Everyone is familiar with the traditional brass spittoon. If you haven’t seen one in person you’ve seen it in some cowboy movie where they’re a saloon staple. If you’re a dedicated antique store shopper you may have even come across a rather plain yellow-ware spittoon and wondered if they were real. Fifty-eight years of haunting antique shops did not prepare me for the Michael Strawser spittoon auction.



A Cigar History Museum Exclusive 

© Tony Hyman

Thanks to Michael G. Strawser and Strawser Auctions, Inc.,

for providing photographs and information for this exhibit.

Photos Uploaded  without text: May 13, 2010

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Strawser Auctions  (no link back here)

Michael G. Strawser


    I knew Michael ran the nation’s leading majolica auction house but that little prepared me a catalog replete with   decorated pottery spittoons that appear more suited to a bordello or grandma’s parlor than a Western watering hole.

I was blown away and quickly asked Michael if he would permit me to post these incredible pictures on the Museum website. The company promptly responded...more prompt than I have been in posting them. Yesterday I found these lovely pictures where I put them for safe keeping and immediately prepared them for posting. 

    Sit back and enjoy this collection. Don’t fall in love with them, as these are both rare and sold.