Hyman’s National Cigar Museum
has been in the works since 1952, a one-man labor of love and curiosity by private collector-researcher Tony Hyman.
“I collected cigar boxes and information through four years of High School hormones and car-envy, eight years of 1960’s radical college activity, a few years teaching all sorts of things to HS kids, then ten building libraries and TV stations, then founding and running a publishing company for a few decades, writing more than 25 books and catalogs, seven years of national lecture tours, eight years hosting five hours of live weekly talk radio and three years of on-camera weekly features for CBS-TV Network News. I collected boxes while raising two fine sons and ten years growing or raising everything we fed those boys... on an organic farm in the snow belt.
That was a lot of distraction to collecting.
Life-partner par-excellence Marilee understands the passion of original research and encouraged collecting. As a history major, marketing entrepreneur and lover of a good story she also appreciated the necessity to share this fascinating slice of American history...one far more important than had ever previously been acknowledged.
I originally planned to tell the saga in a set of four books. What else? I was a book publisher. But the web is faster, flexible, more convenient, easier to change, and can be assembled in small pieces while being read by the entire world. Beats a $60 art book that takes years to produce and sells 3,000 copies, a few of which get read.
Why have I bothered to spend 50 years collecting and studying more than 30,000 items?
Because I like surprises. Making and selling cigars was such a huge activity there is always something new to be discovered or learned. It has never been boring.
I hope the exhibits I’ve prepared share some of that excitement with you.
Tony Hyman
Unless otherwise specifically noted all items displayed and the information provided are the property, words and copyright of Tony Hyman.