It would be possible to build an enormous Museum exhibit about ashtrays. A nation, nay, a world, of smokers has produced them by the tens of millions in almost endless variety. Collecting them is easy, inexpensive and fascinating. By shopping yard sales and thrift shops, a large and diverse collection can be build at prices from 25¢ to $10.

    With a few exceptions, the ashtrays seen here were purchased as an experiment in less than a year, with minimal effort or cost. Like cigar boxes, ashtrays can be sorted into “mini-collections” by topic, material, source, design, or advertising...whatever turns you on:  military themes, nudes, hats, hands, animals, mouths, casinos, tires, pre 1900, advertising figures, comic, buildings, souvenirs, railroads, sports, nodders, novelties, tobacco products, restaurants, casinos, hotels & motels, beverages, pot metal, Italian glass, crystal...whatever you want. This exhibit barely touches on the available variety.

    For pictures of a great many more see Nancy Wanvig’s Collector’s Guide to Ashtrays, now out of print, available second-hand.


© Tony Hyman, All rights reserved

Uploaded October, 2008

Last addition May 3, 2010

Modified December 18, 2010

Modified May 20, 2012

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