[x]: xerox copy
[bp]: paperback book
[ ]: info not available at this time
Red entries are items added after the paper edition was published in 2005.
Blue entries are added 2015 or later.
[E. L. Allen]. PRICE LIST. Four page fold-out 2 3/4” x 5 5/8” listing fourteen Spanish hand made frontmarks, sizes and prices of ETA WANDA cigars. E.L. Allen, manufacturer, 107 Water Street, NYC, 1911.
[Alvarez & Co.]. GOOD CIGARS AND HOW THEY ARE MADE (9th ed). Julius Alvarez & Co., Allentown, PA. 48pp 2"x4", 1901. Paper cover, near mint cond.
[American Cigar Co.]. YOU’RE BOUND TO TRY THEM AT THESE PRICES. American Cigar Co., Providence, R.I. Four page 8.5” x 7” folded catalog of 29 cigar brands both made and/or wholesaled by them. Prices from $10/1000 to $58/1000. Quarter inch chew in both outside corners. This is NOT the Tobacco Trust. “We carry the largest stock of any wholesale house in New England.”
[American Tobacco Company]. PRICE LIST OF CIGARETTES, CHEROOTS, LITTLE CIGARS, FINE CUT CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCOS. New York: American Tobacco Co., July 1902. Paper covered 4” x 6” not illustrated 30 page booklet in unopened condition. This IS The Tobacco Trust.
[Austin, Nichols & Co.]. MAY BLOSSOM. New York City: Austin, Nichols, early 1880s. 10 Page 5” x 7.25” newsprint promotional piece centered around MAY BLOSSOM cigars and the play MAY BLOSSOM, then running on Broadway. Illustrated. Good condition, string binding repaired, some stains and spots. Ads and premium offers for SWEET VIOLET and “new” TOWN TALK also.
Compañia General de Tabacos de Filipinas. [CATALOG] 9"x6" hard cover illustrated catalog, 64pp. Depicts company, full line of product, etc. Good text and pix. Lovely item in super condition.
Cuesta-Rey & Co. HISTORY; SIZES; COLORS; OUR TYPES OF CIGARS; DISTRIBUTION. Tampa: Cuesta-Rey & Co., 1955.
_______. RELAX WITH A FINE TAMPA CIGAR. Tampa: Cuesta-Rey & Co., N.D. (ca. 1950). 32 page index card size booklet giveaway. Very fine condition.
_______. THE STORY OF THE WORLD'S FINEST HANDMADE CIGAR. Tampa: Cuesta-Rey & Co., 1955. Fine condition company pamphlet.
[Edwin Cigar Co.]. EDWIN’S ILLUSTRATED CATALOG WHOLESALE PRICE LIST. Edwin Cigar Co, 100 E. 16 Street, NYC. 12pp 6"x9", 1935. [paper]
Gromanes & Ullrich. Chicago, 1901. Cover and three pages, 5.5” x 11” offering Cuban, Clear Havana, and Seed & Domestic cigars. Of 50 domestics, only one is banded; of 94 Cuban cigars, only 21 are banded. “Custom House returns show that we are the Largest Importers of Havana Cigars outside of New York.”
Hjertqvist, Hans A.F. [UNNAMED CATALOG] (Hamburg, Germany) 24pp. Catalog, Cuban Cigars. Date unknown 1930-1955??? Illustrated with line drawings of various front marks (sizes) of cigars.
Hoisington, Frederick R. (President), SCENES IN SAVARONA LAND. New York: Cayey-Caguas Tobacco Co., [n.d. c1912]. Well illustrated 24 page paper-covered 7” x 5 1/8” booklet about making SAVARONA cigars in Puerto Rico. As new.
[J-R Tobacco Co.]. J-R CIGAR ALMANAC. Fairfield, NJ: J-R Tobacco, 1989. Perfect bound, 176page, color catalog of mostly foreign cigars, sizes and prices. A few other tobacco-related products. Depicts operation of the company. Excellent condition, a few minor cover creases. See Rothman, Lew for 1st Edition (1980) of this catalog.
Junior Army and Navy Stores, Ltd. CATALOG. London, England. Two pages of Cuban, Mexican, Manilla, and British cigars. 6” x 8.5” about 1910. Xerox includes 46 additional pages of cigarettes, pipes, tobacco and tobacco accessories.
[Kline & Co.]. IT ENDED IN SUMATRA. New York: E.A.Kline & Co, Inc., 1938. 16p catalog of cigars, 8.5”x11+” paper-covered. The most striking cover design in cigar catalog history. Depicts product line, advertising, outlets, etc. Complete with original letter, flyers, price list, order blank and the embossed centerfold which is so often missing...everything but the envelope! Ex condition slight corner bump.
“La Cosmopolita” Catalog of cigars. Havana: La Cosmopolita, circa 1940.
Leonardi, Hayman & Co. CLEAR HAVANA CIGARS CATALOG. Tampa: Leonardi, Hayman & Co., 1906, 3.5"x6" paper covered 12pp catalog. Like new.
P. Lorillard Company. PRICE LIST OF P. LORILLARD COMPANY, INC., NO. 12 LITTLE CIGARS AND CHEROOTS FOR ALL POINTS IN ARIZONA, CALIFOR-NIA, COLORADO, IDAHO, MONTANA, NEVADE, NEW MEXICO, OREGON, UTAH, WASHINGTON AND WYOMING. New York: P. Lorillard, 1920. Paper covered 4” x 6” stapled 8 thin page catalog with Lorillard vignette on cover.
Rogers & Co., John B. ROLLED REVERIES. 3 1/2” x 6” paper covered stapled 12 page illustrated descriptive mail-order catalog. Binghamton, NY: John B. Rogers & Co., 1902. Interesting notes on boxes of 12. Trust mentioned. Part of package with envelope, letter, testimonials, order blank, and special offer page.
_______. ROLLED REVERIES. 3 7/8” x 6 3/4” paper covered stapled 16 page illustrated descriptive mail-order catalog. Binghamton, NY: John B. Rogers & Co., 1907. Trust mentioned. Also have envelope and letter.
Rothman, Lew. CIGAR ALMANAC. Belleville, NJ: Education Systems & Publications, 1980. 256 page hard-bound catalog w/dj. First edition. Contains Rothman’s ratings of hundreds of brands and sizes of imported cigars. Pictorial tour of the Partagas factory, much very personal information on selecting cigars, keeping them fresh, etc. Near mint condition (minor tears to dj).
Sackett, Hubert. SMOKE TO YOUR HEART’S CONTENT AND WITH CONTENT TO YOUR HEART. 20pp illus 2.5”x6” paper covered catalog of denicotinized cigars. Pictures, testimonials, order blank. Mint condition.
Shirk, Jacob G.. PLUG AND SMOKING TOBACCOS, CIGARETTES, SMOKERS' ARTICLES, ETC. AND MANUFACTURER OF FINE CIGARS. Lancaster, PA: Jacob G. Shirk, 1895. 9"x12" paper covered 12pp jobber's catalog of cigars, tobacco, pipes, playing cards, cash register... Includes many ads, Creases, folds, small mouse chew in corner does not damage text.
Shivers, Herbert D., Inc. CONCERNING CIGARS. Philadelphia: Herbert D. Shivers, 1911. 7” x 7” paper covered illustrated 20 page like new catalog. Includes cover letter, return envelope, original envelope, order blank.
Smit & ten Hove, Royal Dutch Cigar Works, Kampen, Holland. 24 page stiff paper covered catalog featuring WHITE ASH and BALMORAL cigars. Includes pictures of factory. Catalog designed for Canadian market. Rubber stamp indicates change in Canadian importer to P. Miedema, London, Ontario. Undated, inter war. Excellent.
Tabacalera Cubana, S.A. CATALOG. 8 pp. Havana: Tabacalera Cubana, n.d. [Ca. 1920±].
_______. LA CORONA CABANAS, 1940. 6pp fold out 3.5"x6.5" xerox copy. Lists Tabacalera brands, their museum, etc.
Trumper, Geo. F. CIGAR LIST. Mayfair, London: G.F. Trumper, nd (?). 32 page paper covered, 7” x 9.5” hole-punched for hanging, illustrated with Cuban and Jamaican cigars. Includes 3 page somewhat smaller folded price list. Brands: Cabañas, H. Upmann, La Corona, Montecristo, Ramon Allones, Santa Damiana, El Trovador, La Invicta and Flor de Nazenta.
Wagner, R. and John Woodhouse. CATALOG AND PRICE LIST. Detroit, Mich: R. Wagner & Co., 1991-92. "Distributing agents for manufacturers of Imported, Key West and domestic cigars, cigarettes, tobaccos, snuffs, and smokers' articles." 5"x7" paper covered 20pp original catalog. Water stained cover, folded. Great price list from wholesaler of Powell-Smith, Hilson, Portuondo, Seubert, Hier, Kent, Straiton & Storm, etc. etc.
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel’s cigar humidor, New York City, 1920’s. 7 1/2” x 10”. Illus w ith dwgs and photos. Xerox copy of 20 page catalog. Brief history, ads for various brands, some sizes pictured, discussion of services offered by W-A’s humidor.
Warner, J. Rogers. HOW A HOBBY BECAME A BUSINESS. 3 3/8” X 6” paper covered 20 page illustrated mail-order catalog for J.R.W. and EL GRETANO cigars. Undated. Probably 1905-1920.
WENDT’S PATENT CIGARS, CIGARETTES AND SMOKING TOBACCO. Wendt’s Cigarrenfavriken Ak-tiengesell-schaft, Bremen, ca 1900. 6”x4.5” paper covered 16p catalog explaining denicotine process, depicting cigar product line. Cover credit given to Dr.s Gerold and Thoms for invention. Cover off. Condition otherwise excellent.
A. Ludwig & Co. BOX HARDWARE, SPECIAL CATALOGUE NO. 15: CATCHES, HINGES, HANDLES, CARD HOLDERS, ETC. A. Ludwig & Co., New York. [?]pp, ?'x?', 1920's. [paper cover]
Grammes, L.F., & Sons. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF IMPROVED CIGAR AND LOCK CORNER BOX MACHINERY. Allentown, PA: L.F. Grammes & Sons, 1894. 52 page, stiff cover, perfect bound, 7.5” x 10.5” with chipped covers. Inside perfect but brittle. Preface points out they are now making the Stevens machines.
Stevens, John M. CATALOGUE OF IMPROVED CIGAR BOX AND OTHER MACHINERY. John M. Stevens, Allentown, PA. 6”x9” illus, paper covered, 24pp. Very fine condition. Slight cover scrape, back cover staining. Contents perfect. [n.d.] (ca. 1885).
American Label Co. STOCK EDGING. The American Label Co., New York' approx 110 pages, 5.5"x10", ca1915. [hard cover]
A. C. Henschel & Co. CIGAR BANDS. Chicago: A.C. Henschel & Co., n.d. (1910-1925?). 7.5"x4.25" paper covered 19pp catalog of "Private Bands with your own title." Like new.
F.M. Howell & Co. CIGAR BOX EDGINGS. F.M. Howell & Co., Elmira, NY. ca25 pages, 1"x6", ca1910. [paper cover]
_______. CIGAR LABELS. F.M. Howell & Co., Elmira, NY. ca200pp, 6"x9", ca1905 with 1920 revisions. [hard cover]
_______. SAMPLES OF CIGAR BOX LABELS. F.M. Howell & Co., Elmira, NY. ca25pp, 6"x9", ca1910. paper
_______. SPECIAL TITLE CIGAR BANDS SAMPLE BOOK. Elmira, NY: F.M. Howell, n.d. 13pp softcover 7.5"x3.5" stapled catalog in near mint.
_______. STOCK CIGAR BANDS SAMPLE BOOK No. H40. Elmira, NY: F.M. Howell, n.d. 7pp over 7.5"x3.5" stapled catalog in near mint.
Klingenberg Bros. SAMPLES OF KLINGENBERG BROS. CIGAR LABELS KEPT IN STOCK. Hardcover looseleaf 80± page catalog of Klingenberg inners, outers, flaps and a few bundle bands, nail tags, etc. Mostly inners. 41 East 21st St., New York on cover and 114, 116, & 118 East 23d Street on some inside pages. Fine condition, no ordering information, some spectacular labels.
Knight & Co. CIGAR BOX LABELS AT REDUCED PRICES. Catalogue No.8. Knight & Co., Cincinnati OH. ca75pp, 6"x9", ca1900. [paper cover]
George Schlegel. EMBOSSED AND FANCY CIGAR BOX LABELS, FLAPS, TAGS, EDGINGS &C. FROM GEORGE SCHLEGEL, ART LABEL LITHOGRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT. George Schlegel, New York City. 15pp 6"x9", 1895 supplement to earlier catalog. paper.
O.L. Schwencke. CIGAR BOX LABELS. O.L. Schwencke, New York, circa 100pp; 6"x9", ca1905. [hard cover]
Wm. Steiner, Sons & Co. EMBOSSED CIGAR LABELS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. 10"x5" paper covered 15pp catalog of edging, bands, caution notices, back flaps and strips, Well worn as apparently heavily used by original owner. Two designs cut out. Bill themselves as "Artistic Lithographers & Printers," but hese largely uninspiring. One large band.
_______. [UNTITLED CATALOG] Wm. Steiner, Sons & Co., New York. ca20pp, 6"x9". ca 1900. [hard cover]
Louis C, Wagner & Co. CIGAR BANDS. New York: Louis C. Wagner & Co., [n.d.] (TOC). 6"x8" paper covered 8pp catalog of stock cigar bands. Appears to have been dampened and dried. Some wrinkling.
_______. PRICE LIST AND CATALOGUE OF CIGAR-LABELS, BANDS AND EDGINGS. New York: Louis C. Wagner & Co., 1905. Attractive embossed cover on this stapled 4” x 6” catalog of 24 pages with pasted 1906 and 1907 updates. Surprisingly short list of 90 available labels, with 11 added in 1906, 12 in 1907.
Witsch & Schmitt. SPECIMEN BOOK OF FRONT BRANDS AND MORTISED BORDERS. New York/Chicago: Witsch & Schmitt, n.d. (1890s). Very rare hardcover catalog of top brands, color marks and frontmarks. 6” x 9” 184 pages, two top brands to a page. Covers show wear and water damage. Inside very clean, binding a bit loose from possible heavy use. No notations. End papers damaged. Paid $485 in Nov. 2008.
Arenco Machine Company. [UNTITLED CATALOG]. 8.5"x11" illus b/w 12pp catalog describing "Formator Cigar machine, Type MIT" and "Formator Bunch Making machine" and "Formator Cigarillo machine Type MIC." Rare catalog, 1934. Appear to be made in Sweden, sold by Arenco in U.S.
Bedortha, L.L. PRICE LIST OF CIGAR MAKERS TOOLS MANUFACTURED BY L.L. BEDORTHA. Windsor, CT: L.L. Bedortha, [n.d.]. 3 pages, 8 3/8” x 5.5” in fine condition. Have various similar.
Bernhardt & Co. PATENT CIGAR PERFORATOR and TOBACCO RE-SWEATING AND CURING APPARATUS. Newport, Kentucky: Bernhardt & Co., [n.d.} (1890's?). 4 page xerox of a 8.5"x11" catalog describing perforator and a sweating and curing box. Excellent data and illus of how curing green, yellow and raw binder and filler is accomplished as well as how wrapper can be darkened.
DuBrul Manufacturing Co. 1930 CIGAR STYLES. Cincinnati, OH: DuBrul, 1930. 8pp illustrated mould catalog, 8.5” x 11” paper cover in near mint condition.
Fries & Fries. PRICE LIST CIGAR AND TOBACCO FLAVORS, ETC. Cincinnati: Fries & Fries, ca 1920. 3.5"x6" 4pp catalog with fascinating info about flavorings and their use.
Hussy & Company. Catalog see [17870-17874] Bibliographic data not yet cataloged.
International Cigar Machinery Company. CIGAR AND CHEROOT MANUFAC-TURING MACHINERY. International Cigar Machinery Company, Brooklyn. Eight pages 6.25" x 9.25" ca1924. Paper covered, covers loose because of split at fold, also: "Instructions for Lubrication" under "Internat'l Cigar..."
_______. INSTRUCTIONS FOR LUBRICATING THE FRESH WORK CIGAR MACHINE. International Cigar Machinery Company. Brooklyn: ICM Co, n.d. [ca1925].
Miller DuBrul & Peters Manufacturing Co, CATALOGUE OF NEWEST CIGAR MACHINERY AND LATEST CIGAR SHAPES, TOOLS & SUPPLIES. Miller, DuBrul & Peters Manufacturing Co., Cincinnati OH. 94pp, 7.5x10 ca 1900 [paper]
_______. CIGAR MANUFACTURING WITHOUT ENORMOUS INVESTMENTS. Cincinnati: Miller Dubrul & Peters, 1925. Fourteen page illustrated paper covered “catalog” with different slant. Like new (except a couple fingerprints) 8 1/2” x 11”.
_______. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF CIGAR AND CIGARETTE MACHINERY, CIGAR MOLDS AND CIGAR MAKERS’ TOOLS. Miller DuBrul & Peters Mfg Co, Cincinnati OH. ca 1900. Excellent! [paper]
_______. SCRAP AND PICADURA MACHINERY. Cincinnati, OH: Miller, DuBrul & Peters Mfg. Co.
_______. SUPPLEMENTAL ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF ADDITIONAL SHAPES AND SIZES OF CIGAR MOLDS. The Miller DuBrul & Peters Mfg Co, Cincinnati OH. ©1904. 12” x 14” paper covered illustrated catalog of 32pp depicting hundreds of new mold sizes. “Used catalog condition” in that it shows cover soil, page turning and small tears. Complete and reproducible.
_______. Machines a Fabriquer les Poupees de Cigares en Tabac Court, No. 3BB Systeme DuBrul. Miller, DuBrul & Peters Manufacturing Co., Cincinnati OH. ca 1920. [paper]
_______. [Same, except in mint condition, with original letters of transmission, and additional inserts]
_______. Selection of catalogs fastened together, presumably by salesman for potential customer: CIGAR MAKERS' TOOLS (8pp), CIGAR PRESSES (6pp+price sheet), CIGAR PACKER (4pp), TOBACCO CUTTERS (4pp), HAND BUNCHING MACHINES (4pp), CIGAR BUNCHING MACHINE #3BB (4pp), DIELESS SUCTION BOARD ( 2pp), CHAMPION CIGAR BRANDER (4pp), CIGAR FACTORY SUPPLIES (6pp), DURES CIGAR MOLDS (16pp). Cincinnati: Miller, Dubrul & Peters, 1915±. Binder cover missing, but catalogs in fine condition. Outstanding illustrations and details as to how various tools and machines are used.
National Selling Co. TOOLS, SUPPLIES AND NOVELTIES FOR THE CIGAR AND TOBACCO TRADE. Catalog No. 4. Allentown, PA: National Selling Co. [n.d.]. A few xerox pp only.
Roto Color Printing Co. CEDAR PAPERS. No date, but a Chelsea 4308 phone number. 3.5"x6" paper covered catalog gives samples and prices for 11 different imitation wood papers for use on cigar boxes. Located 30 Greenwich Ave, New York. Unopened. Light cover soil.
Sheboygan Cigar Mould Co., Sheboygan, Wisconsin. No date. Paper covered 55 page catalog 10 1/2” x 6 5/8” in near mint condition. Mostly mould shapes, some tools. Almost no text, prices, ordering information or explanations.
_______. SUPPLEMENT. No date. Paper covered 10 page catalog 10 1/2” x 6 5/8” in near mint condition. Mould shapes. No text, prices, ordering info or explanations.
The Sternberg Mfg. Co. WHEN YOU NEED MOLDS OR ANY KIND OF SUPPLIES QUICK, WRITE TO STERNBERG. 6"x9" 24pp paper covered illus catalog of mold shapes. Company located at Burleigh and Weil Streets, Milwaukee, Wisc.
Stevens, John M. CATALOGUE OF IMPROVED CIGAR BOX AND OTHER MACHINERY. John M. Stevens, Allentown, PA. 6”x9” illus, paper covered, 24pp. Very fine condition. Slight cover scrape, back cover staining. Contents perfect. [n.d.] (ca. 1885).
Tobacco Machine Supply Co., Inc. CATALOG TMSCO. 11.25” 8.5” horizontal card cover, bound with plastic un-screwable grommets, customizable 28± page catalog focussing on Model M Bunch Making and Stripping machine and Model L Scrap Bunch Machine, Model 2 Hand Bunch Machine with detailed parts-breakdown illustrated. Extensive list of other products, parts, and supplies. Most detailed of the machinery catalogs. Company located at Park and Linden Avenues, Linden, NJ. Catalog undated (1920s?).
Winget Machine Company. UNIVERSAL BUNCHING MACHINE. 6"x9" 4pp paper covered illus catalog describing machine. York, PA: no date (1890-1910). Folded, like new.
Witsch & Schmitt. SPECIMEN BOOK OF FRONT BRANDS AND MORTISED BORDERS. New York: Witsch & Schmitt, [n.d.] (1880's-90's). Xerox half dozen pp of top brand and frontmark dies. Who has original?
Gair, Robert. A SENSIBLE CIGAR CASE: WHAT THEY ARE AND WHERE TO GET THEM.. New York, Robert Gair, [n.d.] (1910-20?). Xerox copy of 8 page fold out from legal size paper. Catalog of cases, prices, and suggestions for tobacconists by this NYC printer, lithographer and embosser.
Quincy Sow Case Works. QUINCY SHOW CASE WORKS CATALOG NO. 20. Quincy, IL: Quincy Show Case Works, 1910. 128 illus pp. 8.5”x11” spiral bound reproduction in new condition.
Tinkham Bros. A FEW SELECTIONS FROM THE 1910 LINE OF THE WILMARTH SHOW CASE CO. Tinkham Bros, Jamestown, N.Y. 6.25"w x 17.5"h two sided illus catalog of cigar cases. (Have Tinkham Box)
[The Waddell Company] MAKE IT SNAPPY. The Waddell Company, Greenfield, Ohio. Eight page 4.5” x 6.25” fold-out catalog for “Quick Service”, “Speed Way” and “Revolution” cigar cases. Includes loose illustrated inserts. Illustration every page, prices, description. Very fine condition, folds may be thin on clay-coat paper. Corners sharp, unmarked. c1920.
CATALOG. Vogt, Carl, and Son. Importers and Packers of Leaf Tobacco and Growers of Sumatra Seed Wrappers. New York & Brooklyn, 1888. Loose paper, folded. 12pp, January 1888.
CATALOG. Vogt, Carl, and Son. Importers and Packers of Leaf Tobacco and Growers of Sumatra Seed Wrappers. New York & Brooklyn, 1888. Loose paper, folded. 4pp, November 1888.
HUSSEY’S LITTLE TRAVELLER. New York: A.Hussey Leaf Tobacco Company, November 1910. 4”x6” paper covered 40pp catalog of leaf tobacco offered by mail.
HELPS FOR CIGAR MANUFACTURERS. L.P. Sutter & Bros., Inc. New York - Chicago - St. Louis - Amsterdam - Havana. 18pp 6"x8", March 1913. [paper]
HELPS FOR CIGAR MANUFACTURERS. L.P. Sutter & Bros., Inc. New York - Chicago - St. Louis - Amsterdam - Havana. 18pp 6"x8", September-October 1914. Paper covered, a couple illustrations, stapled with original mailing envelope.
NEW AND REDUCED PRICE LIST FOR 1894. Lichtenberg's Sons, New York. ?pp, ?"x?", 1894. [paper]
UNPARALLELED OFFERING OF 700 CASES 1891 GEPHARDT SEED. John Barnes & Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. 4 page 6” x 9” flyer notable for page devoted to tobacco needs of stogy makers.
WE CUT THE PRICE BUT NEVER THE QUALITY. Chicago Leaf Tobacco Co., 51 Lake St, Chicago. 34pp 5x8, 1897. Paper; Great illus!
WHOLESALE PRICE LIST. Covington, KY: Lovell & Buffington, 1894. 3"x6" paper fold out. Color xerox.
American Cigar Company. AMERICAN CIGAR COMPANY'S CATALOGUE OF PRESENTS. St. Louis, MO: American Cigar Co., expires Nov. 1902. 7"x4.5" paper covered 76pp illus catalog in very fine condition. Excellent offerings. Redeemed by mail only. Perhaps the first issued?
_______. 1907 CATALOGUE OF PRESENTS FOR TOBACCO TAGS AND COUPONS. Twenty page paper covered 8.5 x 11” illustrated. Soil. Rare.
CATALOGUE OF PRESENTS OFFERED FOR TOBACCO TAGS, TOBACCO COUPONS AND CIGARETTE COUPONS. Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co., New York, 1915. Paper covered 54 page illustrated 7” x 9 3/4” catalog.
[Ibid] [Same as above]. Second copy of above with additional banner pasted on the cover offering redemption of Coupons issued by Prince Cigar Stores.
[COVER AND EXACT TITLE MISSING] Floradora Tag Company [P. Lorillard/American Tobacco?]. St. Louis, MO. 80pp, 7"x10", 1903-4. [paper] Informative catalog with color center spread of bands & tags for which prizes are given.
PREMIUM CATALOGUE: JOHN RUSKIN CIGARS. CATALOG NO. 4. Newark, NJ: I. Lewis Cigar Manufacturing Co., [1927]. Paper covered 24 page illustrated 6” x 9” in good condition. Binding has minor repair. Back cover has tears, wrinkles.
PREMIUM CATALOGUE: JOHN RUSKIN CIGARS. Newark, NJ: I. Lewis Cigar Manufacturing Co., 1932. Paper covered 24 page illustrated 6” x 9” in very good condition.
PROFIT-SHARING LIST: SEASON 1908-1909. United Cigar Stores Company, New York. 1907. 4.5” x 8” 30 page, mint condition.
PROFIT-SHARING LIST: SEASON 1911-1912. United Cigar Stores Company, Inc., New York. 1911. 4.5” x 8” 38 page, mint condition. List of 135 cities with redemption centers around the U.S.
UNITED CIGAR STORES PREMIUM CATALOG United Cigar Stores Company of America, Inc. New York. Paper covered 44 page, 5" x 8", 1922. Ads from the companies producing some of the premiums.
_______. United Cigar Stores Company of America, Inc. New York. Paper covered 48 page 5" x 8", 1925. Fair condition. Ads from the companies producing some of the premiums.
_______. United Cigar Stores Company of America, Inc. New York. Paper covered 52 page 5" x 8", 1928. Ads from the companies producing some of the premiums.
Bruce, George. A PRICED LIST OF PRINTING TYPES AND MATERIALS SOLD AT BRUCE'S NEW-YORK TYPE-FOUNDRY. New York City: George Bruce, Type-founder, No. 13 Chambers St (April, 1856). 16 page oversize facsimile edition produced by Pioneer Press of Terra Alta, WV in 1992. Nice illus of machinery as well as type.
Brunhoff Mfg. Co. CIGAR CUTTERS, CIGAR LIGHTERS, ETC. Cincinnati, OH: Brunhoff Mfg. Co. (1920-25?]. 6” x 9” softcover 80 page reproduction. As new.
Canadian Tobacco Co. SMOKERS' WANTS 1921. Fall River, MA: Canadian Tobacco Co., 1921. 96pp catalog.
Cushman, H.T., Mfg. Co. CUSHMAN SMOKERS AND EARLY AMERICAN REPRODUCTIONS. North Bennington, Vermont: H.T. Cusman Mfg. Co., 1929. Paper covered 32 page, profusely illustrated 8.5” x 11” in excellent condition. Depicts 55 smoking stands with detailed descriptions.
Edward Miller & Co. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF BRONZED, DECORATED, AND REAL BRONZE LAMPS AND CIGAR LIGHTERS. Edward Miller & Co., Meriden, CT, 1881. 9”x12” paper covered 100pp, profusely illustrated, reprinted in 1976. Mint condition.
Jackson, Eric. PHILATELIC LITERATURE PERTAINING TO REVENUE, TELEGRAPH AND LOCAL POST STAMPS OF THE WORLD (Pricelist #4). Leesport, PA: Eric Jackson, 1995. Paper covered 5.5” x 8.5” 32 page, with a few markings, otherwise like new. Helpful list of books you’d never find on your own.
Jones, William McP. PRICED CATALOG OF THE REVENUE STAMPS OF CUBA. Miami: Pedro M. Rodriquez, 1990. #112/200.
Martin Cigar Co. A STORY-TOLD IN PICTURES. Unusual top-stapled 9.5” x 5.5” story-promotional brochure. for Davenport, Iowa, wholesale grocer. Looks like advertising agency compilation before or after a newspaper campaign. 16 pages. Tri folded. Very fine condition. Each page illustrated. Emphasis on food-stuffs. 1920s?
Ossko, Piroska. VERKAUFSKATALOG. 26pp illus catalog of smokers’ articles for sale. Budapest, 2001.
Pattberg Novelty Corp. SMOKERS’ ARTICLES catalog. New York: n.d. [mid 20’s]. 14p paper covered 6”x9” wholesale catalog of cigar humidors, tobacco boxes, cigarette boxes, and pipe racks. Like new.
The Sterling Remedy Company. DON'T TOBACCO SPIT AND SMOKE YOUR LIFE AWAY. Mineral Springs, IN: Sterling Remedy Company, 1894. 5.5"x3" 32pp paper covered advertisement , testimonials, evils. Very nice condition.
The H.A. Stoothoff Company. DON’T WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE EAT UP. Paper covered stapled 17 page 3 1/4” x 6” advertisement-catalog for tobacco-bug poison made from powdered tobacco. Testimonials. Very good with piece missing from back cover and page, no effect on text.
Otto Young & Company. CATALOG. Chicago: Otto Young & Co., 1900. Four xerox pages from this Chicago retailer showing various cigar jars, ashtrays, matchsafes, etc.
George Zorn & Co. PIPES & SMOKERS ARTICLES. 5th Edition CATALOG.
Philadelphia, c1892. Paper covered 9” x 12 1/8” 160 page stapled reprint with ‘perfect bound’ cover. Two page preface by S.Paul Jung Jr. who is responsible for the reprint in 1989. Near mint.
Ades, Marie-Claire, Curator. CATALOGUE: MUSEE GALERIE DE LA SEITA. Paris: Galerie de la Seita, 1992. 6” x 9” paper covered, 164 pages, illus in color. Items from the collection. In French. Fine cond. Signed card from author included.
Anonymous. MATCHSAFES IN THE COLLECTION OF THE COOPER-HEWITT MUSEUM. Washington & New York: The Smithsonian Institution, 1981. [pb]
Apfelbaum, Ben (guest curator, Museum of American Folk Art), TOBACCO ROADS: THE POPULAR ART OF AN AMERICAN PASTIME. Exhibition catalog of small exhibit at Museum of American Folk Art, New York City, June 5th to July 24th, 1987.
Byrne, Janet S. AMERICAN EPHEMERA. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, n.d. Xerox copy what appears to be a catalog of an exhibit. Casual text, with a tid bit here and there.
Herring, Ann (translator). TOBACCO & SALT MUSEUM. Tokyo: Japan Tobacco Foundation. Japanese version, 1985. English translation, 1988. 72pp , 7” x 10” paper covered, profusely illustrated visitor’s guidebook, with historical references to exhibits. New condition, in original paper wrap. Gift from museum director.
Mayor, A. Hyatt. DIRECTORY OF THE J. R. BURDICK COLLECTION [of] TRADE AND SOUVENIR CARDS AND OTHER PAPER AMERICANA IN THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. New York City: Metropolitan Museum of Art, [n.d. 1960s?] 6” x 9” paper covered, staple bound, 25 illustrated pages explaining the contents of various albums and boxes.
Osterreichische Tabakregie. AUSTRIA TABAK DIE SAMMLUNG DES OSTERREICHISCHEN TABAK-MUSEUMS. Vienna: The Austrian Tobacco Museum, 1991. Hardcover, 176pp, beautifully illustrated catalog of museum holdings extensive text. In German.
Quinter, David Richard. NICO: A SELECTION OF ORIGINAL PAINTED DESIGNS FOR CIGAR BOX LABELS (1895-1920) from the collection of the Art Gallery of Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Windsor: the Art Gallery, 1982. [32pp illustrated paper cover.
Rapaport, Benjamin. MUSEUM OF TOBACCO ART & HISTORY GUIDE BOOK. Nashville: Museum of Tobacco Art & History, 1996. Hardcover. Important memorial to a fine museum now gone.
Smith, Jane Webb. SMOKE SIGNALS: CIGARETTES, ADVERTISING AND THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE. Richmond, VA: The Valentine Museum, 1990. Oversize 10”x13.5” color and b/w paper covered illustrated museum “catalog” to accompany a funded exhibit. Corner bruise, otherwise in mint condition.
Frieberg, David. CIGAR BOX LABEL ART. Catalog #2. Lancaster, PA: Cerebro, Fall 1983. 26 pages, 5.5” x 8.5” b/w catalog of cigar labels. Mint.
_______. CIGAR BOX LABEL ART. Catalog III. Lancaster, PA: Cerebro, Winter 1984. 30 pages, 5.5” x 8.5” b/w catalog of cigar labels. Fine condition with a few items marked or underlined.
_______. CIGAR BOX LABEL ART. Catalog IV. Lancaster, PA: Cerebro, Summer-
Fall, 1984. 40 pages, 5.5” x 8.5” b/w catalog of cigar labels. A few items marked, otherwise mint.
_______. CIGAR BOX LABEL ART. Catalog V. Lancaster, PA: Cerebro, 1985. 40 pages, 5.5” x 8.5” b/w catalog of cigar labels. Minor corner fold down, tiny marks, otherwise fine.
_______. CIGAR BOX LABEL ART. Catalog VI. Lancaster, PA: Cerebro, 1987. 53 pages, 5.5” x 8.5” b/w catalog of cigar labels. Crease cover, o/w excellent.
_______. CIGAR BOX LABELS: SALESMAN’S SAMPLES. Catalog VII. Lancaster, PA: Cerebro, 1990. 34 pages, 5.5” x 8.5” b/w catalog of cigar labels. Lightweight crease lower right throughout, o/w excellent.
_______. CIGAR BOX LABEL ART. Catalog VIII. Lancaster, PA: Cerebro, 1991.
64 pages, 5.5” x 8.5” b/w catalog of cigar labels. Mint.
_______. CIGAR BOX LABEL ART. Catalog IX. Lancaster, PA: Cerebro, 1992.
56 pages, 5.5” x 8.5” b/w catalog of cigar labels. Tiny corner bump throughout.
_______. CIGAR BOX LABEL ART. Catalog X. Lancaster, PA: Cerebro, 1994. 56 pages, 5.5” x 8.5” b/w catalog of cigar labels. Mint.
_______. CIGAR BOX LABEL ART. Catalog XIII 20th Anniversary issue 1878-1998. Lancaster, PA: Cerebro, 1998. 50 pages, 5.5” x 8.5” b/w catalog of cigar labels. Mint.
_______. CIGARETTE CARDS. Fixed Price List #1. Lancaster: Cerebro, n.d. Legal paper, 8 pages, single staple, folded at 8.5” otherwise near mint.
Gilbert, Steven L. CIGAR BOX LABELS 1992 CATALOG. Wrightsville, PA: Gilbert, 1992. Paper, single staple, 8.5” x 11”, 24 pages. Mint.
_______. CIGAR BOX LABEL ART CATALOG 1995. Wrightsville, PA: Gilbert, 1995. Paper, single staple, 8.5” x 11”, 30 pages. Color cover off but present.
_______. CIGAR BOX LABEL ART CATALOG 1995. Wrightsville, PA: Gilbert, 1995. Paper, single staple, 8.5” x 11”, 20 pages. B/W cover. Excellent.
______. CIGAR BOX LABEL ART CATALOG IX. Wrightsville, PA: Gilbert, n.d.. Paper, single staple, 8.5” x 11”, 18 pages. B/W cover. Excellent.
______. CIGAR BOX LABEL ART CATALOG #11. Wrightsville, PA: Gilbert, n.d. Paper, single staple, 8.5” x 11”, 20 pages. B/W cover. Excellent.
______. CIGAR BOX LABEL ART CATALOG #12. Wrightsville, PA: Gilbert, n.d. Paper, single staple, 8.5” x 11”, 20 pages. B/W cover. Bumped, wrinkled corners.
Guernsey’s. AMERICAN CARVINGS: CAROUSEL FIGURES, CIGAR STORE INDIANS AND FINE FOLK ART CARVINGS AT AUCTION. 226 page profusely illustrated catalog. New York. Auction date December 16, 1989. Pages relevant to Indians removed but present. Otherwise fine condition.
Jones, S.C. CIGAR BOX LABELS. Syracuse, NY: Jones, n.d. (1970s?). 28 pages, paper covered, stapled catalog of labels for sale. 8.5” x 5.5” Mint condition.
Moore, Barbara. CIGAR BOX LABELS. Ventura, CA: Cigarama, n.d. (1980s). Paper covered, stapled, 5.5” x 8” 38 pages with 6 page wholesale price list. Minto.
Parke-Bernet Galleries. CIGAR STORE INDIANS AND OTHER AMERICAN TRADE SIGNS, PART II [final] OF THE HAFFENREFFER COLLECTION (Sale number 1695). New York: Parke-Bernet Galleries, 1956. 25pp. illus. [code]
_______. PIPES. (a public auction pamphlet). New York: Sotheby Parke Bernet, 1978. 65pp.
PBA Galleries. EPHEMERA AND VINTAGE PAPER SALE 353 (April 12, 2007). Auction of cigar labels and misc. paper ephemera. San Francisco. Soft cover, illustrated 6.5” x 9.25” 80 pages. Mint condition.
Phillips West Two: THE HOUSE OF PIPES, PARTS III & IV, Wednesday 5 December 1990. 9.5” x 7.25” paper covered; b/w illus. Prices realized. Includes pipes, jars, some miscellany. As new.
Siegel, Robert A., Auction Galleries. THE HENRY TOLMAN II COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES REVENUE STAMPS PART FOUR -- DOCUMENTARY AND PROPRIETARY ISSUES, TAX PAID STAMPS AND SPECIALIZED COLLEC-TIONS. Sale 934. New York: Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries, 2007. Like new, with a few prices realized written in margins. A book to drool over for collectors of US Revenue stamps. Utterly jaw-dropping. Has prices realized sheets.
Sotheby & Co. FINE AMERICAN FURNITURE, FOLK ART, FOLK PAINTINGS AND SILVER. Catalog 6075. Items from various sources. New York City, Sotheby & Co., for auction October 20, 1990.
_______. FINE AMERICANA. Catalog 6201. Items from various sources. New York City, Sotheby & Co., for auction June 26 & 27, 1991.
_______. FINE AMERICANA. Catalog 6227. Items from various sources. New York City, Sotheby & Co., for auction October 26, 1991.
_______. GOLD SNUFF BOXES, MINIATURES AND OBJECTS OF VERTU (The Rene Fribourg Collection IV). New York City, Sotheby & Co., 1963. 72 pp hardcover 8”x10.5” auction catalog illus in color and b/w. Tears and small piece missing from dj. All else in fine condition.
_______. IMPORTANT AMERICAN FURNITURE, FOLK ART, FOLK PAINTINGS AND SILVER. Catalog 5755. Items from various sources. New York City, Sotheby & Co., for auction October 22, 1988.
Sotheby Parke Bernet Inc. RUSSIAN WORKS OF ART. New York: Sotheby Parke Bernet, 1977.
T.C.C.A. AUCTION CATALOG. Boston: TCCA, 1989. 10 pages incl stiff cover. 8.5” x 11” Mint condition, with prices written opposite almost all entries.
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