Growing Tobacco
A National Cigar History Museum Exclusive
© Tony Hyman, 2015
Last addition: May 11. 2015
Growing Tobacco
A National Cigar History Museum Exclusive
© Tony Hyman, 2015
Last addition: May 11. 2015
[x]: xerox copy
[mag]: entire magazine in which article appears
[m]: clipped magazine or journal article
[ ]: info not available at this time
Red indicates additions made after the paper edition was published in 2005.
[Alabama Sumatra and Havana Tobacco Company]. THE MOST PROFITABLE AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRY IN AMERICA. Chicago: Alabama Sumatra and Havana Tobacco Company, 1912. [24 page promo brochure]
Allard, H.A. THE MOSAIC DISEASE OF TOBACCO. Bulletin of the US Dept. of Agriculture, No. 40. Washington DC: GPO, 1914.
Anderson, P.J. GROWING TOBACCO IN CONNECTICUT. Bulletin 564. New Haven: Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, 1953 on cover/1952 on title page. 110 page paper covered illus. govt. doc. in like new condition.
Anonymous. "The Enemies of the Crop," THE TOBACCO LEAF, Vol. I: No. 1 (Saturday, March 4, 1865), page 4. xerox of 10.5" column describing 5 bugs dangerous to tobacco.
_______. TOBACCO. Richmond: Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., 1915. 54p profusely illustrated 5"x8" booklet w/color cover. A complete course in tobacco growing, plus attention to needs of various varieties. Excellent condition. Minor cover creases.
_______. TOBACCO CULTURE: Practical Details As Given By Fourteen Experi-enced Cultivators. New York: Orange Judd, 1863. 6"x9" 48 page pamphlet, some illus. A collection of essays written by farmers as part of a contest. Many inside details on planting and handling cigar tobacco.
_______. "Tobacco Hornworm" in INSECTS: THE YEARBOOK OF AGRICUL-TURE, 1952. Washington, DC: GPO, 1952, plate LIII and previous unnumbered page. Illus removed from book.
Barefoot, Pamela. MULES & MEMORIES: A PHOTO DOCUMENTARY OF THE TOBACCO FARMER. Winston-Salem, NC: John F. Blair, 1978. Hardcover w/dj in lilke new condition.
Bull, C.P. TOBACCO-GROWING IN MINNESOTA. The University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 150. St. Paul: University Farm, July 1915. 47pp illus. [x]
Clinton, G.P. "Chlorosis of Plants with Special Reference to Calico of Tobacco," in REPORT OF THE CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, 1914, PART IV, REPORT OF THE STATION BOTANIST. New Haven: CT Department of Agriculture, 1914. Excellent condition.
Crafts, Lyman A. “Cigar Leaf Tobacco,” in NEW ENGLAND HOMESTEAD Vol. LXX: No. 15 (April 15, 1915), page 13, 19. Excellent focus on fertilizers and root rot. Original newspaper in near mint condition. Found in ART binders.
Exeter Tobacco Ranch. INFORMATION ON THE CULTURE OF TOBACCO IN CALIFORNIA. Exeter, CA: Exeter Tobacco Ranch, 1913. 12 pages + 4 color plates. Very rare 6"x9" paper covered pamphlet [cp]
Floyd, Marcus L. CULTIVATION OF CIGAR-LEAF TOBACCO IN FLORIDA. USDA Report No. 62. Washington DC: GPO, 1899. [ ]
Frear, William and E.K. Hibshman, and Otto Olson. THE CIGAR TOBACCO INDUSTRY IN PENNSYLVANIA. General Bulletin No. 371. Harrisburg: PA Department of Agriculture, 1922. [gp]
_______. THE TOBACCO INDUSTRY IN PUERTO RICO. Circular No. 519, US Department of Agriculture. Washington DC: GPO, March 1939. [x]
Garner, W.W. THE PRODUCTION OF TOBACCO. Philadelphia: The Blakiston Company, 1946. [hb]
_______. TOBACCO CULTURE. US Department of Agriculture Farmer's Bulletin No. 571. Washington DC: GPO, 1914. [gp]
Gage, Charles E. AMERICAN TOBACCO TYPES, USES, AND MARKETS, Revised. Circular No. 249, US Dept. of Agriculture. Washington DC: GPO, Issued January 1933, Revised June, 1942. 129pp, illustrated. Fine condition, slight front cover damage. Back cover and map of tobacco growing regions in fine condition but loose from rest of booklet. 2 copies. Also partial xerox.
Hammond, Robert. “Historical Aspects of Tobacco Culture in California,” THE CALIFORNIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY QUARTERLY. v.XL, #2 (June, 1961), pp 97-107. Review of plantings and experiments in California from mission days to present. Bibliography. Excellent condition complete magazine.
Hanemann, H. Andrew. THE PENNSYLVANIA TOBACCO SITUATION. General Bulletin No. 435 of the Pennsylvania Dept. of Agriculture, v10;#1 (January 1, 1927).
Hinson, W.M. and E.H. Jenkins. THE MANAGEMENT OF TOBACCO SEED BEDS. The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 166. New Haven: Connecticut Departtment of Agriculture, 1910.
Jenkins, E.H. "Can Wrapper Leaf Tobacco of the Sumatra Type be Raised at a Profit in Connecticut," in REPORT OF THE CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, 1901, PART 4. New Haven: CT Dept. of Agriculture, 1901. [mag]
_______. "Experiments in Breeding Tobacco," in REPORT OF THE CONNECTI-CUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, 1904, PART 5. New Haven: CT Dept. of Agriculture, 1904. [mag]
_______. "Experiments in Growing Tobacco of the Sumatra Type Under Shade," in REPORT OF THE CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, 1902, PART 4. New Haven: CT Dept. of Agriculture, 1902. [mag]
_______. "Experiments in Growing Tobacco with Different Fertilizers," in REPORT OF THE CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, 1895. New Haven: CT Dept. of Agriculture, 1896. [m]
_______. "Experiments in Growing Tobacco with Different Fertilizers, Season of 1892," in REPORT OF THE CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, 1893. New Haven: CT Dept. of Agriculture, 1894. [m] Article unsigned; Jenkins probable author.
_______. "Notes on the Curing of Havana Seed Leaf Tobacco by Artificial Heat," in REPORT OF THE CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, 1891. New Haven: CT Dept. of Agriculture, 1892. [m] Article unsigned; E.H. Jenkins probable author.
_______. "Tobacco Work in 1903," in REPORT OF THE CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, 1903, PART 5. New Haven: CT Dept. of Agriculture, 1903. [mag]
Johnson, James, and C.M. Slagg. TOBACCO IN WISCONSIN. Bulletin 337. Madison: University of Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station, 1921. 26 pp illus paper cover in fine condition. Minor separation at spine. Pamphlet folded once.
Mapes Formula and Peruvian Guano Co. TOBACCO GROWING, PRACTICAL AND SCIENTIFIC 1898. New York: Mapes Formula and Peruvian Guano Co., 1898. 26 page illus catalog in fine condition.
McDonald, Adrian F. The History of Tobacco Production in Connecticut. Tercentenary pamphlet LII (1936). McDonald wrote an M.A. thesis at Wesleyan on the tariff on wrapper tobacco. This is a very useful little pamphlet.
Mulder, Emile. CULTIVATION OF TOBACCO IN SUMATRA. U.S.D.A. Washington DC: GPO, 1898. 39 pages [x]
Olson, Otto. CIGAR-TOBACCO PRODUCTION IN PENNSYLVANIA. U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers’ Bulletin No. 1580. Washington, DC: GPO, 1929. 6” x 9” paper stapled newsprint. 22 pages, illustrated. Like new.
_______. THE CULTURE OF CIGAR LEAF TOBACCO IN TEXAS. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 144. College Station, TX: Texas Ag. Experiment Stations, 1912. 6”x9” 42 pages paper covered bulletin. A look at Texas experiments to plant tobacco. Minor age browning, but generally near mint condition.
Scheerz, Greer, "Tobacco and Its Culture in Bucks County," in Volume V of A COLLECTION OF PAPERS READ BEFORE THE BUCKS COUNTY HISTORI-CAL SOCIETY. "Published for the Society by Fackenthal Publication Fund, 1926. Paper originally given in 1924. Brief unique historical, often 1st person reminisces dating back to mid 1800’s. 13p Xerox copy 5”x8.”
Shade Tobacco Growers Agricultural Association, Inc., The. STORY OF TOBACCO VALLEY, THE. Windsor, CT: The Shade Tobacco Growers Agricultural Associa-tion, Inc., n.d. [ca1975] 30 page pamphlet. [cp]
Slagg, C.M. “More Tobacco Is Grown In The Dominion Of Canada,” THE BURLEY TOBACCO GROWER Vol. V: No. 8 (December, 1926), p. 4. Original page removed from magazine. Article, stats, one photo. Good condition.
Stewart, J.B. THE PRODUCTION OF CIGAR-WRAPPER TOBACCO UNDER SHADE IN THE CONNECTICUT VALLEY. Washington DC: U.S. Dept. Of Agriculture, 1908. Xerox of original.
Tait, Lyal. TOBACCO IN CANADA. Tillsonburg, ON: Ontario Flue Cured Marketing Board, 1968. 560 pages, hardcover w/dj, some illus. Fine condition.
True, R.H. (Physiologist in Charge of Plant Physiological and Fermentation Investi-gations). THE MOLDS OF CIGARS AND THEIR PREVENTION. Bulletin of the U.S. Department of Agriculture #109, Contribution from the Bureau of Plant Industry. Washington, DC: GPO, 1914. Center mailing fold, one dog-eared corner otherwise. Like new original.
US Dept. of Agriculture. TOBACCO: UNITED STATES AND STATE ESTIMATES, 1866-1965; TYPE AND CLASS ESTIMATES, 1919-1965. Statistical Bulletin No. 454. Washington DC: USDA Crop Reporting Board, 1970. [ ]
_______. SPECIAL STUDY ON CIGAR TOBACCO, Washington: U.S. Government 1961, 71 pages. [x]
Whitney, Milton. GROWING SUMATRA TOBACCO UNDER SHADE IN THE CONNECTICUT VALLEY. US Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Soils, Bulletin No. 20. Washington DC: GPO, 1902. Minor water-staining at base of pages, but generally in excellent condition.