Magazines & Journals
in Cigar History Museum
© Tony Hyman, 2015, 2017, 2018
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Magazines and newsletters devoted to making, selling or collecting tobacco products.
Incomplete. Includes select additions.
ADVERTISING TRADE CARD QUARTERLY, THE. Slick cover, 8.5” x 11” roughly 30 page filled with b/w illustrations and short, sometimes quite useful articles. Have only six issues.
AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL Vol. IV: No. 33 (Saturday, August 22, 1835), p1. New York City. D.K. Minor (ed.). Excellent masthead illus of train carrying freight.
ANTI-TOBACCO JOURNAL. Vol. VII; No. 7 (May 1st, 1865). 16 page string-bound paper covered 5.5” x 8.5” published by the British Anti-Tobacco Society in London. Generally good condition with 2” piece of border missing on back page as a result of careless removal from scrapbook.
BARREL AND BOX: A MONTHLY PACKAGE Devoted to Boxes, Shooks, Cigar Boxes, Cooperage, Cooperage Stock, Pails, Woodenware, Handles, Carriage Wood Stock, Bobbins, Baskets, Veneers, Bicycle Rims. Published by Edgar H. Defenbaugh, Louisville, KY. Vol. VIII: Number 6 (August, 1903). 10.5” x 13.75” 96 pages, profusely illus ads and articles. Founded in 1896. Have 20+ issues published in Chicago 1907-1910 in varying states of condition, generally very good. Outstanding resource for practices, people, problems, machinery, etc.
20 years later
BARREL AND BOX: A MONTHLY PACKAGE Devoted to Boxes, Shooks, Cooperage Stock, Cooperage, Cigar Boxes, Baskets, Veneers, Woodenware, Pails. Publisher unnamed. Chicago, Illinois. Vol. XXVIII: Number 3 (May, 1923). 10.12” x 13.5” 72 pages, ads, a few illus. Industry news.
BRANDSTAND: VIEWING THE WORLD OF CIGARETTE COLLECT-ING. Labor of love journal for cigarette package collectors published continually since late 1970's (1978?) by Richard Elliot, now in Georgetown Mass. Many issues from mimeo to modern computer generated in color, including 1978 and other very early. A few articles, here and there, of cigar interest.
Dick has kept me on his comp list for decades and I regularly send him pictures and info. Have dozens of issues of this heroic one-man effort. Fine condition.
BURNING QUESTION, THE. A 6” x 9” magazine, typically 16 pages with attractive covers, “devoted to the promotion of the cigar business” issued by the Advertising Department of General Cigar Co. Name later changed to LONG ASH. The NCM has the following copies, nearly all in mint condition: August 1915 with mailer, July 1917, October 1917, January 1918, March 1918, May 1918, August 1918, September 1918, October 1918, November 1918, January 1919, February 1919, March 1919, April 1919, May 1919, June 1919, January 1920, April 1920, May 1920, July 1920, August 1920, October 1920, November 1920, July 1921, October 1921, January 1922, June 1922, October 1922, March 1924).
New smaller 4.5” x 7” format adopted. The NCM has the following copies, nearly all in mint condition: October 1928, January 1929, February 1929, April 1929, December 1929 [large format special edition], November 1930, January 1931, June 1931, July 1931, May 1932, June 1932, July 1933, February 1934, June-July 1935, August 1935, September 1935, October 1935, December 1935, January 1936). SEE: LONG ASH for continuation of run.
BURNING QUESTIONS, Robert Burns and Owl Edition. Published in New York by United Cigar Manufacturers Co, August 1915. 9”x6” paper covered company publication. General Cigar Co. changed name to THE BURNING QUESTION. Own one published by United edition.
CANADIAN REVENUE NEWSLETTER. Have numerous issues of this very useful and detailed publication. Very limited quantity publication. 8.5 x 11. Mint condition. 10 pages. Major contributor currently is Chris Ryan, Toronto. Available on the web.
CIGAR. An early mail-order 8.5” x 11” quarterly effort by Al Goldstein in 12 b/w pages. Short, first person articles (including one by me), largely illustrated with drawings and a few photos (mine). The NCM has all four issues (Fall 1881 to Summer 1882) in mint condition, stored in one original mailing envelope.
CIGAR AFICIONADO. Slick full color lifestyle publication aimed at high end audience. Founded in early 1990’s by contro-versial Marvin Shanken. Mostly ads, rich-folks lifestyle and celebrity puff with a few articles of interest to historians and collectors. Have complete run Vol. I, Number 1 through 2009 courtesy of donation by Steve Cross, with assistance of Jenn Fanslow and Russ Towne. My own early issues are unopened in original plastic bags.
CIGAR & TOBACCO WORLD, THE., “with which is incorpor-ated THE TOBACCONIST.” British magazine published in London. Have only the August 1928 issue. 70+ pages of ads and news. 9.5” x 12” with rear cover missing, front cover and first page unstapled.
CIGAR BOX, THE: A Journal for Cigar Box Manufacturers. v10:#2 (May 1929). 5”x8”. Very scarce. Have seen this one copy only.
CIGAR CITY. Slick 54 pages of ads and articles about Tampa, Fla., the city and their cigar industry. Interesting, well done, informative publication. 8.5” x 11”, photographic cover. Order from Cigar City, Box 18613, Tampa, FL 33605. To order <>
CIGAR INSIDER. 16-20 page, illustrated primarily with drawings of people, M. Shanken Communications, Inc., New York, NY. Have from Vol 1: #2 (February, 1996) through Vol. 8: Number 1 (January, 2003) in near mint condition (two volumes of which are in their binders. Interesting use of practical and inexpensive computer publishing with every issue only two color and laid out almost identically. 8.5" x 11" 3-hole punched. Private donation to the Museum.
CIGAR LABEL ART DIGEST. Basically a color price guide and sales catalog with a few articles. 8.5” x 11”. A must for the serious label collector. Copies are $10. Issue 5 dated 2007. Order from InStone, Inc, Dept. NCM, Box 231878, Encinitas, CA 92023 <>
CIGAR LABEL GAZETTE. Lake Forest, CA: Ed Barnes. Various formats in color over the last decade. Now exclusively on web and worth checking out site at <>.
CIGAR LABEL GAZETTE SPECIAL DVD ISSUE: Cigar-Label Art Show Vol. 1. No. 51. 2009. Original cost $19.95. 2000+ images; 170 minutes.
CIGAR MAGAZINE. Slick full color publication aimed at general audience. Every issue contains worthwhile articles of interest to historians, smokers, and collectors. Have complete run, often marked, underlined and well-thumbed. Well written with lots of emphasis on history and background of people and companies. Founded in late 2004 by popular cigar entrepreneur Lew Rothman. You are encouraged to subscribe: (877) 777-6926 <>
CIGAR MAGAZINE, THE NEW. Vol. I: No. 1, (Spring / Summer, 1980), 44 pages. Original magazine in fine condition. A different magazine than Lew Rothman’s and the following.
CIGAR MAGAZINE, Vol I: No. 1,2,3 (Fall, 1981, Winter 1981, Spring 1982 + some recent issues). Early issues are mint in original mailer.
CIGAR MAKERS' OFFICIAL JOURNAL: Cigar Makers' International Union of America. Washington, DC. Long running. Have various, including September, 1925, issue covering the death of Gompers and the recent Cigar Maker’s Union convention in detail (136 pages). Various other issues.
_______. Chicago: Cigar Makers' International Union of America. Vol. XXVII or XXVIII [marked both ways in run) (1903 complete). Fine condition.
THE CIGAR MONTHLY. Published monthly in Chicago by SCCM Publications. 8.5"x11" B/W clay coat paper. Have November 1994, February, April and May, 1995. Not much use.
CIGAR PRESS (GP). Standard format: reviews, interviews, lifestyle articles and 8 pages of pictures of groups of smokers puffing away smiling at the camera with their arms around each other. The “Interview Issue” contains three fairly short ones (Volume III: No. 2 Spring 2009) and reviews of 62 cigars. Nothing for the historian or general reader.
CIGAR SNOB. Published in Miami, a remake of FLORIDA CIGAR SNOB 3/4” wider, beginning with January/February 2009 issue. Ads, society smokers smoking, G rated girlie pix, doesn’t seem to add anything not already available in CIGAR MAGAZINE and CIGAR AFICIONADO. Have complete run as a gift courtesy of Eugene Paquin.
CIGAR STORE, THE “A Monthly Magazine for the Retailer” Vol. III: Number 1 MAGAZINE, THE. “The only monthly magazine issued solely in the interests of the retailer and his customers” by The Cigar Store Magazine Co., New York City. Changes name to CIGAR STORE MAGAZINE, THE starting with Vol. IV: Number 1 (January, 1900) through Vol. VI: Number 3 (March 1901). Bound together but spine and covers missing. Binding in tenuous condition. Magazine undergoes name change with next issue: See THE SMOKER’S MAGAZINE.
COMPLEAT SMOKER, THE. Published by Tad Gage in Evanston, Illinois. 8.5” x 11” slick 48 pager of ads, letters, and articles (one by me). Have only Vol. I: No. 4 (Summer, 1991). Wet stain on p.11, otherwise mint.
DUKE'S MAGAZINE Vol. I: No. 8 (undated) 1880's. 5¢. VERY RARE 8 page newsprint 7.5"x10" filled with jokes and racist cartoons. Gorgeous full color center spread of railroad lines delivering tobacco.
DURHAM WHIFFS. Durham, NC: Blackwell’s Durham Tobacco Company, c1880. 6”x8.5” paper covered 8pp cartoon book with heavy child appeal, parodies of nursery rhymes, etc. Mint condition, excellent color print of school children being taught about Durham Smoking Tobacco. Genital gag. Historic treasure.
EUROPEAN CIGAR CULT JOURNAL. Founded in 1994 and published 4 times a year. Bilingual German-English. Offices in Austria, Germany & Switzerland. Some lifestyle contents: mostly cigar. Have only Summer 2009.
FLORIDA CIGAR SNOB. First published in 2006 Miami. Have the last two issues (Vol. 3, Numbers 5 and 6, before being renamed and slightly reformatted as CIGAR SNOB, dropping Florida from the name, and renumbering from Vol 1, No. 1. Have complete run as a gift courtesy of Eugene Paquin.
GOLD LEAF: NEWS OF DUKE HOMESTEAD. Eight page 8.5” x 11” newsletter centered on Southern tobacco topics, so of limited interest to collectors or historians of cigar-related topics. Have miscellaneous 21st century issues.
THE INTERNAL REVENUE RECORD AND CUSTOMS JOURNAL: A Register of Official Information on Internal and Customs Revenue. Vol. IV: No. 4 (Whole Number 82: July 28, 1866), New York. 8 pages , 9.5” x 11.25”. Disbound. Fine condition. Have (Whole Number 88: September 8, 1866) (Whole Number 89: September 15, 1866 on microfiche) (Whole Number 92: October 6, 1866) (Whole Number 93: October 13, 1866) (Whole Number 96: November 3, 1866) (Whole Number 98: November 17, 1866).
INTERNATIONAL SEAL, LABEL AND CIGAR BAND SOCIETY NEWS BULLETIN. 8.5” x 11” mimeographed 20 page labor of love of Myron “Mickie” Freedman, late of Tucson Arizona. Filled with all sorts of articles contributed by Tom Somerville, me, and lots of other readers. Started in 1934 or 1957. Not sure of ending date in 1990’s. Have 20 issues from 1970’s, scattered other. Noted for identifying and cataloging various band shapes. Ten part series on brands of American Tobacco Company during Trust days.
LONG ASH, THE: Small format 4.5” x 7” magazine “devoted to the promotion of the cigar business” published by the Advertising Department of General Cigar, aimed primarily at retailers. This is a continuation of General Cigar’s earlier publication THE BURNING QUESTION. The NCM has the following issues, nearly all in mint condition: March-April 1936, June 1936, August 1936 (water-stained), September-October 1936, January 1937, June 1937, [date missing 1937 Trade Marks issue], October 1937, November 1937, January 1938, March-April 1938, July 1938, October 1938, December 1938, March 1939, October 1939, November-December 1939, November-December 1941, June 1942, Fall 1944, Winter 1944, Spring 1945, Fall 1945 and Fall 1950). 4.5” x 7”.
MY CIGAR. Published by Boston Cigar Club, sold through American News Co, New York. Vol. I: No. 1 (Saturday, December 5, 1874), Eight pages. 7"x10" newsprint. Some interesting articles including sale of first Virginia tobacco, another about cigars in 1824, another about California. Very fine condition, taped binding, minor archival repair. Fragile. Very rare.
NEWS & VIEWS. Published in Leesburg, Florida, by the United States Cartophilic Society "devoted to Propagating, enhancing, and preserving the hobby of cigarette and trade card collecting." Have only one copy (Number 4, March 1986).
PAST TIMES. Near complete [?] run. Antique Advertising Association of America 8-12 page club newsletter in color, founded in the early 1990’s. Interesting, with focus on tin and the goal of keeping “wordage to a minimum” as pictures are “more interesting than the prose,” the attitude of most tin collectors. I don’t agree.
PHILADELPHIA TOBACCONIST, subtitled “A Weekly Review of the Interests of Growers, Manufacturers, Jobbers, and Dealers in all Branches of the Tobacco Trade.” Newspaper format consisting of eight oversize 15” x 21” pages of news, ads and information. Have only Volume II Number 10 (December 27, 1882. Original newspaper in complete slightly fragile condition.
PIPE SMOKER’S EPHEMERIS. Large labor of love mimeographed 50 to 100 page stapled publication founded by Tom Dunn in 1965 and shipped free for 40 years to anyone who asked. Focus on pipes, pipe makers, pipe tobacco, pipe literature and Sherlock Holmes with some cigar content. Folksy, largely written by members of Dunn’s informal The Universal Coterie of Pipe Smokers about their experiences and travels smoking. B/W illus.
PRINTING HISTORY. Vol. X; No. 2 (1988). The journal of the American Printing History Association. Various articles on history of printing.
REVISTA TABACO. Vol. XII: No. 137 (Octubre, 1944) Published in Havana in combination of Spanish and English. 9 1/4” x 12” 64 pages. Organo oficial de la Federacion Tabacalera Nacional. Copy in poor condition: written on, rat chewed. Still very interesting.
SMOKE: Published every month by and in the interests of the Independent Cigar Dealers. Seattle. Vol. 1, No. 12 (December 1913) \Xerox copy of entire magazine. This issue features the upcoming Third Annual Convention of the Western Association of Retail Cigar Dealers.
SMOKE. Standard format: an interview or two, some news, some reviews and a couple lifestyle articles. As with all contemporary cigar magazines, a lot of high end cigar ads. Have only Summer 2009 (Vol. IVX: No. 3). Published in New York. Of little interest to historians or the general public.
SMOKERS COMPANION, THE. Vol. 1: #3 (May, 1927). New York: Companion Publishing Company, Inc. 8"x11" magazine of 128pp, Lots of interesting ads. complete and good condition. Fiction not history, alas.
SMOKER’S MAGAZINE, THE. “The only monthly magazine issued solely in the interests of the smoker and tobacconist...” the renamed THE CIGAR STORE MAGAZINE which continues previous numbering making the first issue Vol. VI: Number 4 (April 1901); have through Vol. VII: Number 1 (July 1901). Issues are bound together in library binding, but covers and spine missing. Pages are brittle, a few at the end are loose. Binding is in very poor shape.
SOUTHERN CULTURES. THE TOBACCO ISSUE (Summer 2006). Seven articles with emphasis on curing, cigarettes and promotion of same. 108 page, 7” x 10” perfect-bound magazine published by the University of North Carolina Press, , Chapel Hill, NC.
STONE PRESS. 8pp b/w n8.5"x11" newsletter published by Cigar Label Collectors International (Joe & Sue Davidson). Have misc issues 1994-97. Some good content.
THE TAG AND STAMP HERALD. Published by F.W. Finzer & Co., proprietors of the Old Honesty Tag Company, Louisville, Kentucky. Have only a Xerox copy of an 1887 letter from the publisher. Have no other information about the publication.
TIN TYPE. Clark Secrist, founder and editor. Vol. I Number 1 May 1971-end of run. First four volumes xeroxed, complete, or near complete, run with index. First twelve volumes are heat bound. Interesting, including some good history features on various tin manufacturers.
TOBACCIANA COLLECTORS OF AMERICA, Vol. 1: #1 & 2. Independence, MO: Glen Enloe, 1987. 8.5"x11" paper b/w litho newsletter. Original very rare publication (only 11 subscribers listed). No significant content.
TOBACCO. “The Only Paper Published Exclusively for Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Cigars, Manufactured Tobacco and Smokers’ Articles.” New York: T.H. Delano Publishing Company. Have various scattered issues around the turn of the century. 28 pages illustrated weekly news tabloid on quality paper. Lots of ads and information.
TOBACCO: A Monthly Trade Journal for the Importer, Exporter, Manufacturer, and Retailer of Tobacco. #468 (December 1, 1919). Full size British magazine (150 pp) in "Our 39th year." Near mint condition except for water stain and small tear on cover. Full of info, ads, articles.
–––––. DAILY TOBACCO. Special daily edition of the above published September 3, 1907 during the Madison Square Garden Tobacco Exposition. 7”x10” paper covered illustrated 24pp publication focussing on the show. British slant. Plenty of ads. Not known whether other other days exist today or ever. Punch cancelled at show. Small stains on cover, ink smear from being hot off press, interior excellent.
TOBACCO JAR NEWS. A quarterly bulletin of the Society of Tobacco Jar Collectors. Have a few scattered issues from early 90’s, including Vol 2 #2, others.
TOBACCO JOBBER, THE: The Only National Magazine of the Wholesale Tobacco Trade. v3:#7 (July 1928). Digest size mag. Various articles.
THE TOBACCO LEAF. “The Weekly Newspaper devoted to the progress of the Tobacco Industry in all of its branches.” 60 pager at TOC, 32 pager in the 1950s weekly illustrated news tabloid founded in 1865. I subscribed for a while in the 1950s Have various issues around TOC and mid 50s.
TOBACCO WHIFFS FOR THE SMOKING CARRIAGE. A 124 page Journal published in London, 2nd Edition 1881. 5.5” 8.25” articles, historical pieces, plenty of ads.
THE TOBACCO WORKER, THE. Louisville, KY: Jobson Printing, November 1907, Vol. II, No. 2. 25pp. semi-illustrated with advertisements. Have original magazine.
TOBACCONIST. “The Official Publication of the Retail Tobacco Dealers Association.” Vol. XIV: No. 3 (June, 2003). Only copy I have. 128 page full size. Not relevant for collectors. Organization has in the past given little cooperation to researchers and historians. Creases on back cover.
SMOKESHOP, ASHTRAY, TIN TAG publications. A few dozen 1860-1960 newspapers and magazines
THE UNITED SHEILD, Silver Jubilee Number 1901-1926. Vol. XXIII: No. 3 (April-May 1926). 48 p 8.5”x11” magazine. Cover damage and repair, inside excellent. Very useful to historians of the company.
THE UNITED SHEILD. Vol. XXX: No. 2 (April, May, June 1933) 28pp 8.5" x 11" magazine published by United Cigar Stores and Associated Companies in the Interest of Better Service to the Public." Minor bruises.
UNITED STATES TOBACCO JOURNAL, Vol. CXII: No. 18 (November 2, 1929) 42 pages. Poor condition, soiled, some loose pages. Contained Fonseca obit. Photographed, scavenged and discarded. 10 3/4” x 14 1/8”. Have 20± fine condition other issues 1939-1950’s.
WESTERN TOBACCONIST. Founded 1910. Various issues.