” newsprint. Disbound. Fine condition. Mention made that empty wooden cigar boxes are not taxable but those made of paper are.
_______. “Directory 8th Collection District, New York” in THE INTERNAL REVENUE RECORD AND CUSTOMS JOURNAL: A Register of Official Information on Internal and Customs Revenue. Vol. IV: No. 12 (Number 90: September 22, 1866), New York. 8 pages , 9.5” x 11.25” newsprint. Disbound. Fine condition. Mention made of new law authorizing women to be employed as inspectors to search and prevent female smugglers. This issue contains laws affecting distillers.
_______. “Doyle & Smith...” in “GRIP’S” VALLEY GAZETTE: HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF ONEONTA, NY. Vol. IV: No. 12 (December, 1896), Albany, NY, page 60. Have entire publication, some repairs, illus., 96 pages.
_______. ECHOES OF THE TOBACCO SHOW. New York: no publisher or date (ca. 1904). 10"x7" paper covered 52 page illus booths at Tobacco Exposition held in Madison Square Garden. Interesting to contrast with today. Very rare booklet. Large rat chew right corner affects all pages & some picture captions. Purple cover faded. String bound. Very rare.
_______. "End of the Cigar Hunt: Bogus Stamped Goods All in Now," ST LOUIS CHRONICLE (April 27, 1899), p.7. [n]
_______. “Even La Corona Corona Can’t Pay For Traditions These Days,” THE BUSINESS WEEK, Vol. III (July 20, 1932).
_______. "Exit the parlor match." HARPERS WEEKLY v.46 (November 29, 1902),
page not recorded.
_______. "Factories of the American Tobacco Corp., (The Cigar Trust.)," CIGAR MAKER'S OFFICIAL JOURNAL vol. XXVII: #4 (February, 1903), p. 11. Important list. Gives locations, size, brands, and factory number. Important document. Have original and copy.
_______. "Female Employment - No. 1," HARPER'S WEEKLY, V?:#? (August 14, 1848), pp 525-26. illus of Liverpool cigar factory. [m]
_______. "Fifty Years of Cigar Making In New Hampshire," THE GRANITE MONTHLY, (date unknown). Xerox copy of article, off center, missing citation. Subtitled "What the 7-20-4 Factory, producing eighty million cigars a year means to Manchester and the Granite State."
_______. "$57,000,000 Worth of Whizz and Whoozle," FORTUNE, v18:#2 (August, 1938), pp 25-31ff. illus. [x]
–––––––. “Florida Cigar Leaf: Its Culture on a Large Scale in the Future,” FRANK LESLIE’S ILLUSTRATED NEWSPAPER, (August 2, 1890), pp 563-564, 557. Illustrated first page framed, back xeroxed, 3rd page original clipped from mag.
_______. "From the Tobacco Leaf to the Cigar," SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, v95 (July 7, 1906), pp 10-13. well illus. [?] & pdf
_______. “General Cigar Walkout Urged,” THE TAMPA DAILY TIMES, July 12, 1945, original front page. _______. “Cigarmakers Put Strike End Up to OPA,” THE TAMPA DAILY TIMES, July 14, 1945, original front page includes two photos.
_______. “Cigar Settlement Hits Snag,” THE TAMPA DAILY TIMES, July 19. 1945, original front page.
_______. “Germ-Destroying Properties of Tobacco Smoke,” THE THERAPEUTIC GAZETTE Vol. XXX: #7 (July 15, 1906), 476-77. Original magazine complete.
_______. “A Glance at Havana, Cuba,” Preservation Reprint #8267 from an 1853 PUTNAM’S MAGAZINE. Laurel, MD: Wordmax Books. 8.5” x 11” 9p illus.
_______. "Great Record. St. Louis Turned Out 70,000,000 Pounds of Tobacco, 100,000,000 Cigars and 500,000,000 Cigarettes. We lead the World in Tobacco. About the Men Who Have Built Up This Business," ST LOUIS CHRONICLE (July 24, 1901), p.6 [n]
_______. “Gustav Bock Dead,” NEW YORK TIMES, February 16, 1910. Xerox.
_______. "Havana Cigaritos," ALL THE YEAR ROUND, v16 (September 29, 1866), pp 272-276. [x]
_______. "Havana Cigars," ALL THE YEAR ROUND, v17 (January 26, 1867), pp 108-113. [x]
_______. “Havana’s Cigar Factories: Facts and Figures that Will Interest All Americans who Smoke,” THE NEW YORK SUN (February 14, 1880), page [1?]. 30 col. inches. Major piece. X
_______. “Havana’s Last Cigar Lit // Ruin of Cuba’s Once Great Tobacco Industry Nearly Complete. // Wyler’s Decree Did the Work // Retaliation by the insurgents Increases the Wreck -- Plantations Given the Torch -- Big Cigar Factories Closed.” THE OMAHA DAILY BEE, Sunday, April 24, 1898, p.21
_______. "Havasmoke, Havatampa, Havafortune," ST. PETERSBURG TIMES, Floridian Section, (Sunday, October 25, 1970), pp 8-10. [x]
_______. “High-Priced Cigars: The Weeds that Bring Fancy Prices, and the Men Who Buy Them” in THE SUN (New York City) (September 9, 1883). Xerox copy.
_______. "His First Cigar,” SHINING HOURS. NY: McLoughlin Bros., 1905. Three pages cut from book w/full page illus of child lighting cigar plus 2 page story about smoking. Cute. Slight browning.
_______. “Historic Bits, XI. That Cargo of Girls to Virginia,” LIFE, Vol. XXXV: Number 896 (January 18, 1900). 11” x 14” b/w center-spread cartoon depicting men eagerly piling tobacco in hopes of getting a woman off a boat in the harbor. Excellent condition in full original magazine which also has cartoon of Raleigh complaining to the queen that she stepped on “the only cigar in the kingdom.”
_______. "The History and Mystery of Tobacco," HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE, v11:#61 (June 1855), pp 1-18. well illus. [m]
_______. “History of Cigars Chapter 7: The Earliest Cigar Manufacture,” THE LONG ASH (June, 1937), pp 24-25.
_______. History of Tobacco Regulation,” MARIHUANA, A SIGNAL OF MISUNDERSTANDING. [Washington, DC?]: National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse, [n.d.]. Based on a paper prepared for the Commission by Jane Lange McGrew, DC Attorney. Xerox copy. 30±pp.
_______. “Independent Cigar Sellers and Makers of the Saintly City, ST. PAUL DISPATCH, December 13, 1907. p. 17. Quarter page article. Laminated original.
_______. "Immigration of Cigarmakers from 1875-1898," CIGAR MAKERS' OFFICIAL JOURNAL Vol. XXVII: No. 12 (September 15, 1903), p. 9
_______. “Imports and Duties from 1791 to 1887,” from the ANNUAL REPORT OF IMPORTS ENTERED FOR CONSUMPTION. Washington, DC: United States Bureau of Statistics, 1887. Reprinted in [anon] THE TARIFF OF 1883 (see citation)
_______. "Improved Machine for Making Cigars," SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Vol. I: No.16 (October 15, 1859) p 250 [front page]. illus. [mag]
_______. "Improved Tobacco Press," SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Vol XXII: No. 22 (May 28, 1870), p. 1. Original magazine page removed. illus. folded.
_______. "In a Cigar Box Factory," THE NEW YORK TIMES, Quadruple Edition (Sunday, November 18, 1883), p? [ ]
_______. “In a Tobacco Factory,” HARPER’S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE Vol. XLVII: No. 281 (October, 1873), pp 713-719. 10 illustrations. Very good condition original magazine (a bit brittle; some spine loss). Pictures on Disk 131.
_______. "Inventions New and Interesting: Making the Chauffeur's Cigar Harmless," SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN (August, 1923), p117. Keeping the driver's sparks off the passengers. Illus. Page removed from magazine.
_______. "Ithaca Cigars Smoked in Many Sections of U.S.," THE ITHACA JOURNAL (Thursday, February 10, 1916), p 3. [x]
_______. JOURNAL AND PROGRAM OF THE CIGAR MAKERS’ INTER-NATIONAL UNION OF AMERICA TWENTIETH SESSION. Milwaukee, WI: CMIU, 1893. 6 1/2” x 9 7/8” soft cover 120 pages, contains Union history, lots of ads from box makers, photos of Union officials. Repaired tear on cover. Spine repair. Generally good sound condition. Important rare book.
_______. KTC: KNOW THE CIGAR. Wakefield, Yorkshire, England: The EP Group of Companies, EP Publishing Ltd., 1973. 48 pages. illus. [cp]
_______. “La Corona,” FORTUNE, Volume VII: number 2 (February, 1933), pp. 74-77.
_______. “La Corona--Native,” THE BUSINESS WEEK, Volume IV (March 8, 1933), p. 12.
_______. "La Fendrich Brand Has Hoosier Flavor," INDIANA BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY (January, 1966), p 36. [ ]
_______. "The Little Laborers of New York City,” HARPER’S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE v47:279 (August 1873) pp . Ex cond original mag article removed from mag. Topics include children as early as 4 working, home factories, legislation to control children in factories, tobacco stripping, box making, other home or child-labor industries in New York City shortly after the Civil War. Very useful. Good illus including child strippers.
_______. "Lorillard's Tobacco Warehouse and Factory," FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED NEWSPAPER (May 18, 1867), p. 140. Original removed page. Lengthy discussion. VG condition.
_______. “Loss is Reported by United Cigar Chain,” UNITED STATES TOBACCO JOURNAL Vol. CXXXIV: No. 4 (July 27, 1940), page 16. Original magazine in very fine condition.
_______. “Loss Smaller for Schulte Last Month,” UNITED STATES TOBACCO JOURNAL Vol. CXXXIV: No. 4 (July 27, 1940), page 191. Original magazine in very fine condition.
_______. "Love to be Humbugged: Traveling Agent in Tobacco Business Says That of the American Public," APPLETON [WI] EVENING CRESCENT (August 7, 1903).
_______. MACANUDO FACT BOOK. New York: General Cigar Co., Inc., [n.d.]
Paper binder with c12 pages of text and price lists, 2 pp cover letter, and 9 glossy 8”x10” photos. Combination promotional piece and catalog. Generally fine condition, one repaired cover tear.
_______. ”The Machine Wins Again,” SENIOR SCHOLASTIC, Volume 56: number 8 (March 22, 1950), p. 11.
_______. “Madison Smokes 4,000,000 Cigars Every Year,” p. 231 of MADISON, PAST AND PRESENT. A book of unknown authorship and date [ca 1904]. One xeroxed page from Tom S. Notes that Madison buys more and higher priced cigars than most areas.
_______. “Making the Election Sell Cigars,” UNITED STATES TOBACCO JOURNAL Vol. CXXXIV: No. 4 (July 27, 1940), page 11. Original magazine in very fine condition.
_______. "McSherrystown Cigar Company In Family For 113 Years," EVENING SUN PROGRESS EDITION (Friday, June 20, 1975), p. A-2. Original newspaper page. Full page includes pictorial feature "Birth of a Cigar."
_______. “Meet Today To End Tobacco Trade War,” THE NEW YORK TIMES (November 8, 1915). Nine column inches. Copy downloaded from web.
_______. "Memories of Cigar's Heyday Kept Aglow," SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER (Tuesday, May 20, 1941). Clipping from original paper. 11" story of Washington state's last cigar factory.
______. "The Meredith Cigar-Vending Machine," SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Vol. VC; No. 31 (July 14, 1906). Xerox copy of Patent Department column, illustration of device newly covered by three patents. Feeds directly from the box to the customer.
_______. “Mock Auctions of Cigars,” OAKLAND DAILY TIMES, Oakland, CA, February 12, 1881, p. 6. reprinted from the N.Y. Tribune. Photocopy of article. Cabbage leaf cigars sold at auction in NYC.
_______. “The New Cigar Making Machine,” CIGAR MAKERS OFFICIAL JOURNAL, Vol. XLIV: No. 4 (April 15, 1920), p4. Have original mag and Xerox.
_______. "The New Revenue Bill - Proposed Tax on Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, etc.," THE TOBACCO LEAF, Vol. I: No. 1 (Saturday, March 4, 1865), p2. Taking up 3/4 of the page, detailed look at some provisions of early law. Among earliest law/tax info. Partial xerox of whole issue (where did I get this?)
_______. “The New Tax Bill,” THE COLUMBIA (PA) HERALD, Vol. II; No. 36 (August 6, 1868) page 1. Have original paper and xerox of this article.
_______. "Old Tobacco Shop Signs," TOBACCO WORLD (August, 1928), p597. 1p xerox of part two of article carried over from July (p 556). "To be continued."
VOL. I: NO. 1 (January, 1787), Philadelphia: Carey, Stewart, and Co. Three stanza 18 line poem on page 76. Have original complete 94 page 4.75” x 8” magazine with foxing, creases, tears, and 5 or 6 words missing from an irrelevant letter, the result of a missing corner. This issues also contains 3+ page article by Benjamin Franklin, President of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on the consolidation of the states, a war-hawk letter by Benj. Rush, and an essay on “cancer powder.”
_______. “On the Pernicious Effects of Cigar Smoking” in THE DOCTOR: A MEDICAL PENNY MAGAZINE, No. 1 (August 1, 1832) page 4 of 8. 11”x7” with chewed corner of some pages not affecting text, otherwise excellent. Report of a public lecture by Dr. Waterhouse at Cambridge University. Have two copies with slightly different masthead, one priced, one not.
_______. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Liverpool, England: J.T. Sparke & Co., 1878. 5” x 7” paper covered, 16pp pamphlet. Binding taped. Paper a bit brittle. One page of ads listing Cuban brands for sale. Have both original and Xerox© copy.
_______. “Refilling Case Hangs Fire; ‘Waiting for Instructions,’ Says Collector McCoach...” in TOBACCO LEAF may 4, 1904, p.5, 9 col. inches.
_______. “Origin of Cigars,” THE WEEKLY VISITOR AND LADIES’ MUSEUM, New Series Vol. III: No. 14 (Auguest [sic] 4, 1821, page 220. Two column inches of inaccurate information crediting Raleigh with discovering cigars. Identifies first British smokers. Published in New York. 8 7/8” x 6 1/4” 16 page magazine.
_______. “Packing and Restamping of Cigars Purchased in Bulk” in THE INTERNAL REVENUE RECORD AND CUSTOMS JOURNAL: A Register of Official Information on Internal and Customs Revenue. Vol. IV: No. 10 (Number 88: September 8, 1866), New York. Page 76. 8 pages , 9.5” x 11.25” newsprint. Disbound. Fine condition. Other info.
_______. “Paid Readers in Cuban Cigar Factories,” THE AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW OF REVIEWS, Vol.XXXII: No. 2 (August, 1905), pages 226-227. Original magazine disbound. Sewn and glued. except last 20 pages of magazine are present but have become disconnected. Also [x].
_______. “Philosophy of a Cigar, The,” in OLEAN ADVOCATE (October 1, 1836).
Long front page article. Original newspaper in fine condition.
_______. “Pipe of Tobacco, A” in HARPER’S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Vol. 20: No. 116 (January, 1860). pp 180-186. Article removed from magazine, fine condition. Heavily illustrated.
_______. “Political Puffery,” AMERICAN HERITAGE V30:#5 (August-September, 1979), p.110. Brief article about use of cigar boxes as political poll devices. Pictures boxes from election of 1888. Hardbound magazine. Like new condition.
_______. "Poor Cigars Sold by Dealers as a Noted Brand," SEDALIA SENTINEL (August 24, 1903), p.3. Eight column inch story of a retailer accused of selling imitation Cremo cigars. "The only difference is the band," he said
_______. PORTO RICAN - THE TOBACCO INEVITABLE TO A GOOD MILD CIGAR. n.p., n.d. [ca1926]. 12pp booklet. [gp]
_______. "Prepaid advertisements," THE CIGAR AND TOBACCO WORLD, (June 1, 1904), p397. British mag full p job offers for clerks/ salesmen, businesses for sale, positions wanted, wrappers, printers. An overview of the tobacco world in England in 1904. Page removed
_______. "Protect the Children," CIGAR MAKERS' OFFICIAL JOURNAL Vol. XXVII: No. 11 (August 15, 1903), pp8-9
_______. "A Question of Price: The U.S. Can Use Manila Tobacco and Cigars at the Same RELATIVE price as Before the Japs Busted In--Otherwise Not.” THE TOBACCO LEAF (March 25, 1950), p. 13.
_______. QUINCY: SHADE TOBACCO CAPITAL. [n.p.]:1965. 7pp typed mss in Miami Public Library Florida collection. [xerox copy]
_______. “Raleigh’s Legacy. / Tobacco---The Pet Weakness of All the Nations. / How the Fragrant Weed Works Out its World-Wide Mission of Cheerfulness and Benevolence. / Did David Take Snuff, and Did Tobacco Stimulate the Monkey Into Darwinian Development? / Facts and Figures on Tobacco Consumption,” Long front page article, THE CHICAGO TIMES (November 1, 1873). Copied off the net.
_______. RECORD OF SALES OF CIGAR, CIGARETTE, AND TOBACCO STAMPS TO EACH MANUFACTURER, 1896-1900. Ledger of the Eastern Region 28th Tax District, NY [probably Elmira]: US Internal Revenue, 1900. [x]
_______. REPORT OF THE FACTORY INSPECTOR OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, THIRTEENTH ANNUAL. Transmitted to the Legislature January 23, 1899. New York & Albany: Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford Co., state printers, 1899. [x]
_______. REPORT OF THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE RELATIONS OF CAPITAL AND LABOR IN CANADA VOL. 2: EVIDENCE-NEW BRUNSWICK. Ottawa: Queen’s Printer and Controller of Stationery, 1889. Partial Xerox copy, approximately 40 pp related to cigars.
_______. REPORT OF THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE RELATIONS OF CAPITAL AND LABOR IN CANADA VOL. 4 Part 1: EVIDENCE-QUEBEC. Ottawa: Queen’s Printer and Controller of Stationery, 1889. Partial Xerox copy, approximately 100 pp related to cigars.
_______. REPORT OF THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE RELATIONS OF CAPITAL AND LABOR IN CANADA VOL. 5: EVIDENCE-ONTARIO. Ottawa: Queen’s Printer and Controller of Stationery, 1889. Partial Xerox copy, approximately 40 pp related to cigars.
_______. “Retailers of the Old School: Harry Custance” in THE CIGAR AND TOBACCO WORLD (June 1, 1904) Pages 458-459. Pages removed from magasine. In Europe binder.
_______. “Review” in THE INTERNAL REVENUE RECORD AND CUSTOMS JOURNAL: A Register of Official Information on Internal and Customs Revenue. Vol. IV: No. 17 (Number 95: October 27, 1866), New York. 8 pages , 9.5” x 11.25” newsprint. Disbound. Fine condition. Front page article, with paragraph noting no tax accrues on moldy cigars that are repacked. Article is mostly other info.
_______. “Review [of the Tax on Cigars]” in THE INTERNAL REVENUE RECORD AND CUSTOMS JOURNAL: A Register of Official Information on Internal and Customs Revenue. Vol. IV: No. 10 (Number 88: September 8, 1866), New York. 8 pages , 9.5” x 11.25” newsprint. Disbound. Fine condition. Front page article. Other info.
_______. ROLLERS AND STRIPPERS, TWOFERS AND CROOKS. Red Lion, PA: Kaltreider Memorial Library, n.d. 11p + 6 appendix. Mimeo. "Supported by a grant from the Public Committee for the Humanities in Pennsylvania, A Statewide Funding Organization Affiliated with the National Endowment for the Humanities." [x]
_______. "Rufus Lenoir Patterson's Cigar Machine," FORTUNE (June, 1930), pp 56-58ff. [ ]
_______. "Smoke Gets in His Eyes," THE ? POST (Sunday, January 27, 1980), p 44. [x]. Unattributed newspaper clipping.
_______. "Smokers are Easily Fooled," APPLETON [WI] EVENING CRESCENT (Ausust 7, 1903). Deals with mislabeling of tobacco type and origin. Newspaper clipping.
_______. "Special Report: The Cigar City," TAMPA (August, 1972). [ ]
_______. “Stamping Cigars.” NEWARK (NJ) DAILY ADVERTISER, November 15, 1864, page 2. Four inches of latest rules regarding taxing and stamping cigars in original 4 page oversize newspaper in fine condition. [Photo: 13117]
_______. "Stanley's Philippic Against The Tobacco Trust," UNITED STATES TOBACCO JOURNAL (June 2, 1906), p4-5,12-13.. Long report on speech in House of Rep by Kentucky Representative A.O. Stanley on the "STORY OF THE TRUST’S ORIGIN, SPREAD AND ABSORPTION OF OTHER FACTORIES. Original.
_______. "Stogies: An Historic Old Pittsburgh Industry of Colonial Times Goes Valiantly On, Continues Up Front," Business column in THE BULLETIN INDEX (Thursday, February 4, 1937), p ?. [x]
_______. THE STORY OF TOBACCO VALLEY. Hartford, CT: The Shade Tobacco Growers Agricultural Association, Inc., [n.d.: 1948?]. Stapled paper-covered 24 page illustrated story of Connecticut tobacco. Very good condition.
_______. ”The Strike Of The Cigar Makers In Tampa.” THE TOBACCO WORKER, v15:#1 (January, 1911). pp 9-11. [x]
_______. "Suffield Once Cigar Making Center, Now Noted as Great Growing Area," single page newspaper report datelined Suffield, Conn., June 13 (late 1932). 15” article clipped from paper. Also Xerox copy.
_______. “Suspension of Export Duties in Cuba” in THE INTERNAL REVENUE RECORD AND CUSTOMS JOURNAL: A Register of Official Information on Internal and Customs Revenue. Vol. IV: No. 17 (Number 95: October 27, 1866), New York. 8 pages , 9.5” x 11.25” newsprint. Disbound. Fine condition. Full column translation of the Spanish order suspending export duties for six months.
_______. “A Talk with Mr. Gomper,” in REVIEW OF REVIEWS (American Edition), Vol. X; No. 54 (July, 1894), pages 27 - 29. Good condition original mag.
_______. THE TARIFF OF 1883: RATES OF DUTY. New York: The Tribune, 1888. Paper-covered 20 page 8” x 10” in very fine condition. “Rates of duty fixed by the Tariff of 1883, and now in force, compared with the previous rates, and accompanied by a detailed statement of the Importations of Foreign Goods and Duties paid on the same ion the two years ending June 30th, 1883, and June 30th, 1887, reprinted in part from The Tribune Almanac for 1884.”
_______. “Technological Changes in the Cigar Industry and Their Effects on Labor,” MONTHLY LABOR REVIEW, Vol. 33, #6 (December, 1931). pp. 11-17. xerox copy of important article.
_______. “Tenement Cigarmaking: Assemblyman Louis Cohen’s Views in Opposition to that Work” THE SUN (NEW YORK), April 11, 1881, page 3. Have original and article copy printed from the net.
_______. THIRTEENTH ANNUAL BANQUET YORK COUNTY CIGAR MANUFACTURERS’ ASSOCIATION. Program and invitation belonging to H.D. Miller. Yorktowne Hotel, York, 1933. Excellent condition, includes list of officers and business supporters.
_______. “Tobacco,” four inch newspaper article noting that a tax on tobacco use could pay for the building of the great canal from Lake Erie to the Hudson River. NILES’ REGISTER, Vol. XXI: No. 2 (whole number 522), September 8, 1821. Sixteen page 6.25” x 9.25” newspaper published in Baltimore. Original whole paper in good condition, some spotting. Disbound from book. Also has articles against going into debt. the death of Napoleon, buying American-made products, and slavery.
_______. "Tobacco and History: Philadelphia Freedom," PHILIP MORRIS MAGAZINE (July - August, 1989), pp20-22. 1788 Phila parade w/ 70 tobacconists carrying 6'x6' banner of tobacco plant, only surviving parade item.
_______. "Tobacco Culture in Florida," THE TOBACCO LEAF, Vol. I: No. 1 (Saturday, March 4, 1865), p4. xerox of full tabloid page devoted to early experiments in the hurricane state.
_______. “Tobacco; Its Medical Properties, and the Moral Influence of Smoking,” SUPPLEMENT TO THE DOCTOR: A MEDICAL PENNY MAGAZINE, Vol. I: Number 40 (March 27, 1833), page 1-2. Fine condition original magazine. Generally pro-smoking, pointing out falsehoods in the anti-smoking movement.
_______. "Tobacco Plan Goes Now Before Court," THE NEW YORK TIMES (Friday, August 25 [1908?]). Lengthy article outlining finances and ownership of the tobacco trust. removed from TIMES, and date incomplete. Original destroyed in copying. Xerox.
_______. TOBACCO TALK AND SMOKERS' GOSSIP: An amusing Miscellany of fact and anecdote relating to the Great Plant' in all its forms and uses including a selection from nicotgian literature. London: George Redway, 1886. Hardcover, 148 pages plus publisher ads. 4" x 6" in reasonable worn condition. Binding tight. One blank end paper torn.
_______. "Tobacco Trade of the United States," MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE AND COMMERCIAL REVIEW, v6, 1842, pp 240-47. [x]
_______. TOBACCO VALLEY TERCENTENARY, paper covered 9 3/4 “ x 12” 16 page souvenir illustrated history of the Connecticut Valley and Tobacco, 1934. Fine throughout; 25¢ size scrape removed image.
_______. [“A London Journalist”]. TOBACCO WHIFFS FOR THE SMOKING CARRIAGE: A History of the Tobacco we Smoke, &c. 2nd Edition. London: E. Seale, 1881. 5.5”x8” paper covered 100+ pp plus ads. Chapters on cigars, pipes, cigarettes, smoking tobacco, and snuff. Excellent exposition of fraudulent brands. Sewn, binding and pages tight, cover worn.
_______. [Editor, CIGAR AND TOBACCO WORLD magazine]. “TOBACCO WORLD” HANDBOOK. London: Heywood & Co. Ltd., 1914. Hardcover 5” x 7.5” illustrated, advertising, 148 pages. Cover faded and soiled; contents excellent. Articles on British and imported cigars, cigarettes, snuff, shop management, etc.
_______. TOBAGO: A PICTURE BOOK OF TOBACCO AND THE PLEASURES OF SMOKING. Published in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of H.F. & Ph.F. Reemtsma, Cigarette Makers, Amsterdam, 1960. Fine condition.
_______. TYPE CLASSIFICATION OF AMERICAN-GROWN TOBACCO.. Bureau of Agricultural Economics Miscellaneous Circular No. 55 Prepared Under Authority of the United States Warehouse Act of August 11, 1916. Issued January 1926. United States Department of Agriculture; Washington, GPO, 1925. Paper covered stapled booklet 3 3/4” x 6 3/4” in mint condition.
_______. VIEWS OF PUERTO RICO. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Hardie Bros, 1899. 72 illus 9"x6.5" stiff board cover, tied, in fine except cover broken where tied. Filled with personal notes by traveler.
_______. "Virtues of Tobacco," DELAWARE GAZETTE [Delhi, NY], March 5, 1828. Reprinted in NEW YORK HISTORY (January 1984) [x]
_______. “War Against Cigarettes: The Many Ills To Which it is Alleged They Give Rise; Asthma, Indigestion, and Various Nervous Troubles Among the Young Laid to their Charge--Prohibitory Legislation,” in THE SUN (New York City) February 8, 1884. Xerox copy.
_______. "When Gears and Levers Replace the Cigar Maker's Adept Fingers," SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN (November, 1922), p 312f. [x]
_______. “Working Women in New York,” HARPER’S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE, Vol. LXI: No. 361 (June 1880), pages 25-37. Disbound complete mag except for covers.
Anthology, M. (pseud). “Cigarrs [sic]” in THE PORT FOLIO (New Series), Vol. III: No. 15 (April 11, 1807), Page 238 (12 in this paper). Fine condition digest size Philadelphia newspaper. [Photo 17814]
Appel, John C. "The Unionization of Florida Cigar-makers and the Coming of the War with Spain," HISPANIC AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW, v36 (February, 1956), pp 38-49. [ ]
Apperson, G.L. SOCIAL HISTORY OF SMOKING, THE. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1916. [hb]
Armistead, Donald. "Tobacco Axe," CHRONICLE OF THE EARLY AMERICAN INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION (March 1966), p7. [x]
Aschenbrenner, H. and Dr. Gunther Stahl. HANDBUCH DES HANDELS MIT TABAKWAREN. Berlin: Verlag Richard Gahl, 1939.
Azpeitia, Mario, "We Make Cigars," in 100 YEARS WITH THE CIGAR MAKERS. Washington, DC: CMIU of A, 1964. 8.5” x 11” paper covered booklet in very good condition.
Back, J.B. THE PLEASURES OF CIGAR SMOKING. New York: Rutledge Books, Inc., 1971. Trade paperback.
Badelles, Jose Pascual. CATALOGO DE VITOLAS AMERICANAS CON RETRATOS DE HOMBRES. Valencia, Spain: By the author in conjunction with the Asociacion Vitolfilica Española, 1981. Stiff paper covers, 115 pages 8.5” x 12 3/8” bound with tape and glue. Appears mimeographed. Profusely illustrated in like new condition.
_______. CATALOGO DE VITOLAS AMERICANAS CON RETRATOS DE HOMBRES (II PARTE). Valencia, Spain: By the author in conjunction with the Asociacion Vitolfilica Española, 1986. Stiff paper covers, 124 pages 8.5” x 12 3/8” bound with tape and glue. Appears mimeographed. Profusely illustrated in like new condition.
_______. CATALOGO DE VITOLAS AMERICANAS CON RETRATOS DE HOMBRES [y] CATALOGO DE VITOLAS CON RETRATOS DE MUJERES (APENDICE). Valencia, Spain: By the author in conjunction with the Asociacion Vitolfilica Española, 1989. Stiff paper covers, 82 pages 8.5” x 12 3/8” bound with tape and glue. Appears mimeographed. Profusely illustrated in like new condition.
_______. CATALOGO DE VITOLAS CON RETRATOS DE MUJERES. Valencia, Spain: By the author in conjunction with the Asociacion Vitolfilica Española, 1983. Stiff paper covers, 134 pages 8.5” x 12 3/8” bound with tape and glue. Appears mimeographed. Profusely illustrated in like new condition.
_______. TARIFA DE PRECIOS DE LOS CATALOGOS SIGUIENTES. Valencia, Spain: By the author, 1989. Paper covers, 26 pages 6” x 8.25” staple bound. Appears mimeographed. Not illustrated, in like new condition.
Baer, Willis N. THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE CIGAR INDUSTRY IN THE UNITED STATES. Lancaster, PA: privately printed, 1933. Have both hardcover and xerox of very important and rare book, based on a doctoral dissertation at the University of Pennsylvania, it is one of the most important ever published on the cigar industry.
Ballou, Maturin. HISTORY OF CUBA; or, Notes of a Traveller in the Tropics, Being a Political, Historical, and Statistical Account of the Island, from its First Discovery to the Present Time. Boston: Phillips, Sampson and Company, 1854.
Barbuto, Joan. "Cigars Are Last Bastion of Masculinity," [about F.D. Grave & Son], NEW HAVEN REGISTER (May 18, 1979) p 36. Xerox copy.
Barclay, Juliet. CIGAR PAPERS. Pentagram Papers #23. London: Pentagram Design, [n.d.]. 24pp illus. Like new condition. Interesting Cuban nomenclature.
Barker, Judy and Donna Kennedy. THE TOBACCO LEAF YESTERDAY AND TODAY. Delhi, Ontario, Canada: The Township of Delhi Public Library, 1979. 64pp illus. [pb]
Barnes, Edward L. "Cigar and Snuff Shares' Outlook Improved," FORBES Vol. 38:No. 3 (August 1, 1936), pp 32-33.
Baarslag, Karl. “The Era of The Cigarette Card,” ESQUIRE Magazine (December, 1945), Page 102, 301-303. I own only someone's scrapbook copy; now stored in ART Profolioa. Photo Catalog # unassigned at this writing tho known high [258??+4] (poss 25886?)
Bates & Co. "Cigars -- 800,000 Havana Cigars," advertisement in BOSTON DAILY ADVERTISER, Vol. XLIII (Saturday, June 30, 1838), p.4. Offers "the following brands: Super Super, Regalia, Delicias, Demi Imperial, Gift, Castellano, F.P. Moreno, Rifle, B, and Yara" at 55 Commercial wharf.
Bati, Anwer. THE CIGAR COMPANION: A CONNOISSEUR'S GUIDE. Philadelphia, Running Press, 1993. 224pp, illus (mostly with cigars). Hardcover w/dustjacket. Mint condition. Compares cigars in the marketplace.
Bati, Anwer, and Simon Chase. THE CIGAR COMPANION: A CONNOISSEUR’S GUIDE, 2nd edition. Philadelphia, Running Press, 1995. 224pp, illus (mostly with cigars). Hardcover w/dustjaclet. Mint condition. A comparison of cigars on the marketplace.
Bell, Barbara. "Glance Backward: Yes, They Did Make Cigars in Ithaca," ITHACA JOURNAL, Saturday November 30, 1968, p14. [x]
Bemis, Edward. “The Benefit Features of American Trade Unions, POLITICAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY, Vol. 2, #2 (June, 1887), pp 274-290. xerox
Benesch, Dr, Friedrich. 150 JEHRE OSTERREICHISCHE TABAKREGIE 1784-1934. Vienna: Osterreichischen Tabakregie, 1935. Hardcover 64 page illustrated limited edition history of the Austrian government’s tobacco monopoly written and published in German. 9.25" x 12 3/4". Ex libris. Covers worn, corners bumped. Interior excellent. Advertising supplement never opened.
Berger, Jason and Leonard Saffir. “Smoke-Filled Rooms and Other Cigar Tales.
Seven typed pages, lightweight article on politics and cigars prepared for the Cigar Association of America. 1984?
Bergstrom II, William N. "Cigar Making in Milwaukee: The Eclipse of an Industry," HISTORICAL MESSENGER, v33 (Spring, 1977) pp 25-36. [x]
Berman, A. H. "Cigar Manufacturing Costs,” NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COST ACCOUNTANTS OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Vol. IV: #12 (March 1, 1923).
Bettendorf, Harry J. PAPERBOARD AND PAPERBOARD CONTAINERS: A HISTORY. Chicago: Board Products Publishing Co., 1946. Originally published in Fibre Containers, 1945-46. Hardcover, 8.5” x 11”, well illustrated, 135pp, brief bib, excellent historic appendix. Small spot on cover otherwise like new condition. An all-around excellent book for anyone interested in history of paper & cardboard.
Billings, E.R. TOBACCO: ITS HISTORY, VARIETIES, CULTURE, MANUFACTURE AND COMMERCE. Hartford: American Publishing Co., 1875. Reprinted by Scholarly Resources Inc., Wilmington, DE, 1973. Hardcover.
Bishop, Robert. AMERICAN FOLK SCULPTURE. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., 1985. Single page xeroxed.
Bjorkman, Edwin. “What Industrial Civilization May Do to Men,” THE WORLD’S WORK (April, 1909), pp. 11479-11498. Original article disbound from magazine. A look at Pittsburgh working and living conditions in stogie and other industries.
Blakey, Roy & Gladys. “The Revenue Act of 1918.” THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, Vol. IX #2 (June, 1919), PP 213-243. Read but not copied.
Blanton, Bill. "Old Havana: City down on her luck but still very vibrant," SANTA MARIA TIMES (Sunday June 7, 1998), pages E1-E2. Color article on travel in Havana 6 years after I went.
Boll, Thomas. "McSherrystown Cigar Company in Family for 113 Years," BALTIMORE SUN (Friday, June 20, 1975), p A-2. [x]
Borio, Gene. "About.....A Long History of Tobacco," THE TOBACCO BBS. Morrisville, PA: Viable Herbal Solutions, 1997, 2001. 20pp excellent year by year look at tobacco history., especially good for later years. Downloaded from the net.
Boris, Eileen, “A Man’s Dwelling House Is His Castle”: Tenement House Cigar making and the Judicial Imperative,” Chapter 5 in Ava Baron’s WORK ENGENDERED: TOWARD A NEW HISTORY OF AMERICAN LABOR. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 199? Xerox copy of excellent analysis of, with especially noteworthy bibliography of newspaper accounts.
_______. "Tenement house cigar making and the judicial imperative," in HOME TO WORK: MOTHERHOOD AND THE POLITICS OF INDUSTRIAL HOMEWORK IN THE UNITED STATES. Cambridge University Press (date and place not included in xeroxes, pp 20-47, pages xeroxed. Very good look.
Boros, Ethel. "Cigar Boxes and Their Hidden Treasures," THE [Cleveland] PLAIN DEALER MAGAZINE (Sunday, April 1, 1979) [n]
Borsodi, William (editor and compiler). TOBACCONISTS' ADVERTISING. New York: The Advertisers' Cyclopedia Company, 1910. [x]
BOSTON DAILY ADVERTISER, Vol. XLIII (Saturday, June 30, 1838), 4pp original newspaper filled with ads for cigars, tobacco, gum tragacanth, sugar, hides, etc. Split at fold. Paper very good.
Bouant, Emile. LE TABAC: Culture et Industrie. Paris: J.B. Bailliere et Fils, 1901.
Boutwell, George S., Commissioner, U.S. Treasury Department, Office of Internal Revenue. S.P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury. LETTER OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TRANSMITTING A COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE, CONCERNING THE ORGANI-ZATION OF HIS OFFICE AND THE PRESENT CONDITION OF ITS BUSINESS. 37th Congress, 3rd Session. Senate. Executive Document No. 20. Letter: January 13, 1863. Transmission: January 20, 1863. Xerox.
Bowen, Andy. "When Fine Cigars Came from Polk County," TAMPA TRIBUNE-TIMES Florida Accent (Sunday, January 18, 1976), pp 9-12. [ ]
Bowman, John, “Stogie Town,” ARCHIVING WHEELING. “Only a Stogie from Wheeling Can Be3 a Wheeling Stogie.” Archiving Wheeling on Instagram. September 25, 2015. Have comgen copy.
Bowser, A.W., “The Cultivation of Tobacco,” THE VERNON NEWS SPECIAL HOLIDAY NUMBER. Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, 1912), p. 20. Xerox copy.
Brandt, Allan M. THE CIGARETTE CENTURY: THE RISE, FALL, AND DEADLY PERSISTENCE OF THE PRODUCT THAT DEFINED AMERICA. New York: Basic Books, 2007. Hard cover 6 3/8" x 9 1/2" w/dj. A few grouped b/w illustrations in 600 pages. A few notes by previous owner.
Breneiser, Charles. Long time well-established (since 1847) wholesale tobacconist, Reading, PA. LEDGER. Detailed information posted weekly in small readable print covering customers and activities 1904 through 1917. Huge amounts of detail regarding products sold. Many 8” x 13” pages with 500+ entries. Cover off; some loose pages, but clear and readable.
Brennan, W.A. TOBACCO LEAVES: BEING A BOOK OF FACTS FOR SMOKERS. Menasha, WI: The Collegiate Press, 1915. [hb]
Brinkman, Fred. "Havana Firm Employs 175 People," unknown Tampa Area Newspaper (Sunday, April 8, 1956), p 32. [x]
Broders, Edward. THIS LABEL IS BOOMING BOSTON. Boston: CMIU of A, 1910. Pamphlet. [ ]
Brongers, Georg A. NICOTIANA TABACUM. Amsterdam: H.J.W. Becht's Vitgeversmaatschappij N.V., 1964. Translated from the Dutch by W.C. Ter Spill. [pb]
Brooks, Jerome E. THE MIGHTY LEAF: TOBACCO THROUGH THE CENTURIES. Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1952. Hardcover.
Brooks, Sydney. “The Cuban Cigar and its Maker,” HARPER’S WEEKLY, 1912.
Brown, Earl J., Jr. A HISTORY OF THE NAME HAV-A-TAMPA. Tampa: Havatampa Cigar Corporation, 1980. 9”x12” paper covered 32 page illus history. In color and b/w. Corporate promotional piece. Minor cover damage, one banged corner, otherwise excellent.
Brown, Martin and Peter Philips. “Competition, Racism, and Hiring Practices Among California Manufacturers, 1860-1882,” INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR RELATIONS REVIEW, Vol. 40 #1 (October, 1986), pp. 61-74. xerox.
Budlow, Gilbert. "Component Parts of a Cigar Band," CIGAR BAND NEWS Vol. II: No. 3 (May-June, 1949), p.3. Xerox copy of original document. The six parts of a band diagramed.
Buffenmeyer, Lisa and Michelle Long. "The Cigar Industry in the Tulpehocken Valley," HISTORICAL REVIEW OF BERKS COUNTY (Summer, 1985), pp 106-107. [x]
Burke, Edward (compiler). PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONVEN-TION OF TOBACCONISTS HELD AT COOPER INSTITUTE IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK NOVEMBER 22, 1865. New York: The Tobacconist's National Association, 1865. [x]
Bushnell, Scott. "101-Year Old Family Cigar Business Survives Despite Smoking Decline: Connecticut Firm Carries On Tradition," SUNDAY DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE (Rochester, NY), April 21, 1985, p4F. [m]
Butler, Elizabeth Beardsley. "The Stogy Industry," in WOMEN AND THE TRADES, PITTSBURGH 1907-1908. Part of THE PITTSBURGH SURVEY in six volumes, edited by Paul Underwood Kellogg. New York: The Russell Sage Foundation, 1909. Have Xerox copy.
_______. "The Stogy Industry in Pittsburgh," CHARITIES AND THE COMMONS (July 4, 1908). Imperfect Xerox.
Butterworth, Benjamin (compiler). THE GROWTH OF INDUSTRIAL ART. Washington DC: GPO, 1892. Original cut pages. Multiples of some. 1888?
Byrd, Lucy. “Perils of the Seductive Weed” in San Francisco Call (October 3, 1897), page 18. Lengthy description of visits to Chinese cigar factories accompanied by a health inspector. Have only digital copy posted in the Museum’s Cigar History Exhibit. Courtesy of Jerry Petrone.
Byrnes, Agnes Mary Hadden. INDUSTRIAL HOME WORK IN PENNSYL-VANIA. Harrisburg: Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry, 1920/1[?]. Partial xerox, covering data relevant to stogie makers and label pasters in PA. Compares pre WWI with post war. Approximately 100 pages.
This is a partial list of documents I own as originals or as photo copies (most entries indicate if photocopied). It is not a complete list. This list was created for me by me. It is arranged for my ease of use and follows no specific bibliographic form. This document and the information herein is provided for your information. When used credited Tony Hyman or Hyman’s Cigar Museum..
© Tony Hyman, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2018