Revenue Stamps
A Cigar History Museum Exclusive
© Tony Hyman, All rights reserved
Last additions: April 13, 2012
Entry addition: February 6, 2017
Revenue Stamps
A Cigar History Museum Exclusive
© Tony Hyman, All rights reserved
Last additions: April 13, 2012
Entry addition: February 6, 2017
Red entries are items added after the paper edition was published in 2005.
Bartlet, J. Delano and Walter W. Norton. UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE STAMPS, HYDROMETERS, LOCK SEALS. Springfield, MA: United States Revenue Society, 1912. Reprinted by J.L. McGuire of Dennis, MA, 1982. Xerox copy of rare 1982 reprint.
Brandom, Lee W. CANADIAN REVENUE GROUP OF BNAPS: CATALOG OF TOBACCO TAX PAID STAMPS OF CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND. n.p.: British North America Philatelic Society, 1976. 8.5” x 11” inexpensively printed, illustrated, good condition. Lots of notations.
_______. CANADIAN REVENUE GROUP OF BNAPS: FIRST SUPPLEMENT TO THE CATALOG OF TOBACCO TAX PAID STAMPS OF CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND. n.p.: British North America Philatelic Society, 1980. 8.5” x 11” inexpensively printed, illustrated, like new condition. Yellow marker throughout informative history of stamps.
Freedman, Myron. “Cigar Brand Poster Stamps,” in INTERNATIONAL SEAL, LABEL AND CIGAR BAND SOCIETY NEWS BULLETIN Vol. XXIII: No. 91 (April-June, 1980), unnumbered page 5. Original publication. Brief explanation of SAN FELICE and EL VERSO stamps. All 10 are pictured.
Fricks, E.E. "Acts of Congress Imposing Taxes On Tobacco and Snuff and Rates of Tax," THE AMERICAN REVENUER Vol. XXXVI: No. 9 (October, 1982), p137-138. Xerox copy. 1 page summary.
Harper, John B. “Descriptive Listing of Canada’s Excise Bonded Removal Permit Stamps” in CANADIAN REVENUE NEWSLETTER Number 64 (March 2009). Printed from web.
Hicks, John Alan. UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE TAX-PAID STAMPS PRINTED ON TIN-FOIL AND PAPER TOBACCO WRAPPERS: A History and Catalog. Self published limited edition [#138 of 600] by the Hicks Philatelic Company, New York. 1989. 217 pages w/dj. Mint. New cost $100. Definitive work on this rare type of revenue stamp/tobacco label. 8.75” x 11.5”
Hines, Terence. SPECIAL TAX STAMPS OF THE UNITED STATES. [Springfield, MA?]: The American Revenue Association, 1977. Xerox copy.
Hoffman, Daniel. "Advertising on U.S. Revenue Stamps," THE ANTIQUE TRADER WEEKLY (April 27, 1977), pages 62-63. Illustrated, original pages torn from paper.
Ivester, Hermann. "A Closer Look At The Series 112 Cigar Stamps,” THE AMERICAN STAMP DEALER & COLLECTOR (January, 2011), page 20-23
_______. “New Taxes, Floor Taxes and Temporary Taxes," THE AMERICAN REVENUER Vol. XXXVI: No. 7 (July - August, 1982), p137-138. Xerox copy. 4pp scholarly look at the mystery of what happens when tax laws change downward, or upward. What stamps exist?
________. “U.S. Customs Baggage Stamps: an Update and More.” THE AMERI-CAN REVENUER, Vol. LXII: No. 5 (September-October) 2008, pages 112 - 129. Web print-out courtesy of the author.
Jackson, Eric. PHILATELIC LITERATURE PERTAINING TO REVENUE, TELEGRAPH AND LOCAL POST STAMPS OF THE WORLD (Pricelist #4). Leesport, PA: Eric Jackson, 1995. Paper covered 5.5” x 8.5” 32 page, with a few markings, otherwise like new. Helpful list of books you’d never find on your own.
Jones, William McP. PRICED CATALOG OF THE REVENUE STAMPS OF CUBA. Miami: Pedro M. Rodriquez, 1990. #112/200.
Mahlerr, Michael. UNITED STATES CIVIL WAR REVENUE STAMP TAXES: A Compendium of Statutes, Decisions, Rulings and Correspondence Pertaining to the Documentary and Proprietary Taxes. Pacific Palisades, CA: Castenholz and Sons, 1988. Hardcover w/dj 348 pages, a few illustrations, in like new condition.
Nelson, Paul. CATALOG OF SCANDINAVIAN REVENUE STAMPS VOL I. Self published, Los Angeles, 1983. 8.5” x 11” paperback in like new condition.
Ryan, Christopher D. "An Introduction to Canadian Revenue Stamps." The BNAPS Technical Reference Series - Revenues. ©2002 C.D. Ryan.
_______. “Canada’s New Tobacco Excise Duty Stamps Finally in Use!” in CANADIAN REVENUE NEWSLETTER Number 72 (March 2011). Copy downloaded from the web.
_______. “Canada’s New Tobacco Excise Stamps” in CANADIAN REVENUE NEWSLETTER Number 70 (Sept. 2010). Copy downloaded from the web.
_______. “Canada’s Stamp Taxation of Tobacco Products, 1864-1974; Part 1,” in CANADIAN REVENUE NEWSLETTER Number 38 (February 2002). Xerox.
_______. “Canada’s Stamp Taxation of Tobacco Products, 1864-1974; Part 2: Manufactured Tobacco Stamps and Stamping,” in CANADIAN REVENUE NEWSLETTER Number 39 (May 2002). Xerox.
_______. “Canada’s Stamp Taxation of Tobacco Products, 1864-1974; Part 3: Manufactured Tobacco Stamps and Stamping, 1880-1883,” in CANADIAN REVENUE NEWSLETTER Number 40 (December 2002). Xerox.
_______. “Canada’s Stamp Taxation of Tobacco Products, 1864-1974; Part 4: Manufactured Tobacco Stamps and Stamping, 1883-1897,” in CANADIAN REVENUE NEWSLETTER Number 41 (March 2003). Xerox.
_______. “Canada’s Stamp Taxation of Tobacco Products, 1864-1974; Part 5: Manufactured Tobacco Stamps and Stamping, 1897-1937,” in CANADIAN REVENUE NEWSLETTER Number 42 (June 2003). Xerox.
_______. “Canada’s Stamp Taxation of Tobacco Products, 1864-1974; Part 6: Manufactured Tobacco Stamps and Stamping, 1935-1974,” in CANADIAN REVENUE NEWSLETTER Number 50 (September 2005). Xerox.
_______. “Canada’s Stamp Taxation of Tobacco Products, 1864-1974; Part 7: The Canadian Cigar Industry in the Late 19th Century,” in CANADIAN REVENUE NEWSLETTER Number 56 (March 2007). Original in mint condition.
_______. “Canada’s Stamp Taxation of Tobacco Products, 1864-1974; Part 8: Cigar Stamps and Stamping, 1883-1897,” in CANADIAN REVENUE NEWSLETTER Number 60 (March 2008). Original in mint condition.
_______. “Canada’s Stamp Taxation of Tobacco Products, 1864-1974; Part 9: Cigar Stamps and Stamping, 1897-1974,” in CANADIAN REVENUE NEWSLETTER Number 63 (December 2008). Printed from web.
_______. “Canada’s Stamp Taxation of Tobacco Products, 1864-1974; Part 10: Bonded Removal Permit Stamps, 1883-1939,” in CANADIAN REVENUE NEWSLETTER Number 64 (March 2009). Printed from web.
_______. “Further Details of the New Tobacco Stamps,” in CANADIAN REVENUE NEWSLETTER Number 64 (March 2009). Printed from web.
_______. “License Codes for Canadian Cigar Manufacturers,” in CANADIAN REVENUE NEWSLETTER Number 51 (December 2005). Xerox.
_______. “License Codes for Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers,” in CANADIAN REVENUE NEWSLETTER Number 13 (August 1996). Xerox.
_______. “License Codes for Raw Leaf Tobacco Packers,” in CANADIAN REVENUE NEWSLETTER Number 15 (January 1997). Xerox.
_______. “Quebec’s Tobacco Tax Stamps of 1940,” in CANADIAN REVENUE NEWSLETTER Number 43 (September 2003). Xerox.
_______. “Uncatalogued Varieties of Federal Tobacco Stamps (1),” in CANADIAN REVENUE NEWSLETTER Number 41 (March 2003). Xerox.
_______. “Uncatalogued Varieties of Federal Tobacco Stamps (2),” in CANADIAN REVENUE NEWSLETTER Number 42 (June 2003). Xerox.
Siegel, Robert A., Auction Galleries. THE HENRY TOLMAN II COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES REVENUE STAMPS PART FOUR -- DOCUMENTARY AND PROPRIETARY ISSUES, TAX PAID STAMPS AND SPECIALIZED COLLECTIONS. Sale 934. New York: Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries, 2007. Like new, a few prices realized in margins. A book to drool over for collectors of US Revenue stamps. Utterly jaw-dropping. Includes 3 pages of prices realized.
Smiley, William. "Internal Revenue District Code Numbers," THE AMERICAN REVENUER (June, 1984), pp? Xerox copy of two page list of 64 tax districts which existed as of 1944.
Springer, Sherwood (editor). "Cigarette Stamps, Class A and Class B," in 1980 CATALOGUE OF VARIOUS NORTH AMERICAN CINDERELLA STAMPS, 9TH EDITION. Hawthorne, CA: by the author, 1980. pp . Stapled paperback. Seminal important work, the only source of information other than the NCM website.
_______. "Cigars," in 1975 CATALOGUE OF VARIOUS NORTH AMERICAN CINDERELLA STAMPS, 8TH EDITION. Hawthorne, CA: by the author, 1975. pp4-14. Stapled paperback. Seminal important work, the only source of information other than the NCM website.
_______. "Cigars," in 1985 CATALOGUE OF VARIOUS NORTH AMERICAN CINDERELLA STAMPS, 10TH EDITION. Hawthorne: Author, 1981. pp7-20. Paper covered 5x8. Seminal important work, the only source of information other than the NCM website.
_______. "Cigars (1942-1955 Type)," in 1980 CATALOGUE OF VARIOUS NORTH AMERICAN CINDERELLA STAMPS, 9TH EDITION. Hawthorne, CA: by the Author, 1981. pp 20-22. Stapled paperback. Seminal important work, the only source of information other than the NCM website.
_______. "Customs Cigars," in 1980 CATALOGUE OF VARIOUS NORTH AMERICAN CINDERELLA STAMPS, 9TH EDITION. Hawthorne: Author, 1981. pp16-18. Seminal important work, the only source of information other than the NCM website.
_______. "Customs Cigars Manufactured in Bond from Tobacco Imported from Cuba," in 1980 CATALOGUE OF VARIOUS NORTH AMERICAN CINDERELLA STAMPS, 9TH EDITION. Hawthorne, CA: Author, 1981. pp18-20. Article based on information and illustrations supplied by Tony Hyman.
_______. "Small Cigars," in 1973 CATALOGUE OF VARIOUS NORTH AMERICAN CINDERELLA STAMPS, 6TH EDITION. Hawthorne, CA: by the author, 1973. pp 3-5. Stapled paperback. Seminal important work, the only source of information other than the NCM website.
_______. "Small Cigars," in 1985 CATALOGUE OF VARIOUS NORTH AMERICAN CINDERELLA STAMPS, 10TH EDITION. Hawthorne: Author, 1981. pp20-22. Seminal important work, the only source of information other than the NCM website.
_______. “Tobacco” in 1974 CATALOGUE OF VARIOUS NORTH AMERICAN CINDERELLA STAMPS, 7TH EDITION. Hawthorne: Author, 1970. pp6-18. autographed.
_______. “Tobacco Strips” in 1970 CATALOGUE OF VARIOUS NORTH AMERICAN CINDERELLA STAMPS, 5th Edition. Hawthorne: Author, 1970. pp4-12.[pb] autographed.
Stone, William C., et alia, Committee on Publication. PHILATELIC SIDE LINES, Number Two. Springfield, MA: The Springfield Stamp Club, 1908. Paper covered, stapled 28 page booklet 3 1/2” x 6 3/16” in near mint condition.
Troutman, Scott (Editor). THE SRS STATE REVENUE STAMPS CATALOG. LINCROFT, NJ: STATE REVENUE SOCIETY, 2007. 650+ loose pages punched for three ring binder. Profusely illustrated in b/w. An important and useful work in it’s day. [2017 note: This has undoubtedly been updated. I haven’t seen it.
Williams, L.N. “Stamplike Tobacco Ad Label” in LINN’S STAMP NEWS (May 10, 1993) page 28. Complete 15 paragraph article on PLAYER’S NAVY CUT advertising stamp clipped from original mag.
Zietler, Vernon. "When Revenue Stamps were Required on Photographs," THE AMERICAN REVENUER Vol. XXXVI: No. 7 (July - August, 1982), p137-138. Xerox copy (ANSWER: Stamps were required from 8/01/1864 to 8/01/1866).