The photographic record proves children were involved in every facet of the cigar industry until World War One. They helped plant and harvest. They worked in warehouses. They stripped leaves. They rolled cigars. They made cigar boxes. They delivered cigars. They sold cigars on the streets. They sniped butts. They worked as sales clerks. And let’s not forget... they smoked them. Lots of them.

    19th century European traveler-journalists inevitably complained of American children’s voracious smoking habits. Ironically  is the large number of turn-of-the-century (1900) European postcards featuring boys and girls age

4 to 8,  with cigars or cigarettes.  Cartoons and jokes involving child smokers abounded during the 1800’s and early 1900’s, but both the frequency and approving tone of jokes and images changed by the 1960’s.

    An Exhibit devoted to children’s roles in the cigar industry

is scheduled for 2013. Meanwhile, you might like to see a

selection of images depicting children smoking cigars.


Children Smoking Cigars

A National Cigar History Museum Exclusive 

All text and images © Tony Hyman, All rights reserved

Exhibit completely re-arranged, many new photos.. August 8, 2014

If an  Alexis de Tocqueville scholar is among my readers, is it true that he was among those commenting on child